Worthy.Bible » YLT » Psalms » Chapter 5 » Verse 2

Psalms 5:2 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

2 Be attentive to the voice of my cry, My king and my God, For unto Thee I pray habitually.

Cross Reference

Psalms 3:4 YLT

My voice `is' unto Jehovah: I call: And He answereth me from his holy hill, Selah.

Psalms 65:2 YLT

Hearer of prayer, to Thee all flesh cometh.

Psalms 84:3 YLT

(Even a sparrow hath found a house, And a swallow a nest for herself, Where she hath placed her brood,) Thine altars, O Jehovah of Hosts, My king and my God.

Psalms 10:16 YLT

Jehovah `is' king to the age, and for ever, The nations have perished out of His land!

Psalms 24:7-8 YLT

Lift up, O gates, your heads, And be lifted up, O doors age-during, And come in doth the king of glory! Who `is' this -- `the king of glory?' Jehovah -- strong and mighty, Jehovah, the mighty in battle.

Psalms 44:4 YLT

Thou `art' He, my king, O God, Command the deliverances of Jacob.

Psalms 47:6-7 YLT

Praise God -- praise -- give praise to our king, praise. For king of all the earth `is' God, Give praise, O understanding one.

Psalms 74:12 YLT

And God `is' my king of old, Working salvation in the midst of the earth.

Psalms 99:1-4 YLT

Jehovah hath reigned, peoples tremble, The Inhabitant of the cherubs, the earth shaketh. Jehovah in Zion `is' great, And high He `is' over all the peoples. They praise Thy name, `Great, and fearful, holy `it' is.' And the strength of the king Hath loved judgment, Thou -- Thou hast established uprightness; Judgment and righteousness in Jacob, Thou -- Thou hast done.

Psalms 145:1 YLT

Praise by David. I exalt Thee, my God, O king, And bless Thy name to the age and for ever.

Isaiah 33:22 YLT

For Jehovah our judge, Jehovah our lawgiver, Jehovah our king -- He doth save us.

Commentary on Psalms 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 5:1-12. Upon Nehiloth—flutes or wind instruments. The writer begs to be heard, on the ground of God's regard for His covenant-people and true worshippers as contrasted with His holy hatred to the wicked. He prays for divine guidance, on account of his watchful, malignant, and deceitful enemies; and for their destruction as being also God's enemies. At the same time he expresses his confidence that God will extend aid to His people.

1. meditation—moanings of that half-uttered form to which deep feeling gives rise—groanings, as in Ro 8:26, 27.

2. Hearken—incline the ear (Ps 10:17; compare Ps 61:2)—give close attention.

my cry—that is, for help (Ps 61:2; Jer 8:19).

my King—thus by covenant relation interested in my cause.

3. direct—literally, "set in order," as the showbread was placed or set in order (Ex 40:23).

4. For, &c.—God only regards sincere worshippers.

evil—or, "the evil man."

dwell—lodge, remain under protection.

5. foolish—vainglorious and insolent.

iniquity—especially such as denotes a negation, or defect, that is, of moral principle.

6. leasing—a lie.

the bloody … man—literally, "man of blood"—murderer.

7. But—as in Ps 2:6, literally, "and."

house—(1Ch 9:23), the tabernacle.

temple—literally, "palace," applied to God's residence, the Holy of Holies (1Sa 3:3; 2Sa 22:7); the inner part of the tabernacle.

toward—not in; the high priest alone was allowed to enter.

8. enemies—literally, "watchers" (Ps 27:11), hence special need of guidance.

in thy righteousness—an attribute implying faithfulness in promises as well as threatenings.

make thy way straight—that is, make the way of providence plain.

9. The wicked are not reliable because by nature they are full of wickedness, or literally, "wickednesses," of every kind (Ro 8:7).

sepulchre—a dwelling-place of corruption, emitting moral putridness.

flatter—or, "make smooth."

their tongue—speaks deceitfully.

10. Destroy—or, "condemn" them to destruction as guilty.

11. defendest—(compare Margin).

love thy name—Thy manifested perfections (Ps 9:10).

12. with favour—or, "acceptance," alluding to the favor shown to an acceptable offering and worshipper (Le 7:18; 19:7).

shield—(compare Ps 3:3).