6 If any G1536 be G2076 blameless, G410 the husband G435 of one G3391 wife, G1135 having G2192 faithful G4103 children G5043 not G3361 accused G1722 G2724 of riot G810 or G2228 unruly. G506
A bishop G1985 then G3767 must G1163 be G1511 blameless, G423 the husband G435 of one G3391 wife, G1135 vigilant, G3524 sober, G4998 of good behaviour, G2887 given to hospitality, G5382 apt to teach; G1317 Not G3361 given to wine, G3943 no G3361 striker, G4131 not G3361 greedy of filthy lucre; G146 but G235 patient, G1933 not a brawler, G269 not covetous; G866 One that ruleth G4291 well G2573 his own G2398 house, G3624 having G2192 his children G5043 in G1722 subjection G5292 with G3326 all G3956 gravity; G4587 (For G1161 if a man G1536 know G1492 not G3756 how G1492 to rule G4291 his own G2398 house, G3624 how G4459 shall he take care of G1959 the church G1577 of God?) G2316 Not G3361 a novice, G3504 lest G3363 being lifted up with pride G5187 he fall G1706 into G1519 the condemnation G2917 of the devil. G1228 Moreover G1161 G2532 he G846 must G1163 have G2192 a good G2570 report G3141 of G575 them which are without; G1855 lest G3363 he fall G1706 into G1519 reproach G3680 and G2532 the snare G3803 of the devil. G1228
If any G1536 be G2076 blameless, G410 the husband G435 of one G3391 wife, G1135 having G2192 faithful G4103 children G5043 not G3361 accused G1722 G2724 of riot G810 or G2228 unruly. G506 For G1063 a bishop G1985 must G1163 be G1511 blameless, G410 as G5613 the steward G3623 of God; G2316 not G3361 selfwilled, G829 not G3361 soon angry, G3711 not G3361 given to wine, G3943 no G3361 striker, G4131 not G3361 given to filthy lucre; G146 But G235 a lover of hospitality, G5382 a lover of good men, G5358 sober, G4998 just, G1342 holy, G3741 temperate; G1468
In that day H3117 I will perform H6965 against Eli H5941 all things which I have spoken H1696 concerning H413 his house: H1004 when I begin, H2490 I will also make an end. H3615 For I have told H5046 him that I will judge H8199 his house H1004 for H5704 ever H5769 for the iniquity H5771 which he knoweth; H3045 because his sons H1121 made themselves vile, H7043 and he restrained H3543 them not.
Wherefore kick H1163 ye at my sacrifice H2077 and at mine offering, H4503 which I have commanded H6680 in my habitation; H4583 and honourest H3513 thy sons H1121 above me, to make yourselves fat H1254 with the chiefest H7225 of all the offerings H4503 of Israel H3478 my people? H5971 Wherefore the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 saith, H5002 I said H559 indeed H559 that thy house, H1004 and the house H1004 of thy father, H1 should walk H1980 before H6440 me for H5704 ever: H5769 but now the LORD H3068 saith, H5002 Be it far from me; H2486 for them that honour H3513 me I will honour, H3513 and they that despise H959 me shall be lightly esteemed. H7043
Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible » Commentary on Titus 1
Commentary on Titus 1 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Tit 1:1-16. Address: For What End Titus Was Left in Crete. Qualifications for Elders: Gainsayers in Crete Needing Reproof.
1. servant of God—not found elsewhere in the same connection. In Ro 1:1 it is "servant of Jesus Christ" (Ga 1:10; Php 1:1; compare Ac 16:17; Re 1:1; 15:3). In Ro 1:1, there follows, "called to be an apostle," which corresponds to the general designation of the office first, "servant of God," here, followed by the special description, "apostle of Jesus Christ." The full expression of his apostolic office answers, in both Epistles, to the design, and is a comprehensive index to the contents. The peculiar form here would never have proceeded from a forger.
according to the faith—rather, "for," "with a view to subserve the faith"; this is the object of my apostleship (compare Tit 1:4, 9; Ro 1:5).
the elect—for whose sake we ought to endure all things (2Ti 2:10). This election has its ground, not in anything belonging to those thus distinguished, but in the purpose and will of God from everlasting (2Ti 1:9; Ro 8:30-33; compare Lu 18:7; Eph 1:4; Col 3:12). Ac 13:48 shows that all faith on the part of the elect, rests on the divine foreordination: they do not become elect by their faith, but receive faith, and so become believers, because they are elect.
and the acknowledging of the truth—"and (for promoting) the full knowledge of the truth," that is, the Christian truth (Eph 1:13).
after godliness—that is, which belongs to piety: opposed to the knowledge which has not for its object the truth, but error, doctrinal and practical (Tit 1:11, 16; 1Ti 6:3); or even which has for its object mere earthly truth, not growth in the divine life. "Godliness," or "piety," is a term peculiar to the Pastoral Epistles: a fact explained by the apostle having in them to combat doctrine tending to "ungodliness" (2Ti 2:16; compare Tit 2:11, 12).
2. In hope of eternal life—connected with the whole preceding sentence. That whereon rests my aim as an apostle to promote the elect's faith and full knowledge of the truth, is, "the hope of eternal life" (Tit 2:13; 3:7; Ac 23:6; 24:15; 28:20).
that cannot lie—(Ro 3:4; 11:29; Heb 6:18).
promised before the world began—a contracted expression for "purposed before the world began (literally, 'before the ages of time'), and promised actually in time," the promise springing from the eternal purpose; as in 2Ti 1:9, the gift of grace was the result of the eternal purpose "before the world began."
3. in due times—Greek, "in its own seasons," the seasons appropriate to it, and fixed by God for it (Ac 1:7).
manifested—implying that the "promise," Tit 1:2, had lain hidden in His eternal purpose heretofore (compare Col 1:26; 2Ti 1:9, 10).
his word—equivalent to "eternal life" (Tit 1:2; Joh 5:24; 6:63; 17:3, 17).
through preaching—Greek, "in preaching," of rather as Alford (see on 2Ti 4:17), "in the (Gospel) proclamation (the thing preached, the Gospel) with which I was entrusted."
according to—in pursuance of (compare 1Ti 1:1).
of God our Saviour—rather as Greek, "of our Saviour God." God is predicated of our Saviour (compare Jude 25; Lu 1:47). Also Ps 24:5; Isa 12:2; 45:15, 21, Septuagint. Applied to Jesus, Tit 1:4; Tit 2:13; 3:6; 2Ti 1:10.
4. Titus, mine own son—Greek, "my genuine child" (1Ti 1:2), that is, converted by my instrumentality (1Co 4:17; Phm 10).
after the common faith—a genuine son in respect to (in virtue of) the faith common to all the people of God, comprising in a common brotherhood Gentiles as well as Jews, therefore embracing Titus a Gentile (2Pe 1:1; Jude 3).
Grace, mercy, and peace—"mercy" is omitted in some of the oldest manuscripts. But one of the best and oldest manuscripts supports it (compare Notes, see on 1Ti 1:2; 2Ti 1:2). There are many similarities of phrase in the Pastoral Epistles.
the Lord Jesus Christ—The oldest manuscripts read only "Christ Jesus."
our Saviour—found thus added to "Christ" only in Paul's Pastoral Epistles, and in 2Pe 1:1, 11; 2:20; 3:18.
5. I left thee—"I left thee behind" [Alford] when I left the island: not implying permanence of commission (compare 1Ti 1:3).
in Crete—now Candia.
set in order—rather as Greek, "that thou mightest follow up (the work begun by me), setting right the things that are wanting," which I was unable to complete by reason of the shortness of my stay in Crete. Christianity, doubtless, had long existed in Crete: there were some Cretans among those who heard Peter's preaching on Pentecost (Ac 2:11). The number of Jews in Crete was large (Tit 1:10), and it is likely that those scattered in the persecution of Stephen (Ac 11:19) preached to them, as they did to the Jews of Cyprus, &c. Paul also was there on his voyage to Rome (Ac 27:7-12). By all these instrumentalities the Gospel was sure to reach Crete. But until Paul's later visit, after his first imprisonment at Rome, the Cretan Christians were without Church organization. This Paul began, and had commissioned (before leaving Crete) Titus to go on with, and now reminds him of that commission.
ordain—rather, "appoint," "constitute."
in every city—"from city to city."
as I … appointed thee—that is, as I directed thee; prescribing as well the act of constituting elders, as also the manner of doing so, which latter includes the qualifications required in a presbyter presently stated. Those called "elders" here are called "bishops" in Tit 1:7. Elder is the term of dignity in relation to the college of presbyters; bishop points to the duties of his office in relation to the flock. From the unsound state of the Cretan Christians described here, we see the danger of the want of Church government. The appointment of presbyters was designed to check idle talk and speculation, by setting forth the "faithful word."
6. (Compare Notes, see on 1Ti 3:2-4.) The thing dwelt on here as the requisite in a bishop, is a good reputation among those over whom he is to be set. The immorality of the Cretan professors rendered this a necessary requisite in one who was to be a reprover: and their unsoundness in doctrine also made needful great steadfastness in the faith (Tit 1:9, 13).
having faithful children—that is, believing children. He who could not bring his children to faith, how shall he bring others? [Bengel]. Alford explains, "established in the faith."
not accused—not merely not riotous, but "not (even) accused of riot" ("profligacy" [Alford]; "dissolute life" [Wahl]).
unruly—insubordinate; opposed to "in subjection" (1Ti 3:4).
7. For … must—The emphasis is on "must." The reason why I said "blameless," is the very idea of a "bishop" (an overseer of the flock; he here substitutes for "presbyter" the term which expresses his duties) involves the necessity for such blamelessness, if he is to have influence over the flock.
steward of God—The greater the master is, the greater the virtues required in His servant [Bengel], (1Ti 3:15); the Church is God's house, over which the minister is set as a steward (Heb 3:2-6; 1Pe 4:10, 17). Note: ministers are not merely Church officers, but God's stewards; Church government is of divine appointment.
not self-willed—literally, "self-pleasing"; unaccommodating to others; harsh, the opposite of "a lover of hospitality" (Tit 1:6); so Nabal (1Sa 25:1-44); self-loving and imperious; such a spirit would incapacitate him for leading a willing flock, instead of driving.
not given to wine—(See on 1Ti 3:3; 1Ti 3:8).
not given to filthy lucre—not making the Gospel a means of gain (1Ti 3:3, 8). In opposition to those "teaching for filthy lucre's sake" (Tit 1:11; 1Ti 6:5; 1Pe 5:2).
8. lover of hospitality—needed especially in those days (Ro 12:13; 1Ti 3:2; Heb 13:2; 1Pe 4:9; 3Jo 5). Christians travelling from one place to another were received and forwarded on their journey by their brethren.
lover of good men—Greek, "a lover of (all that is) good," men or things (Php 4:8, 9).
sober—towards one's self; "discreet"; "self-restrained" [Alford], (see on 1Ti 2:9).
just—towards "men."
holy—towards God (see on 1Th 2:10).
temperate—"One having his passions, tongue, hand and eyes, at command" [Chrysostom]; "continent."
9. Holding fast—Holding firmly to (compare Mt 6:24; Lu 16:13).
the faithful—true and trustworthy (1Ti 1:15).
word as he has been taught—literally, "the word (which is) according to the teaching" which he has received (compare 1Ti 4:6, end; 2Ti 3:14).
by—Translate as Greek, "to exhort in doctrine (instruction) which is sound"; sound doctrine or instruction is the element IN which his exhorting is to have place … On "sound" (peculiar to the Pastoral Epistles), see 1Ti 1:10; 6:3.
convince—rather, "reprove" [Alford], (Tit 1:13).
10. unruly—"insubordinate."
and—omitted in the oldest manuscripts. "There are many unruly persons, vain talkers, and deceivers"; "unruly" being predicated of both vain talkers and deceivers.
vain talkers—opposed to "holding fast the faithful word" (Tit 1:9). "Vain jangling" (1Ti 1:6); "foolish questions, unprofitable and vain" (Tit 3:9). The source of the evil was corrupted Judaism (Tit 1:14). Many Jews were then living in Crete, according to Josephus; so the Jewish leaven remained in some of them after conversion.
deceivers—literally, "deceivers of the minds of others" (Greek, Ga 6:3).
11. mouths … stopped—literally, "muzzled," "bridled" as an unruly beast (compare Ps 32:9).
who—Greek, "(seeing that they are) such men as"; or "inasmuch as they" [Ellicott].
subvert … houses—"overthrowing" their "faith" (2Ti 2:18). "They are the devil's levers by which he subverts the houses of God" [Theophylact].
for filthy lucre—(1Ti 3:3, 8; 6:5).
12. One—Epimenides of Phæstus, or Gnossus, in Crete, about 600. He was sent for to purify Athens from its pollution occasioned by Cylon. He was regarded as a diviner and prophet. The words here are taken probably from his treatise "concerning oracles." Paul also quotes from two other heathen writers, Aratus (Ac 17:28) and Menander (1Co 15:33), but he does not honor them so far as even to mention their names.
of themselves … their own—which enhances his authority as a witness. "To Cretanize" was proverbial for to lie: as "to Corinthianize" was for to be dissolute.
alway liars—not merely at times, as every natural man is. Contrast Tit 1:2, "God that cannot lie." They love "fables" (Tit 1:14); even the heathen poets laughed at their lying assertion that they had in their country the sepulchre of Jupiter.
evil beasts—rude, savage, cunning, greedy. Crete was a country without wild beasts. Epimenides' sarcasm was that its human inhabitants supplied the place of wild beasts.
slow bellies—indolent through pampering their bellies. They themselves are called "bellies," for that is the member for which they live (Ro 16:18; Php 3:19).
13. This witness—"This testimony (though coming from a Cretan) is true."
sharply—Gentleness would not reclaim so perverse offenders.
that they—that those seduced by the false teachers may be brought back to soundness in the faith. Their malady is strifes about words and questions (Tit 3:9; 1Ti 6:4).
14. Jewish fables—(See on 1Ti 1:4; 1Ti 4:7; 2Ti 4:4). These formed the transition stage to subsequent Gnosticism; as yet the error was but profitless, and not tending to godliness, rather than openly opposed to the faith.
commandments of men—as to ascetic abstinence (Tit 1:15; Mr 7:7-9; Col 2:16, 20-23; 1Ti 4:3).
that turn from the truth—whose characteristic is that they turn away from the truth (2Ti 4:4).
15. all things—external, "are pure" in themselves; the distinction of pure and impure is not in the things, but in the disposition of him who uses them; in opposition to "the commandments of men" (Tit 1:14), which forbade certain things as if impure intrinsically. "To the pure" inwardly, that is, those purified in heart by faith (Ac 15:9; Ro 14:20; 1Ti 4:3), all outward things are pure; all are open to, their use. Sin alone touches and defiles the soul (Mt 23:26; Lu 11:41).
nothing pure—either within or without (Ro 14:23).
mind—their mental sense and intelligence.
conscience—their moral consciousness of the conformity or discrepancy between their motives and acts on the one hand, and God's law on the other. A conscience and a mind defiled are represented as the source of the errors opposed in the Pastoral Epistles (1Ti 1:19; 3:9; 6:5).
16. They profess—that is, make a profession acknowledging God. He does not deny their theoretical knowledge of God, but that they practically know Him.
deny him—the opposite of the previous "profess" or "confess" Him (1Ti 5:8; 2Ti 2:12; 3:5).
abominable—themselves, though laying so much stress on the contracting of abomination from outward things (compare Le 11:10-13; Ro 2:22).
disobedient—to God (Tit 3:3; Eph 2:2; 5:6).
reprobate—rejected as worthless when tested (see on Ro 1:28; 1Co 9:27; 2Ti 3:8).