Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Amos » Chapter 2 » Verse 11

Amos 2:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 And I raised up H6965 of your sons H1121 for prophets, H5030 and of your young men H970 for Nazarites. H5139 Is it not even thus, O ye children H1121 of Israel? H3478 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 7:25 STRONG

Since the day H3117 that your fathers H1 came forth out H3318 of the land H776 of Egypt H4714 unto this day H3117 I have even sent H7971 unto you all my servants H5650 the prophets, H5030 daily H3117 rising up early H7925 and sending H7971 them:

Judges 13:4-7 STRONG

Now therefore beware, H8104 I pray thee, and drink H8354 not wine H3196 nor strong drink, H7941 and eat H398 not any unclean H2931 thing: For, lo, thou shalt conceive, H2030 and bear H3205 a son; H1121 and no razor H4177 shall come H5927 on his head: H7218 for the child H5288 shall be a Nazarite H5139 unto God H430 from the womb: H990 and he shall begin H2490 to deliver H3467 Israel H3478 out of the hand H3027 of the Philistines. H6430 Then the woman H802 came H935 and told H559 her husband, H376 saying, H559 A man H376 of God H430 came H935 unto me, and his countenance H4758 was like the countenance H4758 of an angel H4397 of God, H430 very H3966 terrible: H3372 but I asked H7592 him not whence he was, neither told H5046 he me his name: H8034 But he said H559 unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive, H2030 and bear H3205 a son; H1121 and now drink H7941 no wine H3196 nor strong drink, H8354 neither eat H398 any unclean H2932 thing: for the child H5288 shall be a Nazarite H5139 to God H430 from the womb H990 to the day H3117 of his death. H4194

Numbers 6:2-3 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto them, When either man H376 or woman H802 shall separate H6381 themselves to vow H5087 a vow H5088 of a Nazarite, H5139 to separate H5144 themselves unto the LORD: H3068 He shall separate H5144 himself from wine H3196 and strong drink, H7941 and shall drink H8354 no vinegar H2558 of wine, H3196 or vinegar H2558 of strong drink, H7941 neither shall he drink H8354 any liquor H4952 of grapes, H6025 nor eat H398 moist H3892 grapes, H6025 or dried. H3002

Jeremiah 11:21 STRONG

Therefore thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of the men H582 of Anathoth, H6068 that seek H1245 thy life, H5315 saying, H559 Prophesy H5012 not in the name H8034 of the LORD, H3068 that thou die H4191 not by our hand: H3027

Jeremiah 2:31 STRONG

O generation, H1755 see H7200 ye the word H1697 of the LORD. H3068 Have I been a wilderness H4057 unto Israel? H3478 a land H776 of darkness? H3991 wherefore say H559 my people, H5971 We are lords; H7300 we will come H935 no more unto thee?

Jeremiah 26:11 STRONG

Then spake H559 the priests H3548 and the prophets H5030 unto the princes H8269 and to all the people, H5971 saying, H559 This man H376 is worthy H4941 to die; H4194 for he hath prophesied H5012 against this city, H5892 as ye have heard H8085 with your ears. H241

Lamentations 4:7 STRONG

Her Nazarites H5139 were purer H2141 than snow, H7950 they were whiter H6705 than milk, H2461 they were more ruddy H119 in body H6106 than rubies, H6443 their polishing H1508 was of sapphire: H5601

Amos 7:12-13 STRONG

Also Amaziah H558 said H559 unto Amos, H5986 O thou seer, H2374 go, H3212 flee thee away H1272 into the land H776 of Judah, H3063 and there eat H398 bread, H3899 and prophesy H5012 there: But prophesy H5012 not again H3254 any more at Bethel: H1008 for it is the king's H4428 chapel, H4720 and it is the king's H4467 court. H1004

Micah 2:6 STRONG

Prophesy H5197 ye not, say they to them that prophesy: H5197 they shall not prophesy H5197 to them, that they shall not take H5253 shame. H3639

Micah 6:3-4 STRONG

O my people, H5971 what have I done H6213 unto thee? and wherein have I wearied H3811 thee? testify H6030 against me. For I brought thee up H5927 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and redeemed H6299 thee out of the house H1004 of servants; H5650 and I sent H7971 before H6440 thee Moses, H4872 Aaron, H175 and Miriam. H4813

Matthew 21:34-38 STRONG

And G1161 when G3753 the time G2540 of the fruit G2590 drew near, G1448 he sent G649 his G846 servants G1401 to G4314 the husbandmen, G1092 that they might receive G2983 the fruits G2590 of it. G846 And G2532 the husbandmen G1092 took G2983 his G846 servants, G1401 and beat G1194 one, G3739 G3303 and G1161 killed G615 another, G3739 and G1161 stoned G3036 another. G3739 Again, G3825 he sent G649 other G243 servants G1401 more G4119 than the first: G4413 and G2532 they did G4160 unto them G846 likewise. G5615 But G1161 last of all G5305 he sent G649 unto G4314 them G846 his G846 son, G5207 saying, G3004 They will reverence G1788 my G3450 son. G5207 But G1161 when the husbandmen G1092 saw G1492 the son, G5207 they said G2036 among G1722 themselves, G1438 This G3778 is G2076 the heir; G2818 come, G1205 let us kill G615 him, G846 and G2532 let us seize G2722 on his G846 inheritance. G2817

Luke 1:3-17 STRONG

It seemed G1380 good to me also, G2504 having had perfect G199 understanding G3877 of all things G3956 from the very first, G509 to write G1125 unto thee G4671 in order, G2517 most excellent G2903 Theophilus, G2321 That G2443 thou mightest know G1921 the certainty G803 of G4012 those things, G3056 wherein G3739 thou hast been instructed. G2727 There was G1096 in G1722 the days G2250 of Herod, G2264 the king G935 of Judaea, G2449 a certain G5100 priest G2409 named G3686 Zacharias, G2197 of G1537 the course G2183 of Abia: G7 and G2532 his G846 wife G1135 was of G1537 the daughters G2364 of Aaron, G2 and G2532 her G846 name G3686 was Elisabeth. G1665 And G1161 they were G2258 both G297 righteous G1342 before G1799 God, G2316 walking G4198 in G1722 all G3956 the commandments G1785 and G2532 ordinances G1345 of the Lord G2962 blameless. G273 And G2532 they G846 had G2258 no G3756 child, G5043 because G2530 that Elisabeth G1665 was G2258 barren, G4723 and G2532 they G846 both G297 were G2258 now well stricken G4260 in G1722 years. G2250 And G1161 it came to pass, G1096 that while G1722 he G846 executed the priest's office G2407 before G1725 God G2316 in G1722 the order G5010 of his G846 course, G2183 According G2596 to the custom G1485 of the priest's office, G2405 his lot G2975 was to burn incense G2370 when he went G1525 into G1519 the temple G3485 of the Lord. G2962 And G2532 the whole G3956 multitude G4128 of the people G2992 were G2258 praying G4336 without G1854 at the time G5610 of incense. G2368 And G1161 there appeared G3700 unto him G846 an angel G32 of the Lord G2962 standing G2476 on G1537 the right side G1188 of the altar G2379 of incense. G2368 And G2532 when Zacharias G2197 saw G1492 him, he was troubled, G5015 and G2532 fear G5401 fell G1968 upon G1909 him. G846 But G1161 the angel G32 said G2036 unto G4314 him, G846 Fear G5399 not, G3361 Zacharias: G2197 for G1360 thy G4675 prayer G1162 is heard; G1522 and G2532 thy G4675 wife G1135 Elisabeth G1665 shall bear G1080 thee G4671 a son, G5207 and G2532 thou shalt call G2564 his G846 name G3686 John. G2491 And G2532 thou G4671 shalt have G2071 joy G5479 and G2532 gladness; G20 and G2532 many G4183 shall rejoice G5463 at G1909 his G846 birth. G1083 For G1063 he shall be G2071 great G3173 in the sight G1799 of the Lord, G2962 and G2532 shall drink G4095 neither G3364 wine G3631 nor G2532 strong drink; G4608 and G2532 he shall be filled G4130 with the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 even G2089 from G1537 his G846 mother's G3384 womb. G2836 And G2532 many G4183 of the children G5207 of Israel G2474 shall he turn G1994 to G1909 the Lord G2962 their G846 God. G2316 And G2532 he G846 shall go G4281 before G1799 him G846 in G1722 the spirit G4151 and G2532 power G1411 of Elias, G2243 to turn G1994 the hearts G2588 of the fathers G3962 to G1909 the children, G5043 and G2532 the disobedient G545 to G1722 the wisdom G5428 of the just; G1342 to make ready G2090 a people G2992 prepared G2680 for the Lord. G2962

Acts 4:18 STRONG

And G2532 they called G2564 them, G846 and commanded G3853 them G846 not G3361 to speak G5350 at all G2527 nor G3366 teach G1321 in G1909 the name G3686 of Jesus. G2424

Acts 5:28 STRONG

Saying, G3004 Did G3853 not G3756 we straitly G3852 command G3853 you G5213 that ye should G1321 not G3361 teach G1321 in G1909 this G5129 name? G3686 and, G2532 behold, G2400 ye have filled G4137 Jerusalem G2419 with your G5216 doctrine, G1322 and G2532 intend G1014 to bring G1863 this G5127 man's G444 blood G129 upon G1909 us. G2248

Acts 7:51 STRONG

Ye stiffnecked G4644 and G2532 uncircumcised G564 in heart G2588 and G2532 ears, G3775 ye G5210 do G496 always G104 resist G496 the Holy G40 Ghost: G4151 as G5613 your G5216 fathers G3962 did, so G2532 do ye. G5210

1 Thessalonians 2:15-16 STRONG

Who both G2532 killed G615 the Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 and G2532 their own G2398 prophets, G4396 and G2532 have persecuted G1559 us; G2248 and G2532 they please G700 not G3361 God, G2316 and G2532 are contrary G1727 to all G3956 men: G444 Forbidding G2967 us G2248 to speak G2980 to the Gentiles G1484 that G2443 they might be saved, G4982 to G1519 fill up G378 their G846 sins G266 alway: G3842 for G1161 the wrath G3709 is come G5348 upon G1909 them G846 to G1519 the uttermost. G5056

2 Peter 1:20-21 STRONG

Knowing G1097 this G5124 first, G4412 that G3754 no G3756 G3956 prophecy G4394 of the scripture G1124 is G1096 of any private G2398 interpretation. G1955 For G1063 the prophecy G4394 came G5342 not G3756 in old time G4218 by the will G2307 of man: G444 but G235 holy G40 men G444 of God G2316 spake G2980 as they were moved G5342 by G5259 the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151

1 Kings 22:8 STRONG

And the king H4428 of Israel H3478 said H559 unto Jehoshaphat, H3092 There is yet one H259 man, H376 Micaiah H4321 the son H1121 of Imlah, H3229 by whom we may enquire H1875 of the LORD: H3068 but I hate H8130 him; for he doth not prophesy H5012 good H2896 concerning me, but evil. H7451 And Jehoshaphat H3092 said, H559 Let not the king H4428 say H559 so.

1 Samuel 3:20 STRONG

And all Israel H3478 from Dan H1835 even to Beersheba H884 knew H3045 that Samuel H8050 was established H539 to be a prophet H5030 of the LORD. H3068

1 Samuel 19:20 STRONG

And Saul H7586 sent H7971 messengers H4397 to take H3947 David: H1732 and when they saw H7200 the company H3862 of the prophets H5030 prophesying, H5012 and Samuel H8050 standing H5975 as appointed H5324 over them, the Spirit H7307 of God H430 was upon the messengers H4397 of Saul, H7586 and they also prophesied. H5012

1 Kings 17:1 STRONG

And Elijah H452 the Tishbite, H8664 who was of the inhabitants H8453 of Gilead, H1568 said H559 unto Ahab, H256 As the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 liveth, H2416 before H6440 whom I stand, H5975 there shall not be dew H2919 nor rain H4306 these years, H8141 but according H6310 to my word. H1697

1 Kings 18:4 STRONG

For it was so, when Jezebel H348 cut off H3772 the prophets H5030 of the LORD, H3068 that Obadiah H5662 took H3947 an hundred H3967 prophets, H5030 and hid H2244 them by fifty H376 H2572 in a cave, H4631 and fed H3557 them with bread H3899 and water.) H4325

1 Kings 19:16 STRONG

And Jehu H3058 the son H1121 of Nimshi H5250 shalt thou anoint H4886 to be king H4428 over Israel: H3478 and Elisha H477 the son H1121 of Shaphat H8202 of Abelmeholah H65 shalt thou anoint H4886 to be prophet H5030 in thy room.

1 Kings 20:13 STRONG

And, behold, there came H5066 a H259 prophet H5030 unto Ahab H256 king H4428 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Hast thou seen H7200 all this great H1419 multitude? H1995 behold, I will deliver H5414 it into thine hand H3027 this day; H3117 and thou shalt know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068

1 Kings 20:35 STRONG

And a certain H259 man H376 of the sons H1121 of the prophets H5030 said H559 unto his neighbour H7453 in the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 Smite H5221 me, I pray thee. And the man H376 refused H3985 to smite H5221 him.

1 Kings 20:41 STRONG

And he hasted, H4116 and took the ashes H666 away H5493 from his face; H5869 and the king H4428 of Israel H3478 discerned H5234 him that he was of the prophets. H5030

Deuteronomy 18:18 STRONG

I will raise them up H6965 a Prophet H5030 from among H7130 their brethren, H251 like unto thee, and will put H5414 my words H1697 in his mouth; H6310 and he shall speak H1696 unto them all that I shall command H6680 him.

2 Kings 2:2-5 STRONG

And Elijah H452 said H559 unto Elisha, H477 Tarry H3427 here, I pray thee; for the LORD H3068 hath sent H7971 me to Bethel. H1008 And Elisha H477 said H559 unto him, As the LORD H3068 liveth, H2416 and as thy soul H5315 liveth, H2416 I will not leave H5800 thee. So they went down H3381 to Bethel. H1008 And the sons H1121 of the prophets H5030 that were at Bethel H1008 came forth H3318 to Elisha, H477 and said H559 unto him, Knowest H3045 thou that the LORD H3068 will take away H3947 thy master H113 from thy head H7218 to day? H3117 And he said, H559 Yea, I know H3045 it; hold ye your peace. H2814 And Elijah H452 said H559 unto him, Elisha, H477 tarry H3427 here, I pray thee; for the LORD H3068 hath sent H7971 me to Jericho. H3405 And he said, H559 As the LORD H3068 liveth, H2416 and as thy soul H5315 liveth, H2416 I will not leave H5800 thee. So they came H935 to Jericho. H3405 And the sons H1121 of the prophets H5030 that were at Jericho H3405 came H5066 to Elisha, H477 and said H559 unto him, Knowest H3045 thou that the LORD H3068 will take away H3947 thy master H113 from thy head H7218 to day? H3117 And he answered, H559 Yea, I know H3045 it; hold ye your peace. H2814

2 Kings 6:1 STRONG

And the sons H1121 of the prophets H5030 said H559 unto H6440 Elisha, H477 Behold now, the place H4725 where we dwell H3427 with thee is too strait H6862 for us.

2 Kings 17:13 STRONG

Yet the LORD H3068 testified H5749 against Israel, H3478 and against Judah, H3063 by H3027 all the prophets, H5030 and by all the seers, H2374 saying, H559 Turn H7725 ye from your evil H7451 ways, H1870 and keep H8104 my commandments H4687 and my statutes, H2708 according to all the law H8451 which I commanded H6680 your fathers, H1 and which I sent H7971 to you by H3027 my servants H5650 the prophets. H5030

2 Chronicles 36:15 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers H1 sent H7971 to them by H3027 his messengers, H4397 rising up betimes, H7925 and sending; H7971 because he had compassion H2550 on his people, H5971 and on his dwelling place: H4583

Isaiah 5:3-4 STRONG

And now, O inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 and men H376 of Judah, H3063 judge, H8199 I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard. H3754 What could have been done H6213 more to my vineyard, H3754 that I have not done H6213 in it? wherefore, H4069 when I looked H6960 that it should bring forth H6213 grapes, H6025 brought it forth H6213 wild grapes? H891

Isaiah 30:10-11 STRONG

Which say H559 to the seers, H7200 See H7200 not; and to the prophets, H2374 Prophesy H2372 not unto us right things, H5229 speak H1696 unto us smooth things, H2513 prophesy H2372 deceits: H4123 Get you out H5493 of the way, H1870 turn aside H5186 out of the path, H734 cause the Holy One H6918 of Israel H3478 to cease H7673 from before H6440 us.

Jeremiah 2:5 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 What iniquity H5766 have your fathers H1 found H4672 in me, that they are gone far H7368 from me, and have walked H3212 after H310 vanity, H1892 and are become vain? H1891

Commentary on Amos 2 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



In this chapter the prophet foretells the calamities that should come upon the Moabites for their transgressions, Amos 2:1; and the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem for their iniquities, Amos 2:4; also the judgments of God that should come upon Israel the ten tribes for their sins, which sins are enumerated; their oppression of the poor, their lewdness and idolatry, Amos 2:6; and which are aggravated by the blessings of goodness bestowed upon them, both temporal and spiritual, Amos 2:9; wherefore they are threatened with ruin, which would be inevitable, notwithstanding their swiftness, strength, and courage, and their skill in shooting arrows, and riding horses, Amos 2:13.

Verse 1

Thus saith the Lord, for three transgressions of Moab,.... Or the Moabites, who descended from the eldest son of Lot, by one of his daughters; and, though related, were great enemies to the Israelites; they sent for Balaam to curse them when on their borders, and greatly oppressed them in the times of the judges:

and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; See Gill on Amos 1:3. Idolatry, as well as the sin next charged, must be one of these four transgressions: the idols of Moab were Chemosh and Baalpeor; of the former See Gill on Jeremiah 48:7; and of the latter See Gill on Hosea 9:10;

because he burnt the bones of the king of Edom into lime; either like "to lime", or "for lime"; he burnt them thoroughly, till they came to powder as small and as white as lime, and used them instead of it to plaster the walls of his palace, by way of contempt, as the Targum; and so Jarchi and Kimchi: this is thought probable by QuinquarboreusF13Scholia in Targum in loc. , for which he is blamed by Sanctius, who observes, there is no foundation for it in Scripture; and that the ashes of the bones of one man would not be sufficient to plaster a wall; and, besides, could never be brought to such a consistence as to be fit for such a purpose; yet, if it only means bare burning them, so as that they became like lime, as the colour of it, it could not be thought so very barbarous and inhuman, since it was the usage of some nations, especially the Romans, to burn their dead: no doubt something shocking is intended, and which usage to the dead is resented by the Lord. Sir Paul RycautF14The Present State of the Greek Church, c. 2. relates a piece of barbarity similar to this, that the city of Philadelphia was built with the bones of the besieged, by the prince that took it by storm. Kimchi thinks, as other interpreters also do, that it refers to the history in 2 Kings 3:27; where the king of Moab is said to offer his eldest son that should have reigned in his stead for a burnt offering; which he understands, not of the king of Moab's son, but of the king of Edom's son, here called a king, because he was to have succeeded his father in the kingdom; but it seems rather to be the king of Moab's own son that he offered; nor is it likely that the king of Edom's son was in his lands; for he would have broke through into the king of Edom, but could not; and then did this rash action; not in wrath and fury, but in a religious way. The prophet here refers to some fact, notorious in those times, the truth of which is not to be questioned, though we have no other account of it in Scripture; very probably it was the same king of Moab that did it, and the same king of Edom that was so used, mentioned in the above history; the king of Moab being enraged at him for joining with the kings of Israel and Judah against him, who afterwards falling into his hands, he used him in this barbarous manner; or very likely being possessed of his country after his death, or however of his grave, he took him out of it, and burnt his bones to lime, in revenge of what he had done to him. This was a very cruel action thus to use a human body, and this not the body of a private person, but of a king; and was an act of impiety, as well as of inhumanity, to take the bones of the dead out of his grave, and burn them; and which though done to a Heathen prince. God, who is the Creator of all, and Governor of the whole world, and whose vicegerents princes are, resented; and therefore threatened the Moabites with utter destruction for it.

Verse 2

But I will send a fire upon Moab,.... Either on the whole country, or on some particular city so called, as in all the other prophecies; and there was a city called Moab, now Areopolis; see Gill on Jeremiah 48:4; though it may be put for the whole country, into which an enemy should be sent to destroy it, even Nebuchadnezzar:

and it shall devour the palaces of Kerioth; a principal city in the land of Moab; according to Kimchi, it was the royal city, and therefore mention is made of the palaces of it, here being the palace of the king and his princes; see Jeremiah 48:24; though the word may be rendered cities, as it is by the Septuagint and Arabic versions; and so the Targum,

"and shall consume the palaces of the fortified place;'

and so may signify all the cities of Moab, and their palaces: or however may be put for them:

and Moab shall die with tumult, with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet: that is, the Moabites shall die, not in their beds, and in peace, but in war, amidst the howlings of the wounded, the shouts of soldiers, the clashing of arms, and the sound of trumpets,

Verse 3

And I will cut off the judge from the midst thereof,.... Either from the midst of Moab, the country in general; or from Kerioth in particular, so Kimchi; meaning their principal governor, their king, as Aben Ezra; for kings sometimes have acted as judges, took the bench, and sat and administered justice to their subjects:

and I will stay all the princes thereof with him, saith the Lord; the king, and the princes of the blood, and his nobles; so that there should be none to succeed him, or to protect and defend the people; the destruction should be an entire one, and inevitable, for the mouth of the Lord had spoken it. This was fulfilled at the same time as the prophecy against the children of Ammon by Nebuchadnezzar, five years after the destruction of JerusalemF15Joseph. Antiqu. l. 10. c. 9. sect. 7. Vid. Judith i. 12. , which is next threatened.

Verse 4

Thus saith the Lord, for three transgressions of Judah,.... With whom Benjamin must be joined; for the two tribes are meant as distinct from the ten tribes, under the name of Israel, following. The prophet proceeds from the Heathens round about to the people of God themselves, for the ill usage of whom chiefly the above nations are threatened with ruin, lest they should promise themselves impunity in sin; though, if they rightly considered things, they could not expect it; since, if the Heathens, ignorant of the will of God, and his law, were punished for their sins, then much more those who knew it, and did it not, Luke 12:47; and he begins with Judah, partly because he was of that tribe, lest he should be charged with flattery and partiality, and partly because of the order of his prophecy, which being chiefly concerned with Israel, it was proper that what he had to say to Judah should be delivered first:

and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; the prophet retains the same form as in his prophecies against the Heathen nations; his own people, and God's professing people, being guilty of numerous transgressions, as well as they, and more aggravated than theirs; See Gill on Amos 1:3;

because they have despised the law of the Lord; a law so holy, just, and good, and so righteous, as no other nation had; and yet was not only not observed, but contemned: other nations sinned against the light of nature, and are not charged with breaches of the law of God, which was not given them; but these people had it, yet lightly esteemed it; counted it as a strange thing; walked not according to it, but cast it away from them; which was a great affront to the sovereignty of God, and a trampling upon his legislative power and authority:

and have not kept his commandments; or "statutes"F16חקיו "statuta ejus", Pagninus, Montanus, Mercerus, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Cocceius, &c. ; the ordinances of the ceremonial law, which he appointed them to observe for the honour of his name, as parts of his worship; and to lead them into the designs of his grace and salvation by the Messiah:

and their lies caused them to err; either, their idols, as the Vulgate Latin version renders it; which are lying vanities, and deceive, and by which they were made to err from the pure worship of the living and true God to superstition and idolatry; or the words of the false prophets, as Kimchi; the false doctrines their taught, contrary to the word of God, directing them to seek for life by their own works; and promising them peace, when destruction was at hand; and daubing with untempered mortar; and as no lie is of the truth, but against it, so one untruth leads on to another:

after the which their fathers have walked; after which lies, idols, and errors, as in Ur of the Chaldees, in Egypt, in the wilderness, and even in later times: this was no excuse to them that they followed the way of their ancestors, but rather an aggravation of their guilt, that they imitated them, took no warning by them; but filled up the measure of their iniquities, and showed themselves to be a seed of evildoers, a generation of wicked men, the sons of rebellious parents.

Verse 5

But I will send a fire upon Judah,.... An enemy, Nebuchadnezzar, who should burn, waste, and destroy, all that were in his way:

and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem; the chief city of Judah, the royal city, where stood the temple, the palace of the most High, and the palaces of the king and his nobles; these were burnt with fire when it was taken by the Chaldean army, about two hundred years after this prophecy, Jeremiah 52:13.

Verse 6

Thus saith the Lord, for three transgressions of Israel,.... The ten tribes rent from the house of David in the times of Rehoboam, and who departed from the true worship of God, and set up calves at Dan and Bethel:

and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; the following part of this prophecy is taken up in pointing at the sins and punishment of Israel; now the prophet is come to the main business he was sent to do:

because they sold the righteous for silver; meaning not any particular person, as Joseph sold by his brethren, for in that they were all concerned, Judah as well as the rest; nor Christ, as othersF17Vid. Galatin. Cathol. Ver. Arcan. l. 4. c. 24. , sold for thirty pieces of silver; since the persons here charged with it, and the times in which it was done, will not agree with that case; but the sense is, that the judges of Israel were so corrupt, that for a piece of money they would give a cause against a righteous man, and in favour of an unjust man that bribed them:

and the poor for a pair of shoes; that is, for a mere trifle they would pervert justice; if two men came before them with a cause, and both poor; yet if one could but give a pair of shoes, or anything he could part with, though he could not give money; so mean and sordid were they, they would take it, and give the cause for him, however unjust it was.

Verse 7

That pant after the dust of the earth on the head of the poor,.... Either were greedy after money, the dust of the earth, and even that small portion of it the poor were possessed of; they could not be easy that they should enjoy that little of it they did, but were desirous to get it out of their hands by oppression and injustice: or they were eagerly desirous of throwing the poor upon the earth, and trampling upon them, and dragging them through the dust of it, thereby filling their heads and covering their faces with it; and caused them to put their mouths in the dust, and be humble suppliants to them. Some think there is an allusion to an ancient custom, which Joseph ben GorionF18Hist. Heb. c. 44. apud Drusium in loc. speaks of, that a guilty person should stand before the judges, clad in black, and his head covered with dust; and this these judges desired here might be done by the rich, that the poor might be accused by them from whom they expected gifts:

and turn aside the way of the meek; decline doing them justice, pervert it, and hinder the course of it, denying it to those who are humble, meek, and modest; or else by one means or another turned them from the good ways in which they were walking, and by degrees at length brought them to such impudence and immodesty as is next expressed, so Aben Ezra:

and a man and his father will go in unto the same maid, to profane my holy name; that is, will be guilty of such uncleanness, as not only to have and enjoy the same harlot, but of such incest, as that the son would lie with his father's wife, and the father lie with his son's wife; a sin which was not named among the Gentiles, 1 Corinthians 5:1; and whereby the name of God was blasphemed among them, as if their religion taught them and encouraged them in such filthy actions; see Romans 2:24.

Verse 8

And they laid themselves down upon clothes laid to pledge by every altar,.... That is, the clothes they took in pledge of poor people, which they should have restored before sun setting, Exodus 22:26; these they spread by every altar, of which they had many erected to their idols, and on these as on carpets they slept by them, as was usual with the Gentiles; who not only in common used to lie and sleep on garments, or carpets, or skins spread on the floorF19Vid. Gloss in Aristophan. Plutum, p. 55. & Nubes, p. 125. , but upon such in the temples of their idols, in order to obtain good dreams; so in the temple of Amphiaraus in Greece, after purgations and sacrifices to him, and to the gods whose names were engraven on the same altar, they slew a ram, and spread the skin, on which they laid themselves down, and had dreams, the signification and events of which they presently interpretedF20Pausanias, Attica, sive l. 1. p. 65. Vid. Alex. ab Alex. Genial. Dier. l. 6. c. 2. ; and Jerom saysF21Comment. in Isa. lxv. 4. , they used to spread the skins of the sacrifices, and lie upon them, that they might by dreams know things to come, which custom in the temple of Aesculapius continued to his times; and this custom might be imitated by the Jews; and so they are described by such, "who sleep in the temples of idols", in the Vulgate Latin version of Isaiah 65:4; See Gill on Isaiah 65:4; but very false it is what StraboF23Geograph. l. 16. p. 523. says, that the Jews were taught this custom by Moses; telling them that such as lived soberly and righteously ought to sleep in the temple, where they might expect good dreams for themselves and others, as good gifts and signs from God, which others might not expect: or else the sense is, they laid themselves down on these clothes, and feasted on them; it being their custom at meals not to sit upright, but to recline on couches; or as the manner of the Turks and other eastern nations to sit on carpets; and it was also the custom of the Heathens to feast in their temples, and by their altars, in honour of their gods. So Herodotus relatesF24Clio, sive l. 1. c. 31. , that at a festival of June with the Argives, the mother of Cleobis and Biton prayed the goddess, whom they had drawn to the temple, oxen not being ready, that she would give to them what was best for men; after which prayer, it is said, they sacrificed and "feasted"; and the young men falling asleep in the temple, never rose more, but finished this life: the deity judging it better for a man to die than to live; and this custom of feasting in idols' temples obtained, in the times of the apostles, as appears from 1 Corinthians 8:10; and which was now observed by the Israelites, with this aggravation of their sin, that they laid themselves on the garments of the poor they had taken for a pawn, when they were performing their idolatrous rites; which must be very provoking to God:

and they drink the wine of the condemned in the house of their god: either wine which used to be given to condemned malefactors to cheer and refresh them; which custom among the Jews was founded on Proverbs 31:6; See Gill on Proverbs 31:6; See Gill on Proverbs 31:7; The manner was to put a grain of frankincense into a cup of wine, which they gave to the malefactor just as he was going to be executed, that his mind might be disturbed and become insensible; and which was usually the free gift of honourable women, out of compassion to the sufferer; and if they did it not, it was provided at the expense of the publicF25T. Bab. Sanhedrin, fol. 43. 1. Bemidbar Rabba, sect. 10. fol. 198. 4. Maimon. Hilchot Sanhedrin, c. 13. sect. 2, 3. ; but this seems to be done rather to intoxicate and stupefy them, that they might not feel their pain and misery, than to cheer; and is thought to be the potion which was offered to Christ, and he refused, Mark 15:23; but whether such a custom obtained in the times of the prophet is a question; nor does it seem very likely that these men would choose such sort of wine; wherefore rather wine bought with the money they received by the fines and amercements of those they unjustly condemned is intended. The Targum renders it the wine of rapine; and this they were not content to drink only in their own houses, but drank it at their festivals in the temples of their idols, such as were built for the calves of Dan and Bethel, and other idols.

Verse 9

Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them,.... Here the Lord by the prophet reckons up the many favours and blessings he had bestowed upon Israel, which was an aggravation of their sins, and showed them to be guilty of great ingratitude, and a justification of him in his punishment of them he drove out the seven nations of Canaanites from before them, to make way for them, and destroyed them, of which the Amorite was a principal, and is here put for all the rest:

whose height was like the height of the cedars; being both tall of stature, and in great honour and dignity with the other nations, and in very opulent and flourishing circumstances:

and he was strong as the oaks: not only like the tall cedars of Lebanon for their height and largeness of stature, but like the sturdy oaks for the strength of their bodies, being of the race of the giants, Numbers 13:28;

yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath; that is, utterly destroyed him, root and branch, so that nothing of him remained; still persisting in the metaphor of a tree. Jarchi interprets it of their superior and inferior princes; but it seems best to understand it of children with their parents, the one being the fruit, the other the root; and, both being destroyed, there must be utter ruin.

Verse 10

Also I brought you up from the land of Egypt,.... Where they were bond slaves, and in great affliction and distress, and unable to help themselves; but the Lord wrought deliverance for them, and brought them out of this house of bondage with a high hand and a mighty arm:

and led you forty years through the wilderness: going before them in a pillar of cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire by night; providing them with all things necessary, with food and raiment, and protecting them from all their enemies:

to possess the land of the Amorite; the whole land of Canaan, so called from a principal nation of it.

Verse 11

And I raised up of your sons for prophets,.... Such as Moses, Joshua, and the seventy elders, and others; not only to foretell things to come, but to teach and instruct the people in the doctrines and duties of religion, and to warn them of their sins, and the danger of them:

and of your young men for Nazarites: as Samson, Samuel, and others; whose vow not only obliged them from shaving their hair, but to abstain from drinking wine, and eating grapes, which the youthful age is inclined unto; but such grace was given them, as enabled them to deny themselves sensual gratifications, and to be examples of piety and constant attendance on the service of God, and instructing the people. The Targum is,

"of your young men for teachers;'

these were the spiritual mercies, as the former were the temporal ones, the Lord bestowed on these people, for the truth of which he appeals to them:

is it not even thus, O ye children of Israel, saith the Lord? can ye deny it? the thing was too notorious to be contradicted.

Verse 12

But ye gave the Nazarites wine to drink,.... Contrary to their vow and calling, and in contempt of it, and to make them like themselves; they either persuaded them, or forced them to it:

and commanded the prophets, saying, prophesy not; hard and heavy things, judgments and denunciations of vengeance, only smooth things; by this authoritative language it appears that this is said of the rulers and governors of the people, as king, princes, and priests; see Amos 7:12.

Verse 13

Behold, I are pressed under you,.... With the weight of their sins, with which they had made him to serve, and had wearied him; his patience was quite wore out, he could bear them no longer:

as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves; as a cart in harvest time, in which the sheaves of corn are carried home; when one sheaf is laid upon another, till they can lay no more, and the cart is loaded and overloaded with them, and ready to break, or be pressed into the earth with them: thus. Jehovah represents himself as loaded and burdened with the sins of these people, and therefore would visit for them, and inflict deserved punishment. Some render it actively, "behold, I press"F26מעיק "angustabo", Vatablus; "coarctans", Montanus; "arcto", Mercerus; "premo, coarctabo, angustiis afficiam", Drusius; "pressurus sum", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Tarnovius; "arctaturus sum", Liveleus. , or "am about to press your place, as a cart full of sheaves presseth"F1תעיק "coarctares", Montanus; "premit", Junius & Tremellius; Piscator, Tarnovius. ; the horse or horses which draw it, especially the last; or the ground it goes upon; or as a cart stuck with iron spikes, and loaded with stones, being drawn over a corn floor, presses the full sheaves, and beats out the grain, which was their way of pressing it: so the Lord signifies he would afflict and distress this people, bring them into strait circumstances, by a close siege, and other judgments, which should ruin and destroy them; and which was first begun by Tiglathpileser king of Assyria, and finished by Shalmaneser, who carried away the ten tribes captive. So the Targum,

"behold, I bring distress upon you, and it shall straiten you in your place, as a cart is straitened which is loaded with sheaves.'

Verse 14

Therefore the flight shall perish from the swift,.... They should be so straitened and cooped up, and be so loaded with pressures, that those, as swift of foot as Asahel, should not be able to make their escape by fleeing:

and the strong shall not strengthen his force; should not increase it, or muster it up, and exert it to such a degree, as to be able to defend and secure himself from the enemy:

neither shall the mighty deliver himself; "his soul" or "life"; a soldier, a man of war, an expert and courageous officer at the head of his troop, or even the general of the army; see Psalm 33:16.

Verse 15

Neither shall he stand that handleth the bow,.... That is, at some distance, and can make use of his instruments of war afar off; yet will not think it safe to stand his ground, but will betake himself to his heels as fast as he can to save himself:

and he that is swift of foot shall not deliver himself; this is repeated, lest any should place confidence in their agility, and to show how complete and inevitable the affliction will be:

neither shall he that rideth the horse deliver himself; by fleeing on horseback, no more than he that is on foot; no ways that can be devised or thought on would preserve from this general calamity; see Psalm 33:17.

Verse 16

And he that is courageous among the mighty,.... Or "strong in his heart"F2אמיץ לבו "fortis corde suo", Vatablus, Piscator; "fortis animo", Junius & Tremellius, Drusius; "validus corde suo", Mercerus; "qui corde firmo est", Cocceius. ; one that is of a great heart, famous for courage and bravery, that excels in it among the mighty; the most valiant soldiers and officers:

shall flee away naked in that day: shall throw away his armour, nay, put off his clothes, as being both a hinderance to him in his flight; and that he may make the better speed:

saith the Lord: which is added to show the certainty of all this; it might be depended upon that so it would be, since the Lord God of truth had spoken it; and it was fulfilled about eighty years after this prophecy.