1 Chronicles 20:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 These H411 were born H3205 unto the giant H7497 in Gath; H1661 and they fell H5307 by the hand H3027 of David, H1732 and by the hand H3027 of his servants. H5650

Cross Reference

Joshua 14:12 STRONG

Now therefore give H5414 me this mountain, H2022 whereof the LORD H3068 spake H1696 in that day; H3117 for thou heardest H8085 in that day H3117 how the Anakims H6062 were there, and that the cities H5892 were great H1419 and fenced: H1219 if so be H194 the LORD H3068 will be with H854 me, then I shall be able to drive them out, H3423 as the LORD H3068 said. H1696

Ecclesiastes 9:11 STRONG

I returned, H7725 and saw H7200 under the sun, H8121 that the race H4793 is not to the swift, H7031 nor the battle H4421 to the strong, H1368 neither yet bread H3899 to the wise, H2450 nor yet riches H6239 to men of understanding, H995 nor yet favour H2580 to men of skill; H3045 but time H6256 and chance H6294 happeneth H7136 to them all.

Jeremiah 9:23 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Let not the wise H2450 man glory H1984 in his wisdom, H2451 neither let the mighty H1368 man glory H1984 in his might, H1369 let not the rich H6223 man glory H1984 in his riches: H6239

Romans 8:31 STRONG

What G5101 shall we G2046 then G3767 say G2046 to G4314 these things? G5023 If G1487 God G2316 be for G5228 us, G2257 who G5101 can be against G2596 us? G2257

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » John Gill's Exposition of the Bible » Commentary on 1 Chronicles 20

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 20 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



Agrees with various passages in the second book of Samuel; 1 Chronicles 20:1 with 2 Samuel 11:1 and 1 Chronicles 20:2 with 2 Samuel 12:30 and the rest, to the end of it, with 2 Samuel 21:15. What differences there are, are observed in the notes on those passages, which see. Also see 1 Chronicles 21:1.