3 For whenever the Israelites put in seed the Mid'ianites and the Amal'ekites and the people of the East would come up and attack them;
4 they would encamp against them and destroy the produce of the land, as far as the neighborhood of Gaza, and leave no sustenance in Israel, and no sheep or ox or ass.
5 For they would come up with their cattle and their tents, coming like locusts for number; both they and their camels could not be counted; so that they wasted the land as they came in.
6 And Israel was brought very low because of Mid'ian; and the people of Israel cried for help to the LORD.
Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Matthew Henry Commentary » Commentary on Judges 6
Commentary on Judges 6 Matthew Henry Commentary
Chapter 6
Nothing that occurred in the quiet and peaceable times of Israel is recorded; the forty years' rest after the conquest of Jabin is passed over in silence; and here begins the story of another distress and another deliverance, by Gideon, the fourth of the judges. Here is,
Jdg 6:1-6
We have here,
Jdg 6:7-10
Observe here,
Jdg 6:11-24
It is not said what effect the prophet's sermon had upon the people, but we may hope it had a good effect, and that some of them at least repented and reformed upon it; for here, immediately after, we have the dawning of the day of their deliverance, by the effectual calling of Gideon to take upon him the command of their forces against the Midianites.
Jdg 6:25-32
Jdg 6:33-40
Here we have,