Strong's Concordance H935

Original Word: בּוֹא
Transliteration: bôwʼ
Phonetic Spelling: bo
a primitive root; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications); abide, apply, attain, × be, befall, besiege, bring (forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, × certainly, (cause, let, thing for) to come (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, × doubtless again, eat, employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), be fallen, fetch, follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, have, × indeed, (in-) vade, lead, lift (up), mention, pull in, put, resort, run (down), send, set, × (well) stricken (in age), × surely, take (in), way.

Usages throughout the bible

2 Kings 19:5 - So the servants of king Hezekiah came H935 to Isaiah.

2 Kings 19:23 - By thy messengers thou hast reproached the Lord, and hast said, With the multitude of my chariots I am come up to the height of the mountains, to the sides of Lebanon, and will cut down the tall cedar trees thereof, and the choice fir trees thereof: and I will enter H935 into the lodgings of his borders, and into the forest of his Carmel.

2 Kings 19:25 - Hast thou not heard long ago how I have done it, and of ancient times that I have formed it? now have I brought H935 it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced cities into ruinous heaps.

2 Kings 19:27 - But I know thy abode, and thy going out, and thy coming in, H935 and thy rage against me.

2 Kings 19:28 - Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears, therefore I will put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest. H935

2 Kings 19:32 - Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria, He shall not come H935 into this city, nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor cast a bank against it.

2 Kings 19:33 - By the way that he came, H935 by the same shall he return, and shall not come H935 into this city, saith the LORD.

2 Kings 20:1 - In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came H935 to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.

2 Kings 20:14 - Then came H935 Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah, and said unto him, What said these men? and from whence came H935 they unto thee? And Hezekiah said, They are come H935 from a far country, even from Babylon.

2 Kings 20:17 - Behold, the days come, H935 that all that is in thine house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day, shall be carried into Babylon: nothing shall be left, saith the LORD.

2 Kings 20:20 - And the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, and all his might, and how he made a pool, and a conduit, and brought H935 water into the city, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?

2 Kings 21:12 - Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing H935 such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle.

2 Kings 22:4 - Go up to Hilkiah the high priest, that he may sum the silver which is brought H935 into the house of the LORD, which the keepers of the door have gathered of the people:

2 Kings 22:9 - And Shaphan the scribe came H935 to the king, and brought the king word again, and said, Thy servants have gathered the money that was found in the house, and have delivered it into the hand of them that do the work, that have the oversight of the house of the LORD.

2 Kings 22:16 - Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring H935 evil upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof, even all the words of the book which the king of Judah hath read:

2 Kings 22:20 - Behold therefore, I will gather thee unto thy fathers, and thou shalt be gathered into thy grave in peace; and thine eyes shall not see all the evil which I will bring H935 upon this place. And they brought the king word again.

2 Kings 23:8 - And he brought H935 all the priests out of the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense, from Geba to Beersheba, and brake down the high places of the gates that were in the entering in of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city, which were on a man's left hand at the gate of the city.

2 Kings 23:11 - And he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entering in H935 of the house of the LORD, by the chamber of Nathanmelech the chamberlain, which was in the suburbs, and burned the chariots of the sun with fire.

2 Kings 23:17 - Then he said, What title is that that I see? And the men of the city told him, It is the sepulchre of the man of God, which came H935 from Judah, and proclaimed these things that thou hast done against the altar of Bethel.

2 Kings 23:18 - And he said, Let him alone; let no man move his bones. So they let his bones alone, with the bones of the prophet that came out H935 of Samaria.

2 Kings 23:30 - And his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought H935 him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead.

2 Kings 23:34 - And Pharaohnechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away: and he came H935 to Egypt, and died there.

2 Kings 24:10 - At that time the servants of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up against Jerusalem, and the city was besieged. H935

2 Kings 24:11 - And Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came H935 against the city, and his servants did besiege it.

2 Kings 24:16 - And all the men of might, even seven thousand, and craftsmen and smiths a thousand, all that were strong and apt for war, even them the king of Babylon brought H935 captive to Babylon.

2 Kings 25:1 - And it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came, H935 he, and all his host, against Jerusalem, and pitched against it; and they built forts against it round about.

2 Kings 25:2 - And the city was besieged H935 unto the eleventh year of king Zedekiah.

2 Kings 25:7 - And they slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes, and put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and bound him with fetters of brass, and carried H935 him to Babylon.

2 Kings 25:8 - And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month, which is the nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, came H935 Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon, unto Jerusalem:

2 Kings 25:23 - And when all the captains of the armies, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah governor, there came H935 to Gedaliah to Mizpah, even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan the son of Careah, and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth the Netophathite, and Jaazaniah the son of a Maachathite, they and their men.

2 Kings 25:25 - But it came to pass in the seventh month, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of the seed royal, came, H935 and ten men with him, and smote Gedaliah, that he died, and the Jews and the Chaldees that were with him at Mizpah.

2 Kings 25:26 - And all the people, both small and great, and the captains of the armies, arose, and came H935 to Egypt: for they were afraid of the Chaldees.

1 Chronicles 2:21 - And afterward Hezron went in H935 to the daughter of Machir the father of Gilead, whom he married when he was threescore years old; and she bare him Segub.

1 Chronicles 2:55 - And the families of the scribes which dwelt at Jabez; the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and Suchathites. These are the Kenites that came H935 of Hemath, the father of the house of Rechab.

1 Chronicles 4:10 - And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted H935 him that which he requested.

1 Chronicles 4:38 - These mentioned H935 by their names were princes in their families: and the house of their fathers increased greatly.

1 Chronicles 4:41 - And these written by name came H935 in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and smote their tents, and the habitations that were found there, and destroyed them utterly unto this day, and dwelt in their rooms: because there was pasture there for their flocks.

1 Chronicles 5:9 - And eastward he inhabited unto the entering H935 in of the wilderness from the river Euphrates: because their cattle were multiplied in the land of Gilead.

1 Chronicles 5:26 - And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria, and he carried them away, even the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, and brought H935 them unto Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and to the river Gozan, unto this day.

1 Chronicles 7:22 - And Ephraim their father mourned many days, and his brethren came H935 to comfort him.

1 Chronicles 7:23 - And when he went in H935 to his wife, she conceived, and bare a son, and he called his name Beriah, because it went evil with his house.

1 Chronicles 9:25 - And their brethren, which were in their villages, were to come H935 after seven days from time to time with them.

1 Chronicles 9:28 - And certain of them had the charge of the ministering vessels, that they should bring them in H935 and out by tale.

1 Chronicles 10:4 - Then said Saul to his armourbearer, Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come H935 and abuse me. But his armourbearer would not; for he was sore afraid. So Saul took a sword, and fell upon it.

1 Chronicles 10:7 - And when all the men of Israel that were in the valley saw that they fled, and that Saul and his sons were dead, then they forsook their cities, and fled: and the Philistines came H935 and dwelt in them.

1 Chronicles 10:8 - And it came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistines came H935 to strip the slain, that they found Saul and his sons fallen in mount Gilboa.

1 Chronicles 10:12 - They arose, all the valiant men, and took away the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, and brought H935 them to Jabesh, and buried their bones under the oak in Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

1 Chronicles 11:2 - And moreover in time past, even when Saul was king, thou wast he that leddest out and broughtest in H935 Israel: and the LORD thy God said unto thee, Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shalt be ruler over my people Israel.

1 Chronicles 11:3 - Therefore came H935 all the elders of Israel to the king to Hebron; and David made a covenant with them in Hebron before the LORD; and they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of the LORD by Samuel.

1 Chronicles 11:5 - And the inhabitants of Jebus said to David, Thou shalt not come H935 hither. Nevertheless David took the castle of Zion, which is the city of David.