3 Horsemen driving forward, and the shining sword and the bright spear: and a great number of wounded, and masses of dead bodies; they are falling over the bodies of the dead:
See, a pine-tree with beautiful branches and thick growth, giving shade and very tall; and its top was among the clouds. It got strength from the waters and the deep made it tall: its streams went round about its planted land and it sent out its waterways to all the trees of the field. In this way it became taller than all the trees of the field; and its branches were increased and its arms became long because of the great waters. In its branches all the birds of heaven came to rest, and under its arms all the beasts of the field gave birth to their young, and great nations were living in its shade. So it was beautiful, being so tall and its branches so long, for its root was by great waters. No cedars were equal to it in the garden of God; the fir-trees were not like its branches, and plane-trees were as nothing in comparison with its arms; no tree in the garden of God was so beautiful. I made it beautiful with its mass of branches: so that all the trees in the garden of God were full of envy of it. For this cause the Lord has said: Because he is tall, and has put his top among the clouds, and his heart is full of pride because he is so high, I have given him up into the hands of a strong one of the nations; he will certainly give him the reward of his sin, driving him out. And men from strange lands, who are to be feared among the nations, after cutting him off, have let him be: on the mountains and in all the valleys his branches have come down; his arms are broken by all the waterways of the land; all the peoples of the earth have gone from his shade, and have let him be. All the birds of heaven have come to rest on his broken stem where it is stretched on the earth, and all the beasts of the field will be on his branches:
Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Matthew Henry Commentary » Commentary on Nahum 3
Commentary on Nahum 3 Matthew Henry Commentary
Chapter 3
This chapter goes on with the burden of Nineveh, and concludes it.
Nah 3:1-7
Here is,
Nah 3:8-19
Nineveh has been told that God is against her, and then none can be for her, to stand her in any stead; yet she sets God himself at defiance, and his power and justice, and says, I shall have peace. Threatened folks live long; therefore here the prophet largely shows how vain her confidences would prove and insufficient to ward off the judgment of God. To convince them of this,