2 Chronicles 13:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 But as for us, the LORD H3068 is our God, H430 and we have not forsaken H5800 him; and the priests, H3548 which minister H8334 unto the LORD, H3068 are the sons H1121 of Aaron, H175 and the Levites H3881 wait upon their business: H4399

Cross Reference

Exodus 19:5-6 STRONG

Now therefore, if ye will obey H8085 my voice H6963 indeed, H8085 and keep H8104 my covenant, H1285 then ye shall be a peculiar treasure H5459 unto me above all people: H5971 for all the earth H776 is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom H4467 of priests, H3548 and an holy H6918 nation. H1471 These are the words H1697 which thou shalt speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Exodus 29:1-37 STRONG

And this is the thing H1697 that thou shalt do H6213 unto them to hallow H6942 them, to minister unto me in the priest's office: H3547 Take H3947 one H259 young H1121 H1241 bullock, H6499 and two H8147 rams H352 without blemish, H8549 And unleavened H4682 bread, H3899 and cakes H2471 unleavened H4682 tempered H1101 with oil, H8081 and wafers H7550 unleavened H4682 anointed H4886 with oil: H8081 of wheaten H2406 flour H5560 shalt thou make H6213 them. And thou shalt put H5414 them into one H259 basket, H5536 and bring H7126 them in the basket, H5536 with the bullock H6499 and the two H8147 rams. H352 And Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 thou shalt bring H7126 unto the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 and shalt wash H7364 them with water. H4325 And thou shalt take H3947 the garments, H899 and put H3847 upon Aaron H175 the coat, H3801 and the robe H4598 of the ephod, H646 and the ephod, H646 and the breastplate, H2833 and gird H640 him with the curious girdle H2805 of the ephod: H646 And thou shalt put H7760 the mitre H4701 upon his head, H7218 and put H5414 the holy H6944 crown H5145 upon the mitre. H4701 Then shalt thou take H3947 the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and pour H3332 it upon his head, H7218 and anoint H4886 him. And thou shalt bring H7126 his sons, H1121 and put H3847 coats H3801 upon them. And thou shalt gird H2296 them with girdles, H73 Aaron H175 and his sons, H1121 and put H2280 the bonnets H4021 on them: and the priest's office H3550 shall be theirs for a perpetual H5769 statute: H2708 and thou shalt consecrate H4390 H3027 Aaron H175 and his sons. H1121 And thou shalt cause a bullock H6499 to be brought H7126 before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation: H4150 and Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 shall put H5564 their hands H3027 upon the head H7218 of the bullock. H6499 And thou shalt kill H7819 the bullock H6499 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 by the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And thou shalt take H3947 of the blood H1818 of the bullock, H6499 and put H5414 it upon the horns H7161 of the altar H4196 with thy finger, H676 and pour H8210 all the blood H1818 beside H413 the bottom H3247 of the altar. H4196 And thou shalt take H3947 all the fat H2459 that covereth H3680 the inwards, H7130 and the caul H3508 that is above the liver, H3516 and the two H8147 kidneys, H3629 and the fat H2459 that is upon them, and burn H6999 them upon the altar. H4196 But the flesh H1320 of the bullock, H6499 and his skin, H5785 and his dung, H6569 shalt thou burn H8313 with fire H784 without H2351 the camp: H4264 it is a sin offering. H2403 Thou shalt also take H3947 one H259 ram; H352 and Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 shall put H5564 their hands H3027 upon the head H7218 of the ram. H352 And thou shalt slay H7819 the ram, H352 and thou shalt take H3947 his blood, H1818 and sprinkle H2236 it round about H5439 upon the altar. H4196 And thou shalt cut H5408 the ram H352 in pieces, H5409 and wash H7364 the inwards H7130 of him, and his legs, H3767 and put H5414 them unto his pieces, H5409 and unto his head. H7218 And thou shalt burn H6999 the whole ram H352 upon the altar: H4196 it is a burnt offering H5930 unto the LORD: H3068 it is a sweet H5207 savour, H7381 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD. H3068 And thou shalt take H3947 the other H8145 ram; H352 and Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 shall put H5564 their hands H3027 upon the head H7218 of the ram. H352 Then shalt thou kill H7819 the ram, H352 and take H3947 of his blood, H1818 and put H5414 it upon the tip H8571 of the right ear H241 of Aaron, H175 and upon the tip H8571 of the right H3233 ear H241 of his sons, H1121 and upon the thumb H931 of their right H3233 hand, H3027 and upon the great toe H931 of their right H3233 foot, H7272 and sprinkle H2236 the blood H1818 upon the altar H4196 round about. H5439 And thou shalt take H3947 of the blood H1818 that is upon the altar, H4196 and of the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and sprinkle H5137 it upon Aaron, H175 and upon his garments, H899 and upon his sons, H1121 and upon the garments H899 of his sons H1121 with him: and he shall be hallowed, H6942 and his garments, H899 and his sons, H1121 and his sons' H1121 garments H899 with him. Also thou shalt take H3947 of the ram H352 the fat H2459 and the rump, H451 and the fat H2459 that covereth H3680 the inwards, H7130 and the caul H3508 above the liver, H3516 and the two H8147 kidneys, H3629 and the fat H2459 that is upon them, and the right H3225 shoulder; H7785 for it is a ram H352 of consecration: H4394 And one H259 loaf H3603 of bread, H3899 and one H259 cake H2471 of oiled H8081 bread, and one H259 wafer H7550 out of the basket H5536 of the unleavened bread H4682 that is before H6440 the LORD: H3068 And thou shalt put H7760 all in the hands H3709 of Aaron, H175 and in the hands H3709 of his sons; H1121 and shalt wave H5130 them for a wave offering H8573 before H6440 the LORD. H3068 And thou shalt receive H3947 them of their hands, H3027 and burn H6999 them upon the altar H4196 for a burnt offering, H5930 for a sweet H5207 savour H7381 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 it is an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD. H3068 And thou shalt take H3947 the breast H2373 of the ram H352 of Aaron's H175 consecration, H4394 and wave H5130 it for a wave offering H8573 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and it shall be thy part. H4490 And thou shalt sanctify H6942 the breast H2373 of the wave offering, H8573 and the shoulder H7785 of the heave offering, H8641 which is waved, H5130 and which is heaved up, H7311 of the ram H352 of the consecration, H4394 even of that which H834 is for Aaron, H175 and of that which is for his sons: H1121 And it shall be Aaron's H175 and his sons' H1121 by a statute H2706 for ever H5769 from the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 for it is an heave offering: H8641 and it shall be an heave offering H8641 from the children H1121 of Israel H3478 of the sacrifice H2077 of their peace offerings, H8002 even their heave offering H8641 unto the LORD. H3068 And the holy H6944 garments H899 of Aaron H175 shall be his sons' H1121 after H310 him, to be anointed H4888 therein, and to be consecrated H4390 H3027 in them. And that son H1121 that is priest H3548 in his stead shall put H3847 them on seven H7651 days, H3117 when he cometh H935 into the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 to minister H8334 in the holy H6944 place. And thou shalt take H3947 the ram H352 of the consecration, H4394 and seethe H1310 his flesh H1320 in the holy H6918 place. H4725 And Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 shall eat H398 the flesh H1320 of the ram, H352 and the bread H3899 that is in the basket, H5536 by the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And they shall eat H398 those things wherewith the atonement was made, H3722 to consecrate H4390 H3027 and to sanctify H6942 them: but a stranger H2114 shall not eat H398 thereof, because they are holy. H6944 And if ought of the flesh H1320 of the consecrations, H4394 or of the bread, H3899 remain H3498 unto the morning, H1242 then thou shalt burn H8313 the remainder H3498 with fire: H784 it shall not be eaten, H398 because it is holy. H6944 And thus shalt thou do H6213 unto Aaron, H175 and to his sons, H1121 according to all things which I have commanded H6680 thee: seven H7651 days H3117 shalt thou consecrate H4390 H3027 them. And thou shalt offer H6213 every day H3117 a bullock H6499 for a sin offering H2403 for atonement: H3725 and thou shalt cleanse H2398 the altar, H4196 when thou hast made an atonement H3722 for it, and thou shalt anoint H4886 it, to sanctify H6942 it. Seven H7651 days H3117 thou shalt make an atonement H3722 for the altar, H4196 and sanctify H6942 it; and it shall be an altar H4196 most holy: H6944 H6944 whatsoever toucheth H5060 the altar H4196 shall be holy. H6942

Numbers 16:40 STRONG

To be a memorial H2146 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 that H834 H4616 no stranger, H376 H2114 which is not of the seed H2233 of Aaron, H175 come near H7126 to offer H6999 incense H7004 before H6440 the LORD; H3068 that he be not as Korah, H7141 and as his company: H5712 as the LORD H3068 said H1696 to him by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

Numbers 18:1-7 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Aaron, H175 Thou and thy sons H1121 and thy father's H1 house H1004 with thee shall bear H5375 the iniquity H5771 of the sanctuary: H4720 and thou and thy sons H1121 with thee shall bear H5375 the iniquity H5771 of your priesthood. H3550 And thy brethren H251 also of the tribe H4294 of Levi, H3878 the tribe H7626 of thy father, H1 bring H7126 thou with thee, that they may be joined H3867 unto thee, and minister H8334 unto thee: but thou and thy sons H1121 with thee shall minister before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of witness. H5715 And they shall keep H8104 thy charge, H4931 and the charge H4931 of all the tabernacle: H168 only they shall not come nigh H7126 the vessels H3627 of the sanctuary H6944 and the altar, H4196 that neither they, nor ye also, die. H4191 And they shall be joined H3867 unto thee, and keep H8104 the charge H4931 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 for all the service H5656 of the tabernacle: H168 and a stranger H2114 shall not come nigh H7126 unto you. And ye shall keep H8104 the charge H4931 of the sanctuary, H6944 and the charge H4931 of the altar: H4196 that there be no wrath H7110 any more upon the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 And I, behold, I have taken H3947 your brethren H251 the Levites H3881 from among H8432 the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 to you they are given H5414 as a gift H4979 for the LORD, H3068 to do H5647 the service H5656 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 Therefore thou and thy sons H1121 with thee shall keep H8104 your priest's office H3550 for every thing H1697 of the altar, H4196 and within H1004 the vail; H6532 and ye shall serve: H5647 I have given H5414 your priest's office H3550 unto you as a service H5656 of gift: H4979 and the stranger H2114 that cometh nigh H7131 shall be put to death. H4191

2 Chronicles 11:16-17 STRONG

And after H310 them out of all the tribes H7626 of Israel H3478 such as set H5414 their hearts H3824 to seek H1245 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 came H935 to Jerusalem, H3389 to sacrifice H2076 unto the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers. H1 So they strengthened H2388 the kingdom H4438 of Judah, H3063 and made Rehoboam H7346 the son H1121 of Solomon H8010 strong, H553 three H7969 years: H8141 for three H7969 years H8141 they walked H1980 in the way H1870 of David H1732 and Solomon. H8010

Zechariah 13:9 STRONG

And I will bring H935 the third part H7992 through the fire, H784 and will refine H6884 them as silver H3701 is refined, H6884 and will try H974 them as gold H2091 is tried: H974 they shall call H7121 on my name, H8034 and I will hear H6030 them: I will say, H559 It is my people: H5971 and they shall say, H559 The LORD H3068 is my God. H430

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » John Gill's Exposition of the Bible » Commentary on 2 Chronicles 13

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 13 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter begins with the reign of Abijah, 2 Chronicles 13:1, gives an account of a battle between him and Jeroboam, previous to which Abijah made a speech to Jeroboam and his army, to vindicate his own cause, encourage his own soldiers, and intimidate the enemy, and dissuade them from fighting, 2 Chronicles 13:3 and in the mean while Jeroboam laid an ambush for him, which greatly distressed him, 2 Chronicles 13:13, nevertheless he obtained a complete victory over him, 2 Chronicles 13:15, and the chapter is concluded with some account of his family and reign, 2 Chronicles 13:21.

Verse 1

Now in the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam began Abijah to reign over Judah.; see Gill on 1 Kings 15:1.

Verse 2

He reigned three years in Jerusalem,.... See Gill on 1 Kings 15:2,

his mother's name also was Michaiah the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah; see 2 Chronicles 11:20; see Gill on 1 Kings 15:2.

and there was war between Abijah and Jeroboam; and in this chapter is an account of a battle fought between them, not recorded in the book of Kings.

Verse 3

And Abijah set the battle in array, with an army of valiant man of war, even four hundred thousand chosen men,.... Collected such an army of select men, led them into his enemy's country, and set them in order of battle:

and Jeroboam also set the battle in array against him, with eight hundred thousand chosen men, being mighty men of valour; double the number of Abijah s army, he having ten tribes to collect out of, and Abijah but two.

Verse 4

And Abijah stood upon Mount Zemaraim, which is in Mount Ephraim,.... Which might have its name from a city of Benjamin of this name, to which it was near, though within the borders of Ephraim, Joshua 18:22 formerly inhabited by the Zemarites, from whence it might have its name, Genesis 10:18 here Abijah stood, that he might be the better heard by the armies pitched in the valley; and very probably he desired a parley, and it was granted, otherwise he would not have been safe in the position in which he was:

and said, hear me, thou Jeroboam, and all Israel; as many as were now gathered together, and which were a great number.

Verse 5

Ought you not to know,.... They did know what he afterwards says, but he would have them consider and acknowledge it:

that the Lord God of Israel gave the kingdom over Israel to David for ever; to him and his seed, particularly to the Messiah, that should spring from him; but whether Abijah had this in view is a question, see 2 Samuel 7:13.

even to him and to his sons by a covenant of salt? that is, a perpetual one, which was inviolable, and never to be made void; called so, because salt preserves from corruption and putrefaction, and because made use of in sacrifices offered when covenants were made; the Targum is,"as salt waters, which never lose their saltness.'

Verse 6

Yet Jeroboam the son of Nebat, the servant of Solomon the son of David, is risen up,.... Notwithstanding it was well known the kingdom was entailed on the posterity of David by an everlasting covenant; Abijah calls Jeroboam Solomon's servant, by way of great contempt, as Jarchi observes, he being the general receiver of his tax in the tribe of Ephraim, 1 Kings 11:28.

and hath rebelled against his lord; his rightful king and sovereign; the charge is no less than high treason.

Verse 7

And there are gathered unto him vain men,.... Void of the fear of God, and all that is good:

the children of Belial: men unprofitable, good for nothing, or that had cast off the yoke of the law of God, were lawless and abandoned persons:

And have strengthened themselves against Rehoboam the son of Solomon: rejected his government of them; went into a strong opposition to him, and set up another king over them:

when Rehoboam was young and tender hearted, and could not withstand them; not that he was young in years, for he was forty one years of age when he began to reign; though Joshua is called a young man when he is supposed to be between fifty and sixty years of age Exodus 33:11, and though "adolescentia" and "juventus" are both used in Latin writers for "youth", yet VarroF17Apud Stockim in voce נער, p. 688. distinguishes them, and makes the former to begin at the year fifteen, and continue to the year thirty, and the latter to begin at thirty, and end at forty five; so that, according to this, Rehoboam was then in his stage of youth; but perhaps the meaning here is, that he was young in the kingdom, scarcely settled on his throne, and the advantage of that was taken; not was he cowardly and fearful; and if Abijah meant that by "tender heartedness", he not only reproached but belied his father; for he would have fought with Israel in order to have reduced them to obedience, but was forbidden by the Lord; if by "tender hearted", he means that he had a tender regard to the command of God, it is true; but that seems not to be his sense, but the former.

Verse 8

And now ye think to withstand the kingdom of the Lord in the hand of the sons of David,.... To oppose them, prevail over them, and get it out of their hands, which is delivered to them by the Lord, as the Targum:

and ye be a great multitude; of which they boasted, and in which they trusted, being ten tribes to two, and in this army two to one:

and there are with you golden calves which Jeroboam made you for gods; or, "butF18So Grotious, Schnidt, and others. there are with you", &c. which Abijah suggests would be so far from helping them, that they would be their ruin, they having, by the worship of them, provoked the Lord against them.

Verse 9

Have ye not cast out the priests of the Lord the sons of Aaron, and the Levites,.... Because they would not sacrifice to his idols, and that they might not instruct the people in the pure worship of God, and that he and his people might be free from the payment of tithes, firstfruits, &c. and their cities fall into his hands:

and have made you priests after the manner of the nations of other lands? after the manner of the Gentiles, without any regard to any particular tribe, which God had appointed those to be taken from:

so that whosoever cometh to consecrate himself with a young bullock and seven rams; which were five more than what were required by the law of Moses for the consecration of a priest, Exodus 29:1, the same

may be a priest of them that are no gods; by nature, only nominal and fictitious deities, as the calves were, which had no divinity in them, see 1 Kings 13:31.

Verse 10

But as for us, the Lord is our God,.... The Word of the Lord, as the Targum; we know and acknowledge no other; not the calves at Dan and Bethel, nor any other idols, only the one living and true God:

and we have not forsaken him; his laws, statutes, ordinances, and worship; for though Abijah was not a religious man, yet it seems the form of religion was kept up, and temple service was observed, in his days:

and the priests which minister unto the Lord; by offering sacrifices, and burning incense:

are the sons of Aaron; and they only:

and the Levites wait upon their business; some in singing songs of praise, vocally and instrumentally, others in keeping the doors of the temple and the treasures of the house of God, and others in assisting the priests at the altar.

Verse 11

And they burn unto the Lord, every morning and every evening, burnt sacrifices and sweet incense,.... That is, the priests; the one they did on the altar of burnt offering, and the other on the altar of incense, and both every day, morning and evening:

the shewbread also set they in order upon the pure table; the shewbread table, every sabbath day, when they took the old bread off, which had stood there a week:

and the candlestick of gold, with the lamps thereof, to burn every evening; these were lighted every evening, and dressed every morning; and though there were ten tables and ten candlesticks in Solomon's temple, yet only one of each was used at a time; and therefore from hence it is not to be concluded that all the rest were taken away by Shishak:

for we keep the charge of the Lord our God; observe all the rites and ceremonies, laws, and ordinances enjoined by him; the Targum is,"the charge of the Word of the Lord our God:"

but ye have forsaken him; his fear or worship, as the same paraphrase.

Verse 12

And, behold, God himself is with us for our Captain,.... To go before our armies, and fight our battles for us:

and his priests with sounding trumpets to cry alarm against you; which was one use of the trumpets, that the people might be remembered by the Lord, and saved from their enemies, Numbers 10:9, so that this circumstance was against Jeroboam and his army, and for Abijah and his:

O children of Israel, fight ye not against the Lord God of your fathers; for fighting against his people, that retained the pure worship of him, was fighting against him:

for you shall not prosper; he seems to be assured of victory.

Verse 13

But Jeroboam caused an ambushment to come about behind them,.... While Abijah was making his oration, he detached a party from his army, which got about, and lay in ambush, behind the army of Abijah:

so they were before Judah; Jeroboam and the greater part of his army:

and the ambushment was behind them; which Jeroboam had sent thither.

Verse 14

And when Judah looked back,.... On hearing a noise behind them:

behold, the battle was before and behind; men were set in battle array, and the battle was begun, and an attack made upon them both ways:

and they cried unto the Lord; for help against their enemies, and to deliver them out of their hands:

and the priests sounded with the trumpets; to inspire them with cheerfulness, and to suggest to them that God was with them and they need not be afraid.

Verse 15

Then the men of Judah gave a shout,.... Taking heart at the sound of the trumpets, and in order to encourage one another, and intimidate the enemy; See Gill on 1 Samuel 17:20,

and as the men of Judah shouted, it came to pass, that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah; possessed them with a panic, so that they fled at once, as follows.

Verse 16

And the children of Israel fled before Judah,.... Were in such a fright and consternation, that they could not stand their ground, or engage at all; but took to flight immediately:

and God delivered them into their hand; to be taken and slain by them.

Verse 17

And Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaughter,.... As they fled, pursuing them:

so there fell down slain of Israel five hundred thousand chosen men; such a slaughter as is not to be met with in any history, as JosephusF19Antiqu. l. 8. c. 11. sect. 3. observes; though Abarbinel wonders he should say so, and affirms that he had read of larger numbers slain at once; but he is the only man that ever pretended to it; JeromF20Trad. Heb. fol. 84. M. makes the number but 50,000, and some copies of the Vulgate LatinF21So that of Sixtus V. in James's Corruption of the Fathers, p. 294. , and Josephus Ben Gorion, as AbarbinelF23Comment in 1. Reg. xv. 6. fol. 250. 3. relates; but the true Josephus, the Targum, and all the ancient versions, agree with the Hebrew text; more than half Jeroboam's army was cut off, and 100,000 more than Abijah had in his.

Verse 18

Thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time,.... Humbled and weakened, but not reduced to the government of the house of David:

and the children of Judah prevailed; or grew strong:

because they relied upon the Lord God of their fathers; trusted in him, and not in an arm of flesh; the Targum is,"in the Word of the Lord God of their fathers.'

Verse 19

And Abijah pursued after Jeroboam,.... As he and his army fled:

and took cities from him; the following ones:

Bethel with the towns thereof; the villages adjoining to it; here one of the calves was set up, which either Jeroboam took care to remove before this place fell into the hands of Abijah, or Abijah let it remain, and did not destroy it:

and Jeshanah with the towns thereof; which RelandF24Palestin. Illustrat. p. 861. thinks is the same that is called by JeromF25De loc. Heb. fol. 92. L. Jethaba:

and Ephraim with the towns thereof; a city so called, thought to be the same that is mentioned in the passage; see Gill on John 11:54; it is here called, in the Targum, Ephron; so JeromF26Trad. Heb. fol. 85. A. calls it, and says it was Sichem.

Verse 20

Neither did Jeroboam recover strength again in the days of Abijah,.... So as to bring an army into the field against him, and fight him:

and the Lord struck him; by some Jewish writersF1Bereshit Rabba, sect. 65. fol. 58. 8. Seder Olam Rabba, c. 16. , this is interpreted of Abijah; and the reason of his being stricken, they say, was because he did not destroy the calf when he took Bethel; but it is best to understand it of Jeroboam, since Abijah is afterwards said to wax mighty:

and he died; not immediately, for he lived two years after Abijah, 1 Kings 14:20, but continued under a lingering disease he was smitten with, and which issued in his death.

Verse 21

But Abijah waxed mighty,.... In his kingdom, increasing in riches and numbers, power and authority, and in his family:

and married fourteen wives, and begat twenty and two sons and sixteen daughters; not after the above battle, nor since he began to reign; for he reigned but three years; but he, no doubt, married wives and had children before he came to the throne, as he might have others after.

Verse 22

And the rest of the acts of Abijah, and his ways, and his sayings,.... Not only his warlike actions, and his course of life, but some remarkable sayings of his, he being a man of wisdom and eloquence, as his above speech shows:

are written in the story of the prophet Iddo; who might write the history of his own times; see 1 Kings 15:7.