2 Chronicles 11:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Ye shall not go up, H5927 nor fight H3898 against your brethren: H251 return H7725 every man H376 to his house: H1004 for this thing H1697 is done H1961 of me. And they obeyed H8085 the words H1697 of the LORD, H3068 and returned H7725 from going H3212 against Jeroboam. H3379

Cross Reference

Genesis 50:20 STRONG

But as for you, ye thought H2803 evil H7451 against me; but God H430 meant it H2803 unto good, H2896 to H4616 bring to pass, H6213 as it is this day, H3117 to save H2421 much H7227 people H5971 alive. H2421

1 Kings 11:29-38 STRONG

And it came to pass at that time H6256 when Jeroboam H3379 went out H3318 of Jerusalem, H3389 that the prophet H5030 Ahijah H281 the Shilonite H7888 found H4672 him in the way; H1870 and he had clad H3680 himself with a new H2319 garment; H8008 and they two H8147 were alone in the field: H7704 And Ahijah H281 caught H8610 the new H2319 garment H8008 that was on him, and rent H7167 it in twelve H8147 H6240 pieces: H7168 And he said H559 to Jeroboam, H3379 Take H3947 thee ten H6235 pieces: H7168 for thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 the God H430 of Israel, H3478 Behold, I will rend H7167 the kingdom H4467 out of the hand H3027 of Solomon, H8010 and will give H5414 ten H6235 tribes H7626 to thee: (But he shall have one H259 tribe H7626 for my servant H5650 David's H1732 sake, and for Jerusalem's H3389 sake, the city H5892 which I have chosen H977 out of all the tribes H7626 of Israel:) H3478 Because that they have forsaken H5800 me, and have worshipped H7812 Ashtoreth H6253 the goddess H430 of the Zidonians, H6722 Chemosh H3645 the god H430 of the Moabites, H4124 and Milcom H4445 the god H430 of the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 and have not walked H1980 in my ways, H1870 to do H6213 that which is right H3477 in mine eyes, H5869 and to keep my statutes H2708 and my judgments, H4941 as did David H1732 his father. H1 Howbeit I will not take H3947 the whole kingdom H4467 out of his hand: H3027 but I will make H7896 him prince H5387 all the days H3117 of his life H2416 for David H1732 my servant's H5650 sake, whom I chose, H977 because he kept H8104 my commandments H4687 and my statutes: H2708 But I will take H3947 the kingdom H4410 out of his son's H1121 hand, H3027 and will give H5414 it unto thee, even ten H6235 tribes. H7626 And unto his son H1121 will I give H5414 one H259 tribe, H7626 that David H1732 my servant H5650 may have a light H5216 alway H3117 before H6440 me in Jerusalem, H3389 the city H5892 which I have chosen H977 me to put H7760 my name H8034 there. And I will take H3947 thee, and thou shalt reign H4427 according to all that thy soul H5315 desireth, H183 and shalt be king H4428 over Israel. H3478 And it shall be, if thou wilt hearken H8085 unto all that I command H6680 thee, and wilt walk H1980 in my ways, H1870 and do H6213 that is right H3477 in my sight, H5869 to keep H8104 my statutes H2708 and my commandments, H4687 as David H1732 my servant H5650 did; H6213 that I will be with thee, and build H1129 thee a sure H539 house, H1004 as I built H1129 for David, H1732 and will give H5414 Israel H3478 unto thee.

2 Chronicles 10:15-16 STRONG

So the king H4428 hearkened H8085 not unto the people: H5971 for the cause H5252 was of God, H430 that the LORD H3068 might perform H6965 his word, H1697 which he spake H1696 by the hand H3027 of Ahijah H281 the Shilonite H7888 to Jeroboam H3379 the son H1121 of Nebat. H5028 And when all Israel H3478 saw H7200 that the king H4428 would not hearken H8085 unto them, the people H5971 answered H7725 the king, H4428 saying, H559 What portion H2506 have we in David? H1732 and we have none inheritance H5159 in the son H1121 of Jesse: H3448 every man H376 to your tents, H168 O Israel: H3478 and now, David, H1732 see H7200 to thine own house. H1004 So all Israel H3478 went H3212 to their tents. H168

2 Chronicles 25:7-10 STRONG

But there came H935 a man H376 of God H430 to him, saying, H559 O king, H4428 let not the army H6635 of Israel H3478 go H935 with thee; for the LORD H3068 is not with Israel, H3478 to wit, with all the children H1121 of Ephraim. H669 But if thou wilt go, H935 do H6213 it, be strong H2388 for the battle: H4421 God H430 shall make thee fall H3782 before H6440 the enemy: H341 for God H430 hath H3426 power H3581 to help, H5826 and to cast down. H3782 And Amaziah H558 said H559 to the man H376 of God, H430 But what shall we do H6213 for the hundred H3967 talents H3603 which I have given H5414 to the army H1416 of Israel? H3478 And the man H376 of God H430 answered, H559 The LORD H3068 is H3426 able to give H5414 thee much more H7235 than this. Then Amaziah H558 separated H914 them, to wit, the army H1416 that was come H935 to him out of Ephraim, H669 to go H3212 home H4725 again: H3212 wherefore their anger H639 was greatly H3966 kindled H2734 against Judah, H3063 and they returned H7725 home H4725 in great H2750 anger. H639

2 Chronicles 28:8-15 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 carried away captive H7617 of their brethren H251 two hundred H3967 thousand, H505 women, H802 sons, H1121 and daughters, H1323 and took also away H962 much H7227 spoil H7998 from them, and brought H935 the spoil H7998 to Samaria. H8111 But a prophet H5030 of the LORD H3068 was there, whose name H8034 was Oded: H5752 and he went out H3318 before H6440 the host H6635 that came H935 to Samaria, H8111 and said H559 unto them, Behold, because the LORD H3068 God H430 of your fathers H1 was wroth H2534 with Judah, H3063 he hath delivered H5414 them into your hand, H3027 and ye have slain H2026 them in a rage H2197 that reacheth up H5060 unto heaven. H8064 And now ye purpose H559 to keep under H3533 the children H1121 of Judah H3063 and Jerusalem H3389 for bondmen H5650 and bondwomen H8198 unto you: but are there not with you, even H7535 with you, sins H819 against the LORD H3068 your God? H430 Now hear H8085 me therefore, and deliver H7725 the captives H7633 again, which ye have taken captive H7617 of your brethren: H251 for the fierce H2740 wrath H639 of the LORD H3068 is upon you. Then certain H582 of the heads H7218 of the children H1121 of Ephraim, H669 Azariah H5838 the son H1121 of Johanan, H3076 Berechiah H1296 the son H1121 of Meshillemoth, H4919 and Jehizkiah H3169 the son H1121 of Shallum, H7967 and Amasa H6021 the son H1121 of Hadlai, H2311 stood up H6965 against them that came H935 from the war, H6635 And said H559 unto them, Ye shall not bring in H935 the captives H7633 hither: for whereas we have offended H819 against the LORD H3068 already, ye intend H559 to add H3254 more to our sins H2403 and to our trespass: H819 for our trespass H819 is great, H7227 and there is fierce H2740 wrath H639 against Israel. H3478 So the armed men H2502 left H5800 the captives H7633 and the spoil H961 before H6440 the princes H8269 and all the congregation. H6951 And the men H582 which were expressed H5344 by name H8034 rose up, H6965 and took H2388 the captives, H7633 and with the spoil H7998 clothed H3847 all that were naked H4636 among them, and arrayed H3847 them, and shod H5274 them, and gave them to eat H398 and to drink, H8248 and anointed H5480 them, and carried H5095 all the feeble H3782 of them upon asses, H2543 and brought H935 them to Jericho, H3405 the city H5892 of palm trees, H8558 H5899 to H681 their brethren: H251 then they returned H7725 to Samaria. H8111

Genesis 13:8 STRONG

And Abram H87 said H559 unto Lot, H3876 Let there be H1961 no H408 strife, H4808 I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen H7462 and thy herdmen; H7462 for we H582 be brethren. H251

2 Samuel 2:26 STRONG

Then Abner H74 called H7121 to Joab, H3097 and said, H559 Shall the sword H2719 devour H398 for ever? H5331 knowest H3045 thou not that it will be bitterness H4751 in the latter end? H314 how long shall it be then, ere thou bid H559 the people H5971 return H7725 from following H310 their brethren? H251

1 Kings 22:36 STRONG

And there went H5674 a proclamation H7440 throughout the host H4264 about the going down H935 of the sun, H8121 saying, H559 Every man H376 to his city, H5892 and every man H376 to his own country. H776

Psalms 33:11 STRONG

The counsel H6098 of the LORD H3068 standeth H5975 for ever, H5769 the thoughts H4284 of his heart H3820 to all H1755 generations. H1755

Hosea 8:4 STRONG

They have set up kings, H4427 but not by me: they have made princes, H7786 and I knew H3045 it not: of their silver H3701 and their gold H2091 have they made H6213 them idols, H6091 that they may be cut off. H3772

Acts 7:26 STRONG

And G5037 the next G1966 day G2250 he shewed himself G3700 unto them G846 as they strove, G3164 and G2532 would have set G4900 them G846 at G1519 one again, G1515 saying, G2036 Sirs, G435 ye G5210 are G2075 brethren; G80 why G2444 do ye wrong G91 one to another? G240

1 Corinthians 6:5-8 STRONG

I speak G3004 to your G5213 shame. G4314 G1791 Is it so, G3779 that there G2076 is not G3756 a wise man G4680 among G1722 you? G5213 no, not G3761 one G1520 that G3739 shall be able G1410 to judge G1252 between G303 G3319 his G846 brethren? G80 But G235 brother G80 goeth to law G2919 with G3326 brother, G80 and G2532 that G5124 before G1909 the unbelievers. G571 Now G2235 therefore G3303 G3767 there is G2076 utterly G3654 a fault G2275 among G1722 you, G5213 because G3754 ye go G2192 to law G2917 one with G3326 another. G1438 Why G1302 do ye G91 not G3780 rather G3123 take wrong? G91 why G1302 do ye G650 not G3780 rather G3123 suffer yourselves to be defrauded? G650 Nay, G235 ye G5210 do wrong, G91 and G2532 defraud, G650 and G2532 that G5023 your brethren. G80

Hebrews 13:1 STRONG

Let G3306 brotherly love G5360 continue. G3306

1 Peter 3:8 STRONG

Finally, G1161 G5056 be ye all G3956 of one mind, G3675 having compassion one of another, G4835 love as brethren, G5361 be pitiful, G2155 be courteous: G5391

1 John 3:11-13 STRONG

For G3754 this G3778 is G2076 the message G31 that G3739 ye heard G191 from G575 the beginning, G746 that G2443 we should love G25 one another. G240 Not G3756 as G2531 Cain, G2535 who was G2258 of G1537 that wicked one, G4190 and G2532 slew G4969 his G846 brother. G80 And G2532 wherefore G5484 G5101 slew G4969 he him? G846 Because G3754 his own G846 works G2041 were G2258 evil, G4190 and G1161 his G846 brother's G80 righteous. G1342 Marvel G2296 not, G3361 my G3450 brethren, G80 if G1487 the world G2889 hate G3404 you. G5209

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 11 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 11:1-17. Rehoboam, Raising an Army to Subdue Israel, Is Forbidden by Shemaiah.

1-4. Rehoboam … gathered of the house of Judah and Benjamin … to fight against Israel—(See 1Ki 12:21-24).

5-11. built cities for defence in Judah—This is evidently used as the name of the southern kingdom. Rehoboam, having now a bitter enemy in Israel, deemed it prudent to lose no time in fortifying several cities that lay along the frontier of his kingdom. Jeroboam, on his side, took a similar precaution (1Ki 12:25). Of the fifteen cities named, Aijalon, now Yalo, and Zorah, now Surah, between Jerusalem and Jabneh [Robinson], lay within the province of Benjamin. Gath, though a Philistine city, had been subject to Solomon. And Etham, which was on the border of Simeon, now incorporated with the kingdom of Israel, was fortified to repel danger from that quarter. These fortresses Rehoboam placed under able commanders and stocked them with provisions and military stores, sufficient, if necessary, to stand a siege. In the crippled state of his kingdom, he seems to have been afraid lest it might be made the prey of some powerful neighbors.

13-17. the priests and the Levites … resorted to him out of all their coasts—This was an accession of moral power, for the maintenance of the true religion is the best support and safeguard of any nation; and as it was peculiarly the grand source of the strength and prosperity of the Hebrew monarchy, the great numbers of good and pious people who sought an asylum within the territories of Judah contributed greatly to consolidate the throne of Rehoboam. The cause of so extensive an emigration from the kingdom of Israel was the deep and daring policy of Jeroboam, who set himself to break the national unity by entirely abolishing, within his dominions, the religious institutions of Judaism. He dreaded an eventual reunion of the tribes if the people continued to repair thrice a year to worship in Jerusalem as they were obliged by law to do. Accordingly, on pretense that the distance of that city was too great for multitudes of his subjects, he fixed upon two more convenient places, where he established a new mode of worshipping God under gross and prohibited symbols [1Ki 12:26-33]. The priests and Levites, refusing to take part in the idolatrous ceremonies, were ejected from their living [2Ch 11:13, 14]. Along with them a large body of the people who faithfully adhered to the instituted worship of God, offended and shocked by the impious innovations, departed from the kingdom.

15. he ordained him priests—The persons he appointed to the priesthood were low and worthless creatures (1Ki 12:31; 13:33); any were consecrated who brought a bullock and seven rams (2Ch 13:9; Ex 29:37).

for the high places—Those favorite places of religious worship were encouraged throughout the country.

for the devils—a term sometimes used for idols in general (Le 17:7). But here it is applied distinctively to the goat deities, which were probably worshipped chiefly in the northern parts of his kingdom, where the heathen Canaanites still abounded.

for the calves which he had made—figures of the ox gods Apis and Mnevis, with which Jeroboam's residence in Egypt had familiarized him. (See on 1Ki 12:26).

17. they strengthened the kingdom of Judah—The innovating measures of Jeroboam were not introduced all at once. But as they were developed, the secession of the most excellent of his subjects began, and continuing to increase for three years, lowered the tone of religion in his kingdom, while it proportionally quickened its life and extended its influence in that of Judah.

2Ch 11:18-23. His Wives and Children.

18. Rehoboam took Mahalath—The names of her father and mother are given. Jerimoth, the father, must have been the son of one of David's concubines (1Ch 3:9). Abihail was, of course, his cousin, previous to their marriage.

20. after her he took Maachah … daughter—that is, granddaughter (2Sa 14:27) of Absalom, Tamar being, according to Josephus, her mother. (Compare 2Sa 18:18).

21. he took eighteen wives, and threescore concubines—This royal harem, though far smaller than his father's, was equally in violation of the law, which forbade a king to "multiply wives unto himself" [De 17:17].

22. made Abijah … chief … ruler among his brethren—This preference seems to have been given to Abijah solely from the king's doting fondness for his mother and through her influence over him. It is plainly implied that Abijah was not the oldest of the family. In destining a younger son for the kingdom, without a divine warrant, as in Solomon's case, Rehoboam acted in violation of the law (De 21:15).

23. he dealt wisely—that is, with deep and calculating policy (Ex 1:10).

and dispersed of all his children … unto every fenced city—The circumstance of twenty-eight sons of the king being made governors of fortresses would, in our quarter of the world, produce jealousy and dissatisfaction. But Eastern monarchs ensure peace and tranquillity to their kingdom by bestowing government offices on their sons and grandsons. They obtain an independent provision, and being kept apart, are not likely to cabal in their father's lifetime. Rehoboam acted thus, and his sagacity will appear still greater if the wives he desired for them belonged to the cities where each son was located. These connections would bind them more closely to their respective places. In the modern countries of the East, particularly Persia and Turkey, younger princes were, till very lately, shut up in the harem during their father's lifetime; and, to prevent competition, they were blinded or killed when their brother ascended the throne. In the former country the old practice of dispersing them through the country as Rehoboam did, has been again revived.