Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Kings » Chapter 14 » Verse 9

1 Kings 14:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 But hast done H6213 evil H7489 above all that were before H6440 thee: for thou hast gone H3212 and made H6213 thee other H312 gods, H430 and molten images, H4541 to provoke me to anger, H3707 and hast cast H7993 me behind H310 thy back: H1458

Cross Reference

Ezekiel 23:35 STRONG

Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because thou hast forgotten H7911 me, and cast H7993 me behind H310 thy back, H1458 therefore bear H5375 thou also thy lewdness H2154 and thy whoredoms. H8457

Psalms 50:17 STRONG

Seeing thou hatest H8130 instruction, H4148 and castest H7993 my words H1697 behind H310 thee.

Nehemiah 9:26 STRONG

Nevertheless they were disobedient, H4784 and rebelled H4775 against thee, and cast H7993 thy law H8451 behind H310 their backs, H1458 and slew H2026 thy prophets H5030 which testified H5749 against them to turn H7725 them to thee, and they wrought H6213 great H1419 provocations. H5007

2 Chronicles 11:15 STRONG

And he ordained H5975 him priests H3548 for the high places, H1116 and for the devils, H8163 and for the calves H5695 which he had made. H6213

1 Kings 12:28 STRONG

Whereupon the king H4428 took counsel, H3289 and made H6213 two H8147 calves H5695 of gold, H2091 and said H559 unto them, It is too much H7227 for you to go up H5927 to Jerusalem: H3389 behold thy gods, H430 O Israel, H3478 which brought thee up H5927 out of the land H776 of Egypt. H4714

Exodus 34:17 STRONG

Thou shalt make H6213 thee no molten H4541 gods. H430

Psalms 106:19-20 STRONG

They made H6213 a calf H5695 in Horeb, H2722 and worshipped H7812 the molten image. H4541 Thus they changed H4171 their glory H3519 into the similitude H8403 of an ox H7794 that eateth H398 grass. H6212

1 Corinthians 10:22 STRONG

Do we provoke G3863 G2228 the Lord G2962 to jealousy? G3863 are we G2070 stronger than G3361 G2478 he? G846

Ezekiel 8:17 STRONG

Then he said H559 unto me, Hast thou seen H7200 this, O son H1121 of man? H120 Is it a light thing H7043 to the house H1004 of Judah H3063 that they commit H6213 the abominations H8441 which they commit H6213 here? for they have filled H4390 the land H776 with violence, H2555 and have returned H7725 to provoke me to anger: H3707 and, lo, they put H7971 the branch H2156 to their nose. H639

Ezekiel 8:3 STRONG

And he put forth H7971 the form H8403 of an hand, H3027 and took H3947 me by a lock H6734 of mine head; H7218 and the spirit H7307 lifted me up H5375 between the earth H776 and the heaven, H8064 and brought H935 me in the visions H4759 of God H430 to Jerusalem, H3389 to the door H6607 of the inner H6442 gate H8179 that looketh H6437 toward the north; H6828 where was the seat H4186 of the image H5566 of jealousy, H7068 which provoketh to jealousy. H7069

Jeremiah 10:14-16 STRONG

Every man H120 is brutish H1197 in his knowledge: H1847 every founder H6884 is confounded H3001 by the graven image: H6459 for his molten image H5262 is falsehood, H8267 and there is no breath H7307 in them. They are vanity, H1892 and the work H4639 of errors: H8595 in the time H6256 of their visitation H6486 they shall perish. H6 The portion H2506 of Jacob H3290 is not like them: for he is the former H3335 of all things; and Israel H3478 is the rod H7626 of his inheritance: H5159 The LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is his name. H8034

Jeremiah 7:9-10 STRONG

Will ye steal, H1589 murder, H7523 and commit adultery, H5003 and swear H7650 falsely, H8267 and burn incense H6999 unto Baal, H1168 and walk H1980 after H310 other H312 gods H430 whom ye know H3045 not; And come H935 and stand H5975 before H6440 me in this house, H1004 which is called H7121 by my name, H8034 and say, H559 We are delivered H5337 to do H6213 all these abominations? H8441

Isaiah 44:9-20 STRONG

They that make H3335 a graven image H6459 are all of them vanity; H8414 and their delectable things H2530 shall not profit; H3276 and they are their own witnesses; H5707 they see H7200 not, nor know; H3045 that they may be ashamed. H954 Who hath formed H3335 a god, H410 or molten H5258 a graven image H6459 that is profitable H3276 for nothing? H1115 Behold, all his fellows H2270 shall be ashamed: H954 and the workmen, H2796 they are of men: H120 let them all be gathered together, H6908 let them stand up; H5975 yet they shall fear, H6342 and they shall be ashamed H954 together. H3162 The smith H1270 H2796 with the tongs H4621 both worketh H6466 in the coals, H6352 and fashioneth H3335 it with hammers, H4717 and worketh H6466 it with the strength H3581 of his arms: H2220 yea, he is hungry, H7457 and his strength H3581 faileth: H369 he drinketh H8354 no water, H4325 and is faint. H3286 The carpenter H2796 H6086 stretcheth out H5186 his rule; H6957 he marketh it out H8388 with a line; H8279 he fitteth H6213 it with planes, H4741 and he marketh it out H8388 with the compass, H4230 and maketh H6213 it after the figure H8403 of a man, H376 according to the beauty H8597 of a man; H120 that it may remain H3427 in the house. H1004 He heweth him down H3772 cedars, H730 and taketh H3947 the cypress H8645 and the oak, H437 which he strengtheneth H553 for himself among the trees H6086 of the forest: H3293 he planteth H5193 an ash, H766 and the rain H1653 doth nourish H1431 it. Then shall it be for a man H120 to burn: H1197 for he will take H3947 thereof, and warm H2552 himself; yea, he kindleth H5400 it, and baketh H644 bread; H3899 yea, he maketh H6466 a god, H410 and worshippeth H7812 it; he maketh H6213 it a graven image, H6459 and falleth down H5456 thereto. He burneth H8313 part H2677 thereof in H1119 the fire; H784 with part H2677 thereof he eateth H398 flesh; H1320 he roasteth H6740 roast, H6748 and is satisfied: H7646 yea, he warmeth H2552 himself, and saith, H559 Aha, H1889 I am warm, H2552 I have seen H7200 the fire: H217 And the residue H7611 thereof he maketh H6213 a god, H410 even his graven image: H6459 he falleth down H5456 unto it, and worshippeth H7812 it, and prayeth H6419 unto it, and saith, H559 Deliver H5337 me; for thou art my god. H410 They have not known H3045 nor understood: H995 for he hath shut H2902 their eyes, H5869 that they cannot see; H7200 and their hearts, H3826 that they cannot understand. H7919 And none considereth H7725 in his heart, H3820 neither is there knowledge H1847 nor understanding H8394 to say, H559 I have burned H8313 part H2677 of it in H1119 the fire; H784 yea, also I have baked H644 bread H3899 upon the coals H1513 thereof; I have roasted H6740 flesh, H1320 and eaten H398 it: and shall I make H6213 the residue H3499 thereof an abomination? H8441 shall I fall down H5456 to the stock H944 of a tree? H6086 He feedeth H7462 on ashes: H665 a deceived H2048 heart H3820 hath turned him aside, H5186 that he cannot deliver H5337 his soul, H5315 nor say, H559 Is there not a lie H8267 in my right hand? H3225

Psalms 115:4-8 STRONG

Their idols H6091 are silver H3701 and gold, H2091 the work H4639 of men's H120 hands. H3027 They have mouths, H6310 but they speak H1696 not: eyes H5869 have they, but they see H7200 not: They have ears, H241 but they hear H8085 not: noses H639 have they, but they smell H7306 not: They have hands, H3027 but they handle H4184 not: feet H7272 have they, but they walk H1980 not: neither speak H1897 they through their throat. H1627 They that make H6213 them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth H982 in them.

Psalms 106:29 STRONG

Thus they provoked him to anger H3707 with their inventions: H4611 and the plague H4046 brake in H6555 upon them.

Deuteronomy 9:8-16 STRONG

Also in Horeb H2722 ye provoked H7107 the LORD H3068 to wrath, H7107 so that the LORD H3068 was angry H599 with you to have destroyed H8045 you. When I was gone up H5927 into the mount H2022 to receive H3947 the tables H3871 of stone, H68 even the tables H3871 of the covenant H1285 which the LORD H3068 made H3772 with you, then I abode H3427 in the mount H2022 forty H705 days H3117 and forty H705 nights, H3915 I neither did eat H398 bread H3899 nor drink H8354 water: H4325 And the LORD H3068 delivered H5414 unto me two H8147 tables H3871 of stone H68 written H3789 with the finger H676 of God; H430 and on them was written according to all the words, H1697 which the LORD H3068 spake H1696 with you in the mount H2022 out of the midst H8432 of the fire H784 in the day H3117 of the assembly. H6951 And it came to pass at the end H7093 of forty H705 days H3117 and forty H705 nights, H3915 that the LORD H3068 gave H5414 me the two H8147 tables H3871 of stone, H68 even the tables H3871 of the covenant. H1285 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto me, Arise, H6965 get thee down H3381 quickly H4118 from hence; for thy people H5971 which thou hast brought forth H3318 out of Egypt H4714 have corrupted H7843 themselves; they are quickly H4118 turned aside H5493 out of the way H1870 which I commanded H6680 them; they have made H6213 them a molten image. H4541 Furthermore the LORD H3068 spake H559 unto me, saying, H559 I have seen H7200 this people, H5971 and, behold, it is a stiffnecked H6203 H7186 people: H5971 Let me alone, H7503 that I may destroy H8045 them, and blot out H4229 their name H8034 from under heaven: H8064 and I will make H6213 of H854 thee a nation H1471 mightier H6099 and greater H7227 than they. So I turned H6437 and came down H3381 from the mount, H2022 and the mount H2022 burned H1197 with fire: H784 and the two H8147 tables H3871 of the covenant H1285 were in my two H8147 hands. H3027 And I looked, H7200 and, behold, ye had sinned H2398 against the LORD H3068 your God, H430 and had made H6213 you a molten H4541 calf: H5695 ye had turned aside H5493 quickly H4118 out of the way H1870 which the LORD H3068 had commanded H6680 you.

Psalms 78:56 STRONG

Yet they tempted H5254 and provoked H4784 the most high H5945 God, H430 and kept H8104 not his testimonies: H5713

Psalms 78:40 STRONG

How H4100 oft did they provoke H4784 him in the wilderness, H4057 and grieve H6087 him in the desert! H3452

2 Chronicles 33:6 STRONG

And he caused H5674 his children H1121 to pass through H5674 the fire H784 in the valley H1516 of the son H1121 of Hinnom: H2011 also he observed times, H6049 and used enchantments, H5172 and used witchcraft, H3784 and dealt H6213 with a familiar spirit, H178 and with wizards: H3049 he wrought H6213 much H7235 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 to provoke him to anger. H3707

2 Kings 23:26 STRONG

Notwithstanding the LORD H3068 turned H7725 not from the fierceness H2740 of his great H1419 wrath, H639 wherewith his anger H639 was kindled H2734 against Judah, H3063 because of all the provocations H3708 that Manasseh H4519 had provoked H3707 him withal.

2 Kings 21:3 STRONG

For he built up H1129 again H7725 the high places H1116 which Hezekiah H2396 his father H1 had destroyed; H6 and he reared up H6965 altars H4196 for Baal, H1168 and made H6213 a grove, H842 as did H6213 Ahab H256 king H4428 of Israel; H3478 and worshipped H7812 all the host H6635 of heaven, H8064 and served H5647 them.

1 Kings 16:31 STRONG

And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing H7043 for him to walk H3212 in the sins H2403 of Jeroboam H3379 the son H1121 of Nebat, H5028 that he took H3947 to wife H802 Jezebel H348 the daughter H1323 of Ethbaal H856 king H4428 of the Zidonians, H6722 and went H3212 and served H5647 Baal, H1168 and worshipped H7812 him.

1 Kings 15:34 STRONG

And he did H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 and walked H3212 in the way H1870 of Jeroboam, H3379 and in his sin H2403 wherewith he made Israel H3478 to sin. H2398

1 Kings 14:22 STRONG

And Judah H3063 did H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 and they provoked him to jealousy H7065 with their sins H2403 which they had committed, H2398 above all that their fathers H1 had done. H6213

1 Kings 14:16 STRONG

And he shall give H5414 Israel H3478 up H5414 because H1558 of the sins H2403 of Jeroboam, H3379 who did sin, H2398 and who made Israel H3478 to sin. H2398

1 Kings 13:33-34 STRONG

After H310 this thing H1697 Jeroboam H3379 returned H7725 not from his evil H7451 way, H1870 but made H6213 again H7725 of the lowest H7098 of the people H5971 priests H3548 of the high places: H1116 whosoever would, H2655 he consecrated H4390 H3027 him, and he became one of the priests H3548 of the high places. H1116 And this thing H1697 became sin H2403 unto the house H1004 of Jeroboam, H3379 even to cut it off, H3582 and to destroy H8045 it from off the face H6440 of the earth. H127

Judges 5:8 STRONG

They chose H977 new H2319 gods; H430 then was war H3901 in the gates: H8179 was there a shield H4043 or spear H7420 seen H7200 among forty H705 thousand H505 in Israel? H3478

Deuteronomy 32:21 STRONG

They have moved me to jealousy H7065 with that which is not H3808 God; H410 they have provoked me to anger H3707 with their vanities: H1892 and I will move them to jealousy H7065 with those which are not a people; H5971 I will provoke them to anger H3707 with a foolish H5036 nation. H1471

Deuteronomy 32:16-17 STRONG

They provoked him to jealousy H7065 with strange H2114 gods, with abominations H8441 provoked they him to anger. H3707 They sacrificed H2076 unto devils, H7700 not to God; H433 to gods H430 whom they knew H3045 not, to new H2319 gods that came H935 newly H7138 up, H935 whom your fathers H1 feared H8175 not.

Deuteronomy 9:24 STRONG

Ye have been rebellious H4784 against the LORD H3068 from the day H3117 that I knew H3045 you.

Commentary on 1 Kings 14 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter relates the sickness of Jeroboam's son, the application of his wife, at his instance, to the prophet Ahijah, in the child's favour, 1 Kings 14:1, the prophecy of the prophet concerning the ruin of Jeroboam's house, and the death of the child, which came to pass, 1 Kings 14:7, an account of the years of Jeroboam's reign, and also of Rehoboam's, 1 Kings 14:19, and of the evil things done and suffered by the latter in his kingdom, and the calamities that came upon him for it, 1 Kings 14:22 and the conclusion of his reign, 1 Kings 14:29.

Verse 1

At that time Abijah, the son of Jeroboam, fell sick. Being smitten of God with some disease, as a punishment of Jeroboam's sin; how long this was after the above things were done cannot be said.

Verse 2

And Jeroboam said to his wife,.... Who she was is not known:

arise, I pray thee, and disguise thyself; put off her royal apparel, and clothe herself like a common person, mimic the dress and language of a country woman:

that thou be not known to be the wife of Jeroboam: by any that should see her on the road, or at the city she was to go to, or by the prophet to whom she would be sent:

and get thee to Shiloh; which, according to BuntingF7Travels, &c. p. 161. , was twenty four miles, from Tirzah, where Jeroboam now lived, see 1 Kings 14:17.

behold, there is Ahijah the prophet: called from thence the Shilonite, 1 Kings 11:29,

which told me that I should be king over this people: and this coming to pass, proved him to be a true prophet, and to be credited in what he should say concerning their child. Jeroboam desired his wife to go on this errand, because he did not care it should be known that he applied to any of the prophets of the Lord; nor did he choose it should be known whose child was inquired about, which another must have told, whereas his wife could speak of it as her own; and she was the fittest person to give an account of the child's illness, and would ask the most proper and pertinent questions, and bring him back a faithful report; and he would have her be disguised, lest the prophet, who bore no good will to him because of his apostasy, should refuse to give any answer at all, or else give a very rough and disagreeable one.

Verse 3

And take with thee ten loaves, and cracknels, and a cruse of honey, and go to him,.... It being usual to carry a present to a prophet when he was inquired of on any account, see 1 Samuel 9:7 and this being a plain present, and of such things as the country afforded, she might be taken for a plain countrywoman, and not for such a personage as she was: the ten loaves could not be large for a woman to carry, most probably made of wheat; the cracknels, according to the Greek version in Drusius, were for the prophet's children; they very likely were spiced, or were sweetened with honey, and might be somewhat like our simnels; they seem to have their name in Hebrew from having points and pricks in them for the sake of ornament; such as PlautusF8Prolog. Poenulo, ver. 43. calls "scribilitae", because as TurnebusF9Adversar. l. 23. c. 10. says, they were marked and pricked, and seemed as if they were written:

he shall tell thee what shall become of the child; whether it should live or die, for that was all he wanted to know; he did not desire to know what should be done to the child for its recovery, nor to request the prophet's prayers for it.

Verse 4

And Jeroboam's wife did so, and went to Shiloh, and came to the house of Abijah,.... Disguised herself, and took this long journey, and found the prophet's house; which she did partly in obedience to her husband, and partly from affection to her child: but Abijah could not see; her or anybody else that came into the room to him:

for his eyes were set by reason of his age; or "stood" fixed and immovable, as the eyes of blind men are; or the nerves and muscles of his eyes stood within the holes thereof, so that he could not see objects.

Verse 5

And the Lord said unto Abijah,.... Either in a dream, or by an impulse upon his mind, before Jeroboam's wife came in:

behold, the wife of Jeroboam cometh to ask a thing of thee for her son, for he is sick; to know whether he will recover or not:

thus and thus shall thou say unto her; as after expressed in some following verses:

for it shall be, when she cometh in, that she shall feign herself another woman; to the people that let her in, and introduce her to the prophet, and to the prophet himself; pretend herself to be a countrywoman come to ask a question of the prophet concerning her son that was ill of a disease.

Verse 6

And it was so, when Ahijah heard the sound of her feet, as she came in at the door,.... Of the room where the prophet was:

that he said, come in, thou wife of Jeroboam, why feignest thou thyself to be another? which must greatly surprise and confound her, as well as lay open to her the folly of her and her husband to imagine that she could be secreted from God, and a prophet of his; or that a prophet could tell her what was future, and yet not know her that was present; and this might serve to assure her, and so her husband, that what the prophet after delivered would certainly come to pass:

for I am sent to thee with heavy tidings; or hard things, such as would be very disagreeable to her and her husband.

Verse 7

Go tell Jeroboam,.... Thy husband:

thus saith the Lord God of Israel; so he continued to be, though they had revolted from him:

forasmuch as I exalted thee from among the people; the common people, from a low estate in which he was:

and made thee prince over my people Israel; so they were when he made them king over them; and there were some among them still that loved the Lord, served and feared him, of which the prophet himself, now speaking, was an instance.

Verse 8

And rent the kingdom away from the house of David, and gave it thee,.... Even ten parts out of twelve:

and yet thou hast not been as my servant David, who kept my commandments, and who followed me with all his heart, to do that only which was right in mine eyes; who never was guilty of idolatry, but always constantly and cordially attended the pure worship of God, and was careful to do everything in that according to the will of God, whatever else he might be deficient in.

Verse 9

But hast done evil above all that were before thee,.... Not only above David, but above Saul, who never gave into idolatry, yea, even above Solomon, who, though he connived at idolatry, and might be guilty of it in some instances, yet did not attempt to draw his people into it; and if this was the latter end of Jeroboam's reign, which is probable, Rehoboam and Abijam might be both dead; and though they were blameworthy in some things, yet not so bad as Jeroboam; though perhaps this may respect only such who had been kings of Israel before him:

for thou hast gone and made thee other gods, and molten images, to provoke me to anger; the two calves of gold; for however he might colour things over, and pretend he did not look upon these as gods, but as representations of God, and that he did not worship them, but God by them, yet the Lord considered it as idolatry, than which nothing is more provoking to him:

and hast cast me behind thy back; as unworthy of his regard; or my worship, as the Targum, which he neglected, and showed no concern for.

Verse 10

Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam,.... Calamities, destruction, and ruin:

and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall; not leave a dog of his, or rather a male, see 1 Samuel 25:22.

and him that is shut up and left in Israel; in garrisons or in prisons, in cities or in fields, or in whatsoever situation or circumstances they may be. Some interpret it of wealth and substance; it signifies an entire destruction it may be of men and goods, see Deuteronomy 32:36.

and will take away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam, as a man taketh away dung, till it be all gone; signifying that Jeroboam's family was as loathsome and abominable to the Lord as dung is to men; and that he would make as clean a riddance of them as men do of dung when they sweep it out, and will not leave the least scrap behind.

Verse 11

Him that dieth of Jeroboam in the city shall the dogs eat, and him that dieth in the fields shall the fowls of the air eat,.... The meaning is, that they should have no burial:

for the Lord hath spoken it; and therefore shall be fulfilled, for what he hath said he will do, Numbers 23:19.

Verse 12

Arise thou therefore, get thee to thine own house,.... With all haste, as soon as she could:

and when thy feet enter the city; the city of Tirzah, very probably the king's palace stood at the entry of it, see 1 Kings 14:17,

the child shall die; this is an answer to the question she was to ask, and at the same time a token of the sure and certain fulfilment of all the prophet had spoken in the name of the Lord.

Verse 13

And all Israel shall mourn for him, and bury him,.... Give him an honourable interment, and follow him to the grave with lamentation, because he was the heir apparent to the throne, and an hopeful prince, of whom they had raised expectations; that when he came to the throne things would take a different turn, especially in matters of religion, and they might fear, he being removed, things would grow worse instead of better:

for he only of Jeroboam shall come to the grave; or be buried, the rest should be devoured by dogs or fowls:

because in him there is found some good thing towards the Lord God of Israel in the house of Jeroboam; the principles of grace were implanted, and seeds of piety and religion sown in his heart; and there appeared a disposition of mind, and desires in him to the name of God, and the remembrance of it; or to his pure worship and service; it might be discerned that he had a dislike of idolatry, and a desire to have true religion restored. The Jews sayF11T. Bab. Moed Katon, fol. 28. 2. that this good thing in him was, that he was the means of removing the watch or guards that were placed in the way to hinder the Israelites from going up to the feasts of the Lord.

Verse 14

Moreover the Lord shall raise up a king over Israel,.... Baasha is meant, 1 Kings 15:29.

who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam that day; immediately, as soon as on the throne, he should destroy his whole family, as he did, 1 Kings 15:29,

but what? even now; shall it be that day? yes; even at that very time, and which will be very quickly from this time; for as it may be supposed this was said at the latter end of Jeroboam's reign, and his son and successor reigned but two years ere this prophecy was accomplished. The Targum is,

"who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam, him that is living today, and shall be from henceforward.'

Verse 15

And the Lord shall smite Israel as a reed is shaken in the water,.... Either by the wind or by the stream; and may signify the fluctuating and uncertain condition Israel should be in future reigns, through civil wars, and the translation of the kingdom into different families; so that there was continually disquietude and uneasiness, and no settled peace and tranquillity:

and he shall root up Israel out this good land he gave to their fathers; which was brought about, first by Tiglathpileser, and then by Shalmaneser, kings of Assyria, that carried them captives from hence:

and shall scatter them beyond the river; the river Euphrates, as the Targum: or, as others, the river Gozan, 2 Kings 17:6.

because they have made their groves, provoking the Lord to anger: in which groves they placed idols, and worshipped them, which was highly provoking to the Lord, and the cause of their dispersion.

Verse 16

And he shall give Israel up,.... Into the hands of their enemies:

because of the sins of Jeroboam, who did sin, and who made Israel to sin; by his devices and stratagems, by his example and edicts, and by the methods he took to prevent Israel from worshipping in the manner and place he directed to.

Verse 17

And Jeroboam's wife arose, and departed, Upon this speech of the prophet's to her:

and came to Tirzah; where Jeroboam now had his court, and where their son now was; it was a royal city in the time of the Canaanites, and is commonly placed in the tribe of Manasseh, and was a very pleasant one, as its name signifies, to which there is an allusion, Song of Solomon 6:4; see Gill on Joshua 12:24,

and when she came to the threshold of the door, the child died: just as she was about to step over the threshold of the royal palace, which seems to have been at the entering of the city of Tirzah, 1 Kings 14:12.

Verse 18

And they buried him,.... In an honourable manner, suitable to his rank and pedigree:

and all Israel mourned for him, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by the hand of his servant Ahijah the prophet, 1 Kings 14:13.

Verse 19

And the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, how he warred,.... As he did with Rehoboam, 1 Kings 14:30, and with Abijam his son, who was an more than a match for him, see 2 Chronicles 13:1.

and how he reigned; over the people of Israel, whether wisely, and justly, and in clemency, or not:

behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel; not in that canonical book of Scripture, so called, for in that there is very little account of the reign of Jeroboam; but in the annals and diaries of the kings of Israel, written by persons appointed for that purpose, and out of which it is generally thought that inspired writers, by divine direction, took what was thought proper to be transmitted to future times. So with the Romans, from their very beginning to the times of Mutius, all the events of every year were committed to writing by the order of the Pontifex Maximus, and lay open to be read by the people in common; and these, as TullyF12De Oratore, l. 2. c. 34. says, were what are called annals.

Verse 20

And the days which Jeroboam reigned were twenty two years,.... So that he outlived Rehoboam five years, and lived to the second year of the reign of his grandson Asa:

and he slept with his fathers; or died as they did:

and Nadab his son reigned in his stead; who perhaps was younger than Abijah, whose sickness and death are before related.

Verse 21

And Rehoboam the son of Solomon reigned in Judah,.... Over the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, when Jeroboam reigned over the other ten:

Rehoboam was forty one years old when he began to reign; being born one year before his father Solomon began to reign, and so it might have been expected he would have begun his reign more wisely than he did:

and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem; not half so long as his father and grandfather, being neither so wise nor so good a prince as either of them:

the city which the Lord did choose out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there; to have a temple built for him, and his worship carried on in it; which was an aggravation of the sin of Rehoboam, that he should reign in such a place, and yet be guilty of the crimes he was; the three first years he reigned well, but afterwards forsook the law of the Lord, 2 Chronicles 11:17.

and his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess; and which is observed again, 1 Kings 14:31, she being the instrument of drawing him into idolatry, which it is very probable she practised in the days of Solomon, 1 Kings 11:5.

Verse 22

And Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord,.... At the end of three years, from the beginning of the reign of Rehoboam:

and they provoked him to jealousy, with their sins which they had committed, above all that their fathers had done; that is, with their idolatries; for they were the sins which moved the Lord to jealousy, and provoked the eyes of his glory; in which they had outdone not the ten tribes, but their fathers, in the times of Moses, Joshua, and the judges, and of their kings before their separation, Saul, David, and Solomon.

Verse 23

For they also built them high places,.... Which, though allowed of, or at least connived at, before the temple was built, and when the tabernacle was unfixed, yet afterwards unlawful; and the tribe of Judah could have no excuse for them, who had the temple in their tribe:

and images; contrary to the express command of God, Exodus 20:4,

and groves on every high hill, and under every green tree; that is, set up idols, and temples for idols, amidst groves of trees, and under all green trees; as was the custom of the Heathens, who sacrificed on the heights of hills and tops of mountains, as was particularly the custom of the Persians, as both HerodotusF13Clio, sive, l. 1. c. 131. and XenophonF14Cyropaedia, l. 8. c. 45. relate; and with the Getae, a people in Thrace, was a mountain they reckoned sacredF15Strabo Geograph. l. 7. p. 206. .

Verse 24

And there were also Sodomites in the land, Such as were addicted to unnatural lusts between men and men, which the men of Sodom were guilty of, from whence they had their name: Jarchi interprets the word adultery and some versions render it whoremongers; and filthy actions of this nature, both by men and women, usually attended idolatrous practices among the heathens; in their temples and groves such wickednesses were privately perpetrated:

and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel; the Canaanites, of whose uncleannesses, incests, and bestialities, see Leviticus 18:1.

Verse 25

And it came to pass in the fifth year of King Rehoboam,.... Two years after he and his people fell into the above wicked practices:

that Shishak, king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem; of whom see 1 Kings 11:40, this was suffered as a chastisement from the Lord for their abominations.

Verse 26

And he took away the treasures of the house of the Lord,.... Which perhaps Jeroboam had informed him of, and for the sake of which he came, as well as to make a diversion in favour of Jeroboam, who had contracted an intimacy with him when in Egypt; and who might have no regard for Rehoboam, who was not a son of Pharaoh's daughter, and so no relation to him: these were the treasures which David had left to his son Solomon, and had dedicated for the temple, even gold, silver, and vessels, which he put among the treasures of the house of the Lord, and perhaps added to them, 1 Kings 7:51, and the treasures of the king's house; the riches, gold, silver, and jewels, whatever of worth and value he had in his chests and cabinets:

he even took away all: that he could find and come at; for that there were some left is plain from 1 Kings 15:18,

and he took away all the shields of gold which Solomon had made; and which were put in the house of the forest of Lebanon, 1 Kings 10:16.

Verse 27

And King Rehoboam made in their stead brazen shields,.... For the king of Egypt had so stripped him of his gold, that he was not able to replace golden ones:

and committed them into the hands of the chief of the guard; or "runners"F16הרצים "cursorum", Pagninus, Montanus, &c. , that went before the king, or attended him as his bodyguard when he went abroad:

which kept the door of the king's house; which kept guard night and day in their turns.

Verse 28

And it was so, when the king went into the house of the Lord,.... The temple; for though he had fallen into idolatry, he had not wholly forsaken the worship of God in the temple, and perhaps by the late humbling providence he might be stirred up to attend there more frequently:

that the guard bare them: before him, partly for pomp and grandeur, and partly to keep in awe such as were inclined to mutiny and sedition:

and brought them back into the guard chamber; when the king returned, the place where the guard lodged and slept by turns.

Verse 29

Now the rest of the acts of Rehoboam and all that he did,.... In the course of his reign, that was memorable:

are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? who had annalists or historiographers to write for them, as the kings of Israel had, 1 Kings 14:19, in the writing of which, especially with respect to genealogies, Shemaiah the prophet, and Iddo the seer, were concerned, 2 Chronicles 12:15.

Verse 30

And there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all their days. For though Rehoboam did not enter into an offensive war, and attack the children of Israel, being dissuaded from it by Shemaiah the prophet in the name of the Lord, yet he might maintain a defensive war; and though there were no pitched battles between them as afterwards, in his son's time, yet there might be skirmishes and bickerings on the borders of their countries.

Verse 31

And Rehoboam slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David,.... Where David and Solomon were buried, 1 Kings 2:10 and his mother's name was Naamah, an Ammonitess; which is repeated, that it might be observed as what was the leading step to his idolatry, and the means of his continuing in it:

and Abijam his son reigned in his stead; of whom there is a further account in the following chapter.