Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Ezekiel » Chapter 3 » Verse 20

Ezekiel 3:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 Again, H7725 When a righteous H6662 man doth turn H7725 from his righteousness, H6664 and commit H6213 iniquity, H5766 and I lay H5414 a stumblingblock H4383 before H6440 him, he shall die: H4191 because thou hast not given him warning, H2094 he shall die H4191 in his sin, H2403 and his righteousness H6666 which he hath done H6213 shall not be remembered; H2142 but his blood H1818 will I require H1245 at thine hand. H3027

Cross Reference

Ezekiel 18:24 STRONG

But when the righteous H6662 turneth away H7725 from his righteousness, H6666 and committeth H6213 iniquity, H5766 and doeth H6213 according to all the abominations H8441 that the wicked H7563 man doeth, H6213 shall he live? H2425 All his righteousness H6666 that he hath done H6213 shall not be mentioned: H2142 in his trespass H4603 that he hath trespassed, H4604 and in his sin H2403 that he hath sinned, H2398 in them shall he die. H4191

Ezekiel 3:18 STRONG

When I say H559 unto the wicked, H7563 Thou shalt surely H4191 die; H4191 and thou givest him not warning, H2094 nor speakest H1696 to warn H2094 the wicked H7563 from his wicked H7563 way, H1870 to save his life; H2421 the same wicked H7563 man shall die H4191 in his iniquity; H5771 but his blood H1818 will I require H1245 at thine hand. H3027

Ezekiel 33:12-13 STRONG

Therefore, thou son H1121 of man, H120 say H559 unto the children H1121 of thy people, H5971 The righteousness H6666 of the righteous H6662 shall not deliver H5337 him in the day H3117 of his transgression: H6588 as for the wickedness H7564 of the wicked, H7563 he shall not fall H3782 thereby in the day H3117 that he turneth H7725 from his wickedness; H7562 neither shall the righteous H6662 be able H3201 to live H2421 for his righteousness in the day H3117 that he sinneth. H2398 When I shall say H559 to the righteous, H6662 that he shall surely H2421 live; H2421 if he trust H982 to his own righteousness, H6666 and commit H6213 iniquity, H5766 all his righteousnesses H6666 shall not be remembered; H2142 but for his iniquity H5766 that he hath committed, H6213 he shall die H4191 for it.

Hebrews 10:38 STRONG

Now G1161 the just G1342 shall live G2198 by G1537 faith: G4102 but G2532 if G1437 any man draw back, G5288 my G3450 soul G5590 shall have G2106 no G3756 pleasure G2106 in G1722 him. G846

Ezekiel 18:26 STRONG

When a righteous H6662 man turneth away H7725 from his righteousness, H6666 and committeth H6213 iniquity, H5766 and dieth H4191 in them; for his iniquity H5766 that he hath done H6213 shall he die. H4191

Jeremiah 6:21 STRONG

Therefore thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Behold, I will lay H5414 stumblingblocks H4383 before this people, H5971 and the fathers H1 and the sons H1121 together H3162 shall fall H3782 upon them; the neighbour H7934 and his friend H7453 shall perish. H6

Psalms 125:5 STRONG

As for such as turn aside H5186 unto their crooked ways, H6128 the LORD H3068 shall lead them forth H3212 with the workers H6466 of iniquity: H205 but peace H7965 shall be upon Israel. H3478

Ezekiel 14:7-9 STRONG

For every one H376 of the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 or of the stranger H1616 that sojourneth H1481 in Israel, H3478 which separateth H5144 himself from me, H310 and setteth up H5927 his idols H1544 in his heart, H3820 and putteth H7760 the stumblingblock H4383 of his iniquity H5771 before H5227 his face, H6440 and cometh H935 to a prophet H5030 to enquire H1875 of him concerning me; I the LORD H3068 will answer H6030 him by myself: And I will set H5414 my face H6440 against that man, H376 and will make H8074 him a sign H226 and a proverb, H4912 and I will cut him off H3772 from the midst H8432 of my people; H5971 and ye shall know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068 And if the prophet H5030 be deceived H6601 when he hath spoken H1696 a thing, H1697 I the LORD H3068 have deceived H6601 that prophet, H5030 and I will stretch out H5186 my hand H3027 upon him, and will destroy H8045 him from the midst H8432 of my people H5971 Israel. H3478

Isaiah 8:14 STRONG

And he shall be for a sanctuary; H4720 but for a stone H68 of stumbling H5063 and for a rock H6697 of offence H4383 to both H8147 the houses H1004 of Israel, H3478 for a gin H6341 and for a snare H4170 to the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem. H3389

Ezekiel 14:3 STRONG

Son H1121 of man, H120 these men H582 have set up H5927 their idols H1544 in their heart, H3820 and put H5414 the stumblingblock H4383 of their iniquity H5771 before H5227 their face: H6440 should I be enquired H1875 of at all H1875 by them?

Zephaniah 1:6 STRONG

And them that are turned back H5472 from H310 the LORD; H3068 and those that have not sought H1245 the LORD, H3068 nor enquired H1875 for him.

2 Peter 2:18-22 STRONG

For G1063 when they speak G5350 great swelling G5246 words of vanity, G3153 they allure G1185 through G1722 the lusts G1939 of the flesh, G4561 through much wantonness, G766 those that were clean G3689 escaped G668 from them who live G390 in G1722 error. G4106 While they promise G1861 them G846 liberty, G1657 they themselves G846 are G5225 the servants G1401 of corruption: G5356 for G1063 of whom G3739 a man G5100 is overcome, G2274 G2532 of the same G5129 is he brought in bondage. G1402 For G1063 if G1487 after they have escaped G668 the pollutions G3393 of the world G2889 through G1722 the knowledge G1922 of the Lord G2962 and G2532 Saviour G4990 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 they are G1707 again G3825 entangled G1707 therein, G5125 and G1161 overcome, G1096 G2274 the latter end G2078 is worse G5501 with them G846 than the beginning. G4413 For G1063 it had been G2258 better G2909 for them G846 not G3361 to have known G1921 the way G3598 of righteousness, G1343 than, G2228 after they have known G1921 it, to turn G1994 from G1537 the holy G40 commandment G1785 delivered G3860 unto them. G846 But G1161 it is happened G4819 unto them G846 according to G3588 the true G227 proverb, G3942 The dog G2965 is turned G1994 to G1909 his own G2398 vomit G1829 again; G1994 and G2532 the sow G5300 that was washed G3068 to G1519 her wallowing G2946 in the mire. G1004

Romans 2:7-8 STRONG

To them who by G3303 G2596 patient continuance G5281 in well G18 doing G2041 seek G2212 for glory G1391 and G2532 honour G5092 and G2532 immortality, G861 eternal G166 life: G2222 But G1161 unto them that are contentious, G1537 G2052 and G2532 do not obey G544 G3303 the truth, G225 but G1161 obey G3982 unrighteousness, G93 indignation G2372 and G2532 wrath, G3709

1 John 2:19 STRONG

They went out G1831 from G1537 us, G2257 but G235 they were G2258 not G3756 of G1537 us; G2257 for G1063 if G1487 they had been G2258 of G1537 us, G2257 they would G302 no doubt have continued G3306 with G3326 us: G2257 but G235 they went out, that G2443 they might be made manifest G5319 that G3754 they were G1526 not G3756 all G3956 of G1537 us. G2257

1 Peter 2:8 STRONG

And G2532 a stone G3037 of stumbling, G4348 and G2532 a rock G4073 of offence, G4625 even to them which G3739 stumble G4350 at the word, G3056 being disobedient: G544 whereunto G1519 G3739 also G2532 they were appointed. G5087

Hebrews 13:17 STRONG

Obey G3982 them that have the rule G2233 over you, G5216 and G2532 submit yourselves: G5226 for G1063 they G846 watch G69 for G5228 your G5216 souls, G5590 as G5613 they that must give G591 account, G3056 that G2443 they may do G4160 it G5124 with G3326 joy, G5479 and G2532 not G3361 with grief: G4727 for G1063 that G5124 is unprofitable G255 for you. G5213

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 STRONG

Even him, whose G3739 coming G3952 is G2076 after G2596 the working G1753 of Satan G4567 with G1722 all G3956 power G1411 and G2532 signs G4592 and G2532 lying G5579 wonders, G5059 And G2532 with G1722 all G3956 deceivableness G539 of unrighteousness G93 in G1722 them that perish; G622 because G473 G3739 they received G1209 not G3756 the love G26 of the truth, G225 that G1519 they G846 might be saved. G4982 And G2532 for this G5124 cause G1223 God G2316 shall send G3992 them G846 strong G1753 delusion, G4106 that G1519 they G846 should believe G4100 a lie: G5579 That G2443 they all G3956 might be damned G2919 who G3588 believed G4100 not G3361 the truth, G225 but G235 had pleasure G2106 in G1722 unrighteousness. G93

1 Corinthians 1:23 STRONG

But G1161 we G2249 preach G2784 Christ G5547 crucified, G4717 unto the Jews G2453 a stumblingblock, G3303 G4625 and G1161 unto the Greeks G1672 foolishness; G3472

Romans 11:9 STRONG

And G2532 David G1138 saith, G3004 Let G1096 their G846 table G5132 be made G1096 a snare, G1519 G3803 and G2532 a trap, G1519 G2339 and G2532 a stumblingblock, G1519 G4625 and G2532 a recompence G1519 G468 unto them: G846

Romans 9:32-33 STRONG

Wherefore? G1302 Because G3754 they sought it not G3756 by G1537 faith, G4102 but G235 as G5613 it were by G1537 the works G2041 of the law. G3551 For G1063 they stumbled G4350 at that stumblingstone; G3037 G4348 As G2531 it is written, G1125 Behold, G2400 I lay G5087 in G1722 Sion G4622 a stumblingstone G3037 G4348 and G2532 rock G4073 of offence: G4625 and G2532 whosoever G3956 believeth G4100 on G1909 him G846 shall G2617 not G3756 be ashamed. G2617

Isaiah 64:6 STRONG

But we are all as an unclean H2931 thing, and all our righteousnesses H6666 are as filthy H5708 rags; H899 and we all do fade H5034 H1101 as a leaf; H5929 and our iniquities, H5771 like the wind, H7307 have taken us away. H5375

Deuteronomy 13:3 STRONG

Thou shalt not hearken H8085 unto the words H1697 of that prophet, H5030 or that dreamer H2492 of dreams: H2472 for the LORD H3068 your God H430 proveth H5254 you, to know H3045 whether ye H3426 love H157 the LORD H3068 your God H430 with all your heart H3824 and with all your soul. H5315

2 Samuel 12:7-13 STRONG

And Nathan H5416 said H559 to David, H1732 Thou art the man. H376 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 I anointed H4886 thee king H4428 over Israel, H3478 and I delivered H5337 thee out of the hand H3027 of Saul; H7586 And I gave H5414 thee thy master's H113 house, H1004 and thy master's H113 wives H802 into thy bosom, H2436 and gave H5414 thee the house H1004 of Israel H3478 and of Judah; H3063 and if that had been too little, H4592 I would moreover have given H3254 unto thee such H2007 and such things. H2007 Wherefore hast thou despised H959 the commandment H1697 of the LORD, H3068 to do H6213 evil H7451 in his sight? H5869 thou hast killed H5221 Uriah H223 the Hittite H2850 with the sword, H2719 and hast taken H3947 his wife H802 to be thy wife, H802 and hast slain H2026 him with the sword H2719 of the children H1121 of Ammon. H5983 Now therefore the sword H2719 shall never H5704 H5769 depart H5493 from thine house; H1004 because H6118 thou hast despised H959 me, and hast taken H3947 the wife H802 of Uriah H223 the Hittite H2850 to be thy wife. H802 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Behold, I will raise up H6965 evil H7451 against thee out of thine own house, H1004 and I will take H3947 thy wives H802 before thine eyes, H5869 and give H5414 them unto thy neighbour, H7453 and he shall lie H7901 with thy wives H802 in the sight H5869 of this sun. H8121 For thou didst H6213 it secretly: H5643 but I will do H6213 this thing H1697 before all Israel, H3478 and before the sun. H8121 And David H1732 said H559 unto Nathan, H5416 I have sinned H2398 against the LORD. H3068 And Nathan H5416 said H559 unto David, H1732 The LORD H3068 also hath put away H5674 thy sin; H2403 thou shalt not die. H4191

2 Chronicles 19:2-4 STRONG

And Jehu H3058 the son H1121 of Hanani H2607 the seer H2374 went out H3318 to meet H6440 him, and said H559 to king H4428 Jehoshaphat, H3092 Shouldest thou help H5826 the ungodly, H7563 and love H157 them that hate H8130 the LORD? H3068 therefore H2063 is wrath H7110 upon thee from before H6440 the LORD. H3068 Nevertheless H61 there are good H2896 things H1697 found H4672 in thee, in that thou hast taken away H1197 the groves H842 out of the land, H776 and hast prepared H3559 thine heart H3824 to seek H1875 God. H430 And Jehoshaphat H3092 dwelt H3427 at Jerusalem: H3389 and he went out H3318 again H7725 through the people H5971 from Beersheba H884 to mount H2022 Ephraim, H669 and brought them back H7725 unto the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers. H1

2 Chronicles 24:2 STRONG

And Joash H3101 did H6213 that which was right H3477 in the sight H5869 of the LORD H3068 all the days H3117 of Jehoiada H3077 the priest. H3548

2 Chronicles 24:17-22 STRONG

Now after H310 the death H4194 of Jehoiada H3077 came H935 the princes H8269 of Judah, H3063 and made obeisance H7812 to the king. H4428 Then the king H4428 hearkened H8085 unto them. And they left H5800 the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 and served H5647 groves H842 and idols: H6091 and wrath H7110 came upon Judah H3063 and Jerusalem H3389 for this their trespass. H819 Yet he sent H7971 prophets H5030 to them, to bring them again H7725 unto the LORD; H3068 and they testified H5749 against them: but they would not give ear. H238 And the Spirit H7307 of God H430 came H3847 upon Zechariah H2148 the son H1121 of Jehoiada H3077 the priest, H3548 which stood H5975 above the people, H5971 and said H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 God, H430 Why transgress H5674 ye the commandments H4687 of the LORD, H3068 that ye cannot prosper? H6743 because ye have forsaken H5800 the LORD, H3068 he hath also forsaken H5800 you. And they conspired H7194 against him, and stoned H7275 him with stones H68 at the commandment H4687 of the king H4428 in the court H2691 of the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 Thus Joash H3101 the king H4428 remembered H2142 not the kindness H2617 which Jehoiada H3077 his father H1 had done H6213 to him, but slew H2026 his son. H1121 And when he died, H4194 he said, H559 The LORD H3068 look H7200 upon it, and require H1875 it.

2 Chronicles 25:15 STRONG

Wherefore the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 was kindled H2734 against Amaziah, H558 and he sent H7971 unto him a prophet, H5030 which said H559 unto him, Why hast thou sought H1875 after the gods H430 of the people, H5971 which could not deliver H5337 their own people H5971 out of thine hand? H3027

Psalms 36:3 STRONG

The words H1697 of his mouth H6310 are iniquity H205 and deceit: H4820 he hath left off H2308 to be wise, H7919 and to do good. H3190

Psalms 119:165 STRONG

Great H7227 peace H7965 have they which love H157 thy law: H8451 and nothing shall offend H4383 them.

Proverbs 25:12 STRONG

As an earring H5141 of gold, H2091 and an ornament H2481 of fine gold, H3800 so is a wise H2450 reprover H3198 upon an obedient H8085 ear. H241

Leviticus 19:17 STRONG

Thou shalt not hate H8130 thy brother H251 in thine heart: H3824 thou shalt in any wise H3198 rebuke H3198 thy neighbour, H5997 and not suffer H5375 sin H2399 upon him.

Ezekiel 7:19 STRONG

They shall cast H7993 their silver H3701 in the streets, H2351 and their gold H2091 shall be removed: H5079 their silver H3701 and their gold H2091 shall not be able H3201 to deliver H5337 them in the day H3117 of the wrath H5678 of the LORD: H3068 they shall not satisfy H7646 their souls, H5315 neither fill H4390 their bowels: H4578 because it is the stumblingblock H4383 of their iniquity. H5771

Ezekiel 33:6 STRONG

But if the watchman H6822 see H7200 the sword H2719 come, H935 and blow H8628 not the trumpet, H7782 and the people H5971 be not warned; H2094 if the sword H2719 come, H935 and take H3947 any person H5315 from among them, he is taken away H3947 in his iniquity; H5771 but his blood H1818 will I require H1875 at the watchman's H6822 hand. H3027

Ezekiel 33:18 STRONG

When the righteous H6662 turneth H7725 from his righteousness, H6666 and committeth H6213 iniquity, H5766 he shall even die H4191 thereby.

Daniel 9:18 STRONG

O my God, H430 incline H5186 thine ear, H241 and hear; H8085 open H6491 thine eyes, H5869 and behold H7200 our desolations, H8074 and the city H5892 which is called H7121 by thy name: H8034 for we do not present H5307 our supplications H8469 before H6440 thee for our righteousnesses, H6666 but for thy great H7227 mercies. H7356

Matthew 12:43-45 STRONG

G1161 When G3752 the unclean G169 spirit G4151 is gone G1831 out of G575 a man, G444 he walketh G1330 through G1223 dry G504 places, G5117 seeking G2212 rest, G372 and G2532 findeth G2147 none. G3756 Then G5119 he saith, G3004 I will return G1994 into G1519 my G3450 house G3624 from whence G3606 I came out; G1831 and G2532 when he is come, G2064 he findeth G2147 it empty, G4980 swept, G4563 and G2532 garnished. G2885 Then G5119 goeth he, G4198 and G2532 taketh G3880 with G3326 himself G1438 seven G2033 other G2087 spirits G4151 more wicked G4191 than himself, G1438 and G2532 they enter in G1525 and dwell G2730 there: G1563 and G2532 the last G2078 state of that G1565 man G444 is G1096 worse than G5501 the first. G4413 Even so G3779 shall it be G2071 also G2532 unto this G5026 wicked G4190 generation. G1074

Matthew 13:20-21 STRONG

But G1161 he that received the seed G4687 into G1909 stony places, G4075 the same G3778 is G2076 he that heareth G191 the word, G3056 and G2532 anon G2117 with G3326 joy G5479 receiveth G2983 it; G846 Yet G1161 hath he G2192 not G3756 root G4491 in G1722 himself, G1438 but G235 dureth G2076 for a while: G4340 for G1161 when tribulation G2347 or G2228 persecution G1375 ariseth G1096 because G1223 of the word, G3056 by and by G2117 he is offended. G4624

Matthew 18:15 STRONG

Moreover G1161 if G1437 thy G4675 brother G80 shall trespass G264 against G1519 thee, G4571 go G5217 and G2532 tell G1651 him G846 his fault G1651 between G3342 thee G4675 and G2532 him G846 alone: G3441 if G1437 he shall hear G191 thee, G4675 thou hast gained G2770 thy G4675 brother. G80

Luke 2:34 STRONG

And G2532 Simeon G4826 blessed G2127 them, G846 and G2532 said G2036 unto G4314 Mary G3137 his G846 mother, G3384 Behold, G2400 this G3778 child is set G2749 for G1519 the fall G4431 and G2532 rising again G386 of many G4183 in G1722 Israel; G2474 and G2532 for G1519 a sign G4592 which shall be spoken against; G483

Luke 8:15 STRONG

But G1161 that on G1722 the good G2570 ground G1093 are G1526 they, G3778 which G3748 in G1722 an honest G2570 and G2532 good G18 heart, G2588 having heard G191 the word, G3056 keep G2722 it, and G2532 bring forth fruit G2592 with G1722 patience. G5281

Commentary on Ezekiel 3 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter contains a further account of the prophet's call and mission; of his preparation of him for is work; of, the persons to whom he was sent; of what happened to him upon this; of the nature of his office, and the work of it; and of what followed upon the renewal of his call. His further preparation for prophesying is in Ezekiel 3:1; where he is bid to eat the roll showed him, which he did, and found it in his mouth as honey for sweetness; and then he receives fresh orders to go to the people of Israel, and prophesy to them, Ezekiel 3:4; and, that he might not be discouraged, an account is given beforehand of the people to whom he was sent; of their language, behaviour, and disposition; by which he could not expect success, Ezekiel 3:5; and, for his further encouragement, strength, boldness, resolution, firmness, and presence of mind, are promised him, Ezekiel 3:8; also a revelation of mere things to him; all which he should hear, receive, and speak, whether the people would attend to them or not; which ought to be no discouragement to him, since it was not regarded by the Lord, Ezekiel 3:10; then follows an account of his being lifted up by the Spirit from the earth, when he heard a voice, which is described by the manner and matter of it; and a noise, both of the living creature's wings, and of the wheels he had seen in a former vision, Ezekiel 3:12; and next of his being carried away by the same Spirit; and of the condition he was in, in his own spirit, as he went; and of the strength he received from the Lord; and of the place to which he, was carried; and his state and circumstances, and time of continuance there, Ezekiel 3:14; where, after a time mentioned, he has a fresh call to his office, under the character of a watchman, whose business was to hear Christ's words, and warn the house of Israel from him; and who are distinguished into wicked and righteous; and whom the prophet was to warn at his own peril, Ezekiel 3:16; and the chapter is concluded with a narration of various events which befell the prophet; he is bid by the Lord to go into the plain, which he did, and there saw the glory of the Lord, as he had before seen it at the river Chebar; which so affected him, that he fell upon his face, Ezekiel 3:22; the spirit entered into him, let him on his feet, and spake with him; ordered him what he should do himself, that he should shut himself up in his house, Ezekiel 3:24; informed him what the people would do to him; bind him with bands, that he should not come forth, Ezekiel 3:25; and what Christ would do to him; strike him dumb in judgment to the people, that he might not be a reprover of them, Ezekiel 3:26; but he is told that, when the Lord spoke to him; his mouth should be opened, and he should declare what was said to him, Ezekiel 3:27.

Verse 1

Moreover he said unto me,.... The same glorious Person who had been speaking all along in the preceding chapter; and who was seen by the prophet on a sapphire throne, and described in Ezekiel 1:26; the first fifteen verses of this chapter are by Junius and Tremellius made a part of the second:

son of man, eat that thou findest; not anything, but what he found in the hand sent unto him; wherefore the Targum is,

"son of man, receive what is given thee;'

which was the roll, as follows:

eat this roll; not literally, but figuratively, as John is bid to eat the little book, Revelation 10:9; that is, read it, meditate upon the things contained therein; and digest them, that he might be able to impart them, and make them known to others: it is explained in Ezekiel 3:10; by hearing and receiving the words of the prophecy; and so the Targum,

"receive what is written in this roll;'

this is to eat it; as great readers of books are called "helluones librorum", eaters of books, gluttons at them; read them greedily, deeply meditate upon what is in them, and thoroughly digest them; so it becomes all good men to eat the word, to mix it with faith, to receive it in the love of it, and constantly meditate on it, Psalm 1:1; and especially ministers of the Gospel, 1 Thessalonians 4:15;

and go, speak unto the house of Israel; or, as the Targum,

"go, and prophesy to the house of Israel;'

for by eating the roll, in the sense given, he was fit for it; and when ministers of the word have read, and thought of, and digested the truths of the Gospel themselves, then they are prepared to go and enter upon their work, and feed others with knowledge and understanding.

Verse 2

So I opened my mouth,.... To take in the roll, and eat it; he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision; he did all that he could towards eating it, but was not sufficient of himself; and therefore it follows:

and he caused me to eat that roll; he, the Lord, put it into his mouth, caused him to eat it, and tilled him with it, according to his promise, Psalm 81:10. The efficacy and sufficiency to think of good things, to meditate upon them, receive and digest them, are of God; it is he that makes men prophets, and able ministers. The Targum is,

"and I inclined my soul, and he taught me (or made me wise "with") what was written in this roll.'

Verse 3

And he said unto me, son of man, cause thy belly to eat,.... Or "devour"F6תאכל "devoret, consumat", Vatablus. , and consume; that is, concoct and digest; do not cast it out of thy mouth, as soon as thou hast tasted of it; but let it go down into the stomach, and there digest it; and from thence into the belly, that so, upon the whole, virtue may be received, and nourishment come by it:

and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee; eat to satiety; so the Targum,

"son of man, thou shalt satiate thy soul, and fill thy belly, if thou receivest what is written in this roll, which I give thee:'

this was sufficient to qualify the prophet for prophesying, and furnish him with materials enough; and these fit and proper for the discharge of his office; and so such who study the word of God with application become scribes well instructed in the kingdom of heaven; and being filled themselves, are able to bring forth things to the comfort and satisfaction of others:

then did I eat it, and it was in my mouth, as honey for sweetness; that is, as the roll was spread before him, he looked into it, and read it, and meditated upon it, and laid it up in his memory, in order to deliver it out when commanded; and though it contained things very distressing, and which would occasion lamentation, and mourning, and woe; yet, considering that these were the will of God, and in righteous judgment to men, he could not but acquiesce in and approve of them. All the words that come out of the mouth of God are as sweet as, honey, yea, sweeter than that, Psalm 19:10; and so the Targum interprets it of the words of the Lord,

"and I took it, and his words were in my mouth as sweet honey;'

and especially the Gospel, and the truths of it, are like honey; they are gathered by laborious ministers, as honey by the industrious bee, out of the various flowers of the Scriptures, with which being laden, they bring into the hive of the church, and dispose of for general usefulness; these are like honey for healthfulness, for nourishment, and for sweetness to the taste; that which makes the Gospel so are the exceeding great and precious promises in it: its doctrines of grace, and those of peace and reconciliation, of pardon, righteousness, eternal life and salvation, by Jesus Christ; and, above all, Christ himself, who is the sum and substance of it; and all its truths being quickening; comforting, and refreshing: but thou the Gospel is, only sweet when it is eaten; not merely heard, assented to, and superficially tasted of, but eaten and fed upon by faith; and so, it is sweet, not to unregenerate persons, whose taste is not changed; nor to nominal and notional professors, who have only a superficial taste of it; but to true believers in Christ, spiritual men, who judge and discern all things; see Revelation 10:9.

Verse 4

And he said unto me, son of man, go,.... After he had eaten the roll; for then was he qualified to prophesy:

get thee unto the house of Israel; to whom he was to prophesy:

and speak with my words unto them: not with his own words; nor with the words of men, the enticing words of man's wisdom; but with the words of Christ; with the taught words of the Holy Ghost; with what is written in the roll; the words of this prophecy are meant. So the Targum,

"and thou shalt prophesy the words of my prophecy unto them;'

in like manner John after he had eaten the little book, is told that he must prophesy before many people, nations, tongues, and kings, Revelation 10:9; though Ezekiel was only sent to one nation, as follows:

Verse 5

For thou art not sent to a people of a strange speech,.... "Deep of lip"F7עמקי שפה "profundi labii", Vatablus; "profundorum labio", Polanus, Cocceius; "profundi sermonis", Starkius. , or "speech"; difficult to be got at and understood:

and of a hard language: or "heavy of tongue"F8כבדי לשון "graves linguae", Montanus; "gravium lingua", Polanus. of a barbarous and unknown language, whom he could not understand, nor they him; and so would have been barbarians to one another; and consequently it could not be thought his prophesying among them, could have been of any use. This may be considered, either by way of encouragement to the prophet to go on his errand to such a people; since as he could understand them, and they him he might hope to meet with success; or, however he could deliver his message so as to be understood: or as an aggravation of the impiety perverseness and stupidity of the Israelites; that though the prophet spoke to them in their own language, yet they would not hear nor receive his words:

but to the house of Israel; who were a people of the same speech and language with the prophet; all spoke and understood the language of Canaan; nor were the things he delivered such as they were altogether strangers to being the same, for substance, which Moses, and the other prophets, had ever taught.

Verse 6

Not to many people of a strange speech and of an hard language,.... The prophet was sent, not to different nations, of different languages; but to one nation of the same language; indeed several of his prophecies concern other nations, as the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, Tyrians, Philistines, Egyptians, and Assyrians; but then these had a relation to the, people of Israel, and were chiefly on their account; and therefore he was not sent to those nations to deliver his prophecies unto them, but to the people of Israel only; and so had no difficulty on his part concerning their language, which he would have had, had he been sent to the barbarous nations;

whose words, thou canst not understand: the prophet being, only used to the language of the Jews and not having the gift of speaking with and understanding divers tongues; as the apostles of Christ had, when they were sent to many people of different languages, and which is here tacitly intimates:

surely, had I sent thee to them, they would have hearkened unto thee; which is an aggravation of the obstinacy and disobedience of the people of Israel; that had the barbarous nations been favoured with the same means of instruction they were they would have been obedient; see Matthew 11:21; for though they could not understand the prophet's language, nor he theirs; yet, as Kimchi observes, they would have sought for an interpreter to have explained the prophecy to them. The thing is very strongly affirmed, "surely", verily, באמת, "of a truth"; as the same Jewish writer interprets אם לא; and both he and Jarchi take it to be the form of an oath. Some render the words, "if I had not sent thee to them, they would have hearkened unto thee"F9אם לא אליהם שלחתיך "si non ad eos misissem te", Vatablus; "si non misero te", Montanus; "si non mitterem", Pagninus. ; and the sense is, either that if the Lord had not sent him to the Israelites, but to the peopled a strange speech, they, the people, would have hearkened to him: or, if the Lord had not sent the prophet, but he had gone of himself, as the false prophets in their own name, the Israelites would have hearkened to him; such was their perverseness and rebellion: others render the words, "if not", or had it not been for their strange speech and hard language, "I would have sent thee to them"F11"Si non misissem te ad eos", Calvin. , the barbarous nation, and "they would have hearkened unto thee"; but the first sense seems best; which is confirmed by the Targum, Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and the Oriental versions.

Verse 7

But the house of Israel would not hearken unto thee,.... "They are not willing"F12לא יאבו "non cupient", Montanus; "non volunt", Cocceius; "non illi volentes", Starckius. ; they have no desire, no inclination, to hear and hearken; but the reverse; they were capable of hearing and understanding his speech and language, and though he was sent unto them by the Lord: and indeed the reason why they did not hearken to him was not because they rejected him and his words, but because they rejected the Lord and his words; they were the words of the Lord, and his reproofs; and therefore they would not hearken to them as follows:

for they will not hearken unto me; and which is an argument why the prophet should bear with patience their disregard to him and his words, and their neglect and contempt of them; for, seeing they would not hear the Lord, how could he exact they should hear him? and therefore he should not be uneasy at it; see John 15:20;

for all the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted; or, "strong of front, and hard of heart"F13חזקי מצח וקשי לב "obfirmati fronte et duri corde", Polanus, Starckius; "obfirmati frontis et duri cordis", Piscator. ; they had a whore's forehead, an impudent face, that could not blush and be ashamed; and hearts of stone, like a rock, and harder than the nether millstone, on which no impressions, could be made by all the admonitions and reproofs given them; see Ezekiel 2:4; and this was the case of all of them in general, excepting some very few; which shows the sad degeneracy of this people.

Verse 8

Behold, I have made the, face strong against their faces,.... Not that the prophet should have the same sort of impudence and confidence they had; but that God would "give"F14נתתי את פניך "dedi faciem tuam", V. L. Vatablus, Cocceius, Starckius. him such a face, as it is in the Hebrew text, such spirit and courage, that he should neither be ashamed of the words of the Lord, nor afraid to speak them to this people; so that he should be a match for them; they should not be able to outface him, or look him out of countenance; he should behave with an undaunted spirit, and with great intrepidity, amidst all opposition made to him: the Lord fits his ministers for the people he sends them to, and gives them courage and strength proportionate to the opposition they meet with; as their day is, their strength is; and all that invincible courage, boldness, and strength, with which they are endowed, it is all from the Lord, and a gift of his:

and thy forehead strong against their foreheads; which is the same thing in different words.

Verse 9

As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead,.... Or, "than a rock"F15מצור "rupe", Junius & Tremellius, Polanus, Piscator; "prae rupe", Cocceius; "ex rupe", Starckius; "prae petra", Montanus. ; the "adamant" has its name in Greek, because it cannot be conquered or subdued, neither by the hammer, nor by fire; the one cannot break, nor this other consume it; land it is called "shamir" in Hebrew, from its preserving itself from both; it will cut iron in pieces, which is harder than stone, and therefore must be harder than that. Bochart takes it to be the same with "smiris", a hard stone, which jewellers use to polish their gems with; see Jeremiah 17:1. The design of the simile is to set forth the courage and fortitude of mind the prophet was endowed with, in order to face an impudent and hardhearted people;

fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house; See Gill on Ezekiel 2:6.

Verse 10

Moreover he said unto me, son of man,.... The same glorious Person as before continued speaking to him, and added, as follows:

all my words that I shall speak unto thee; not only what he had spoken to him, but what he should hereafter; for he did not tell all at once what he should say, but gradually, revealing his mind to him by little and little; but then he was to receive all that he should say, and reject nothing, nor shun to declare the whole counsel of God:

receive in thine heart, and hear with thine ears; what the Lord says should not only be diligently attended to, and heard with eagerness, but should be received, in the love of it, into the heart, and laid, up in the mind and memory, in order to be delivered out to others at a proper time.

Verse 11

And go, get thee to them of the captivity,.... Not in the times of Hoshea king of Israel, by Shalmaneser king of Assyria, for these were placed in the cities of the Medes, 2 Kings 17:6; but in the times of Jeconiah king of Judah, Ezekiel 1:2;

unto the children of thy people; the Jews, which were in the land of Chaldea:

and speak unto them, and tell them: the words the Lord spoke to him:

thus saith the Lord God; whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: See Gill on Ezekiel 2:5.

Verse 12

Then the spirit took me up,.... Not the wind, nor an angel, but the Spirit of God; who took up the prophet from the ground, from the place where he was, among the captives by the river Chebar, and had seen the glorious vision described in the first chapter; and had had his call and mission, as expressed in the second chapter, and hitherto in this; and was carried by him to another company of captives, who were at another place by the same river, as appears by comparing Ezekiel 1:1, with Ezekiel 3:15; for this was not done in a visionary way, as Kimchi thinks, but in reality; not in spirit, but in body; just as the Spirit caught away Philip from the eunuch, Acts 8:39;

and I heard behind me a voice of a great rushing; of the living creatures and wheels, as is afterwards explained:

saying, blessed be the glory of the Lord out of his place; either out of heaven, the place where his glory is manifested; so the Targum, out of the place of his Shechinah or majesty; or out of the temple, from between the cherubim over the mercy seat, from whence he was about to remove, Ezekiel 10:4. These words may be considered either as a doxology of the church, and people of God, ascribing glory, blessing, and praise unto him; not only on account of the perfections of his nature, but because of his works of nature, providence, and grace, and even for his righteous judgments on men. MaimonidesF16Moreh Nevochim, par. 1. c. 8. p. 12. , by his place, understands the essence of God. Or as a lamentation for the departure of the blessed and glorious majesty of God from the temple, which seemed to be threatened; for the words may be rendered, "the blessed glory of the Lord out of his place"F17ברוך כבוד "benedictam gloriam Jehovae e loco ipsius, migrantem", Junius & Tremellius, Polanus. ; that is, it is just ready to go out of his place.

Verse 13

I heard also the noise of the wings of the living creatures,.... Which they clapped, when they uttered the preceding words; See Gill on Ezekiel 1:24;

that touched one another; or "kissed, a woman her sister"F18משיקות אשה אל אחותה "attingentium more osculantium, vira ad sororem suam", Vatablus; "osculantium", Polanus, Starckius. So Ben Melech. ; denoting their affection and agreement in the doxology or ascription of glory to God; see Ezekiel 1:9;

and the noise of the wheels over against them: the living creatures; for the wheels were by the living creatures, and went over against them, as they went, Ezekiel 1:15; ministers and churches join together in this doxology:

and a noise of a great rushing; which is repeated for the confirmation of the thing, and to express the greatness of the noise made by the living creatures and wheels, like that of thunder or an earthquake; it is said to be like the noise of great waters, Ezekiel 1:24.

Verse 14

So the spirit lifted me up, and took me away,.... Lifted him up from the earth, and carried him through the air:

and I went in bitterness; full of trouble and sorrow, that the Lord was departing from the temple; that his people had been guilty, of such crimes they had, and were such an impudent, and hardhearted people they were; and that such judgments were coming upon them he had seers written in the roll, full of lamentations, mourning, and woe:

in the heat of my spirit; the Targum and Vulgate Latin render it, "in the indignation of my spirit"; his spirit was hot and angry, he was froward and unwilling to go on the errand, to prophesy sad and dismal things to his people:

but the hand of the Lord was strong upon me; the Spirit of the Lord powerfully wrought upon him, and obliged him to go; and the hand of the Lord strengthened him, and removed his frowardness and perverseness of spirit. The Targum is,

"and prophecy from before the Lord was strong upon me;'

so Kimchi interprets it of the hand of prophecy; the Spirit of the Lord, as a spirit of prophecy, came upon him, with great impulse upon his spirit, and he could not refuse going to his people, to declare it to them.

Verse 15

Then I came to them of the captivity at Telabib,.... For it seems the captive Jews were disposed of at different places, and there were some at this place; for this was the name of a place, as Jarchi and Kimchi observe; as were Telmelah, and Telharsa, Ezra 2:59; it signifies "a heap of new fruit", and so the Vulgate Latin version renders it: not that there were such at this time here; and the captives were beating out the ripe ears of corn, as "abib" signifies; whence the month Abib has its name, and which was the first month with the Jews; whereas it was in the fourth month when Ezekiel was here, and there could no ears of new corn, Ezekiel 1:1; according to Junius, this Telabib was a tract in Mesopotamia, reaching from Mount Masius to the river Euphrates, and lay between two rivers, Chebar and Saocoras; and he thinks the captive Jews were placed here, partly that they might be secured safe from getting away, or returning from their captivity; and partly that they might secure and defend the place from enemies, it being through inundations uninhabited, and so exposed unto them:

that dwelt by the river of Chebar; See Gill on Ezekiel 1:1;

and I sat where they sat; there is a double reading here; the "Cetib" or writing is ואשר, which Junius takes to be the name of a river the prophet calls Haesher, the same with Saocoras, connecting it with the preceding clause, "that dwelt by the river of Chebar and Haesher"; the "Keri" or marginal reading is ואשב, "and I sat" or "dwelt"; but both signify the same thing, Since אשר is from שרה, which in Chaldee signifies to dwellF19Vid. Hillerum de Arcano Kethib & Keri, l. 2. p. 329. ; and the "Keri" is confirmed by the Targum, which we follow. The sense is, that he placed himself among the captives,

and remained there astonished among them seven days: at the change of place and company; at the sad condition his people were in; and, above all, at the dreadful things he had to deliver to them. The Targum renders it, "silent"; through grief and trouble. So many days Job's friends kept silence, when they came to visit him, and saw his distress, Job 2:13. Or he might be waiting all this time for orders and instructions to prophesy; or to prepare the people to attend with more reverence and earnestness, to hear what he had to say when he should break silence. The Septuagint render it the reverse, "conversing in the midst of them".

Verse 16

And it came to pass at the end of seven days,.... Some think it was on the sabbath day he had the following declaration made to him, and instructions given him; but this is not certain; nor does it follow, or to be concluded, from such a way of speaking:

that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying; the Targum is,

"the word of prophecy from before the Lord.'

Verse 17

Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel,.... Not in a civil sense, a watchman of a town or city, or of the whole country, but in an ecclesiastical sense. So the Targum renders it by מליף, "a teacher"; whose business it was to instruct the people in divine things, to warn them of their evil ways, and of the danger they exposed them to; such were the prophets of old, and such are the ministers of the New Testament: the office is the same with that of bishops or overseers; and lies in watching over the souls of men, as shepherds over their flocks, that they go into right pastures, and not astray, and so preserves them from beasts of prey; and as watchmen of cities, to give the time of night, and, notice of approaching danger; to the discharge of which office are necessary quick sight, diligence in looking out, sobriety and vigilance, courage, constancy, and faithfulness: and they are "sons of men" that are put into this office, and not angels; sons of fallen Adam, sinful men; men subject to infirmity, weak, frail, mortal men, and oftentimes of a mean and low extraction, and greatly unworthy of so high an honour; but Christ counts them faithful, and puts them into this office; they are not made and constituted watchmen or ministers by themselves or by others, but by him; and they are given by him as such to the church of God: "son of man, I have given thee a watchman"F20צפה נתתיך "speculatorem dedi", V. L. Polanus, Cocceius, Starckius. So Junius & Tremellius, Piscator. , &c. they become watchmen through gifts bestowed upon them, qualifying them for this office; and they themselves are gifts to the churches over whom they are placed, signified by "the house of Israel"; for a church is a house of Christ's building, and where he dwells, and a family named of him, which he takes care of, and consists of Israelites indeed;

therefore hear the word at my mouth; for, as the prophets of old, so the ministers of the Gospel are first to hear what Christ says; and then deliver out his doctrine, called the doctrine of Christ, and the wholesome words of our Lord Jesus. So the Targum,

"and thou shalt receive the word from my Word;'

the word of prophecy, or the word of the Gospel, from Christ the essential Word;

and give them warning from me; in his name and stead, and as from his mouth, to take care of sinning against him, dishonouring his name, and wounding their own souls; that they live soberly, righteously, and godly, and adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour; that they avoid all appearances of evil, and shun the company of wicked men; the house of Israel, or church of God, are to be warned to be careful who they take into their communion, and to exclude such that are bad in principle and practice; to beware of innovations in worship, and of false teachers and false doctrines; and that they do not forsake the word, worship, and ordinances of God's house, but fill up their places, and perform all duties incumbent on them. The Targum is,

"and thou shalt warn them from sinning before me.'

Verse 18

When I say unto the wicked, thou shalt surely die,.... Not only a corporeal but an eternal death for this is what the law threatens with, and there the Lord says this; and this is the wages, end, and issue of sin, if grace prevent not:

and thou givest him not warning; of the evil nature of sin, and of the danger it exposes to:

nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way; to abstain from it, and live another course of life:

to save his life; for such warning, caution, exhortation, and doctrine, may be a means of converting a sinner from the evil of his way, and of saving a soul from death, 1 Timothy 4:16;

the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; with the pollution and guilt of sin upon him, and so be punished for it; see John 8:24;

but his blood will I require at thine hands; thou shalt be answerable for him; his death shall be laid to thy charge, and thou shalt be chastised for thy negligence; see Acts 20:26.

Verse 19

Yet if thou warn the wicked,.... Of his sin and danger; lay before him his evil, and show him the sad consequences of going on in a course of sin, and warn him to flee from wrath to come:

and he turn not from his wickedness, and from his wicked way; does not repent of it, nor abstain from it:

he shall die in his iniquity; and for it, and that very righteously:

but thou hast delivered thy soul; thou hast done the duty of thine office; thou art clear from the charge of negligence and sloth, and from being answerable for the death of the sinner; and shalt save thyself, though not the wicked man; see 1 Timothy 4:16.

Verse 20

Again, when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness,.... This is to be understood not of one that is truly righteous, or is justified by the righteousness of Christ; for such can never turn from that righteousness, or be in an unjustified state; seeing that is the righteousness of God, and an everlasting one; but of one that is denominated righteous, from "his" own righteousness, from a righteousness "which he hath done", as is afterwards expressed; one that is outwardly righteous before men, that is outwardly reformed, that has a righteousness of his own, consisting of a little negative holiness, and a few moral performances; from such righteousness a man may apostatize, and go into a vicious course of life:

and commit iniquity; live in sin, make a trade of it; lead a life, the whole series and course of which is nothing else but sin; in this sense, one that is born of God, and has the righteousness of Christ revealed from faith to faith unto him, and lives by faith upon it, cannot commit sin, 1 John 3:9;

and I lay a stumbling block before him; the Targum renders it, "the stumbling block of sins"; which designs either an occasion of sinning, which God permits, leaving him to his own lusts, and suffering him to fall thereby; and by this means he is discovered to be what he is, not a truly righteous man, but only one in appearance; that looked like a righteous person, but secretly a sinner, and now the Lord by such means exposes him openly; so Jarchi and other Jewish Rabbins; but Kimchi's father interprets the stumbling block of prosperity in this worldF21Vid. T. Bab. Yoma, fol. 86. 2. : or rather the punishment of sin is meant, as Kimchi himself observes; and the Septuagint renders it "torment"; since this follows up on his turning from righteousness, and committing sin; and seems to be explained by the next clause:

he shall die; the second death:

because thou hast not given him warning: of the dreadful evil of apostasy, and the sad estate of apostates, and the danger they are in, their last estate being worse than the first:

he shall die in his sin; of apostasy, and for it, being never to be recovered and brought to repentance:

and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; according to the "Keri" or marginal reading it is, "his righteousnesses"; all his works of righteousness which he hath done; and which reading is followed by the Targum, Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and the eastern versions; these shall not be remembered, neither in this world nor in that to come; no account shall be taken of them, nor shall they be reckoned as a righteousness unto him:

but his blood will I require at thine hand; See Gill on Ezekiel 3:18.

Verse 21

Nevertheless, if thou warn the righteous man,.... Every righteous man, that is so in a judgment of charity, whether truly righteous or not, which the event shows; who should be warned not to trust in their own righteousness, but to depend on the righteousness of Christ; that they be careful to maintain good works, to avoid sin, and live holy lives and conversations, as follows:

that the righteous sin not; not that there is any just man that does good, and sins not; the best of men are often sinning in thought, word, or deed; but he is to be warned that he does not continue in sin, and lead a sinful coups of life; which is contrary to his character, and to his faith in Christ for righteousness, which is attended with good works:

and he doth not sin; the warning and exhortation given him having so good an effect, through the power of divine grace, as to be a means of preserving him from a vain conversation:

he shall surely live; spiritually and comfortably now, and eternally hereafter:

because he is warned; that being a means, and with the divine blessing taking effect:

also thou hast delivered thy soul; See Gill on Ezekiel 3:19.

Verse 22

And the hand of the Lord was there upon me,.... At Telabib, Ezekiel 3:15. The Targum interprets "the hand of the Lord" of the spirit of prophecy, which remained upon him there; but it seems to design a fresh impulse of the Spirit, a powerful emotion of the split upon his spirit, stirring up to attention to what might be said unto him:

and he said unto me; the same glorious Person, the Lord Christ, described in Ezekiel 1:26;

arise, go forth into the plain; or "the valley"F23אל הבקעה "in istam convallem", Junius & Tremellius, Polanus, "in vallem", Vatablus, Coeceius; "in vallem, quasi fissum locum", Starckius. ; the Arabic version renders it, "the desert"; a solitary place, free from noise and hurry, and from the company and conversation of men; and so more fit for retirement and contemplation, and for attention to divine orders. What plain this was is not certain; Kimchi thinks it was the plain in which Babel was built, and where the Lord showed the prophet what he had in his providence done in this place formerly, in confounding the languages of men, and causing their devices to cease;

and I will there talk with thee; when alone, sedate, and composed; so God sometimes brings his people into a low and humble state and condition, into the valley of humility, and there grants them communion with himself; see Hosea 2:14; perhaps the allusion to a custom among the Jews of revealing secrets to others in fields and deserts, and such like solitary places; see Genesis 31:4 F24Vid. Menasseh Ben Israel, Spes Israelis, p. 110. .

Verse 23

Then I arose and went forth into the plain,.... He was obedient to the heavenly vision, which was owing to the hand of the Lord being upon him; the power of the Spirit and grace of God influences and engages to obedience; he went forth where he was ordered, though he knew not what would be said to him, or what he should see there:

and, behold, the glory of the Lord stood there; the glorious Person described in Ezekiel 1:26;

as the glory which I saw by the river of Chebar; Ezekiel 1:1; which vision was repeated for greater certainty, and to confirm the prophecies delivered to him, and to encourage him in the performance of his office:

and I fell on my face; as he did before, when he first saw this glorious object, Ezekiel 1:28.

Verse 24

Then the spirit entered into me,.... Again; the Spirit of God, that was in the wheels and living creatures: see Ezekiel 2:2;

and set me upon my feet; as he had done before, when in the same prostrate condition, Ezekiel 2:2;

and spake with me; either the Spirit that entered into him, and set him upright; or rather the Lord Christ, the glory of the Lord that stood where he was, and appeared to him:

and said unto me, go, shut thyself within thine house: this was not said ironically, but in earnest; and the reason either was, because the people were not fit for reproof and correction, as Jarchi thinks, being a rebellious people; or that the prophet might receive further instructions, and have all the words of his prophecy delivered to him, before he began to prophesy. Some think this shutting up was an emblem of the siege of Jerusalem. It may seem strange that the prophet should be bid to go into the plain, where the Lord promised to talk with him; and this is all that is said to him, to go home, and shut himself up in his house: but it should be observed, that this was not the only thing for which he went into the plain: he was to have, and had, a fresh view of the glory of the Lord, and of the vision he had before, for the further confirmation of him; besides, this moving him from place to place, before he prophesied, might be partly to try his faith, and partly to preserve him from the violence of the people; who, had he delivered his message at once, might have been so provoked, as to have fallen upon him, and destroyed him; as well as to prepare them to receive his prophecies with more respect and reverence, when they saw he did not rashly, and at once, deliver them out to them.

Verse 25

But thou, O son of man, behold, they shall put bands upon thee,.... Or, "bands shall be put upon thee"; either visionally, or really; not by angels, but by the Jews, who, taking the prophet for a madman by his motions and gestures; would bind him, and keep him within doors: or figuratively this may be understood of the sins of the people, their rebellion and obstinacy, which hindered the prophet from prophesying among them as yet; and so this is observed to conciliate his mind to the divine order, to shut up himself for a while in his own house, and be silent: or else by these bonds may be meant the divine order itself, which restrained him from doing his office as yet. So the Targum,

"behold, I have appointed the words of my mouth upon thee, as a band of ropes with which they bind;'

and shall bind thee with them; which some think is emblematical of the Jews being bound by the Chaldeans:

and thou shall not go out among them; to converse with them, or prophesy unto them. The Septuagint version renders it, "shall not go out from the midst of them"; as if he should be taken out of his own house by the Jews, and be bound by them, and kept among them, and not able to get away from them; but it is to be understood of his being bound in his own house, and not able to go out of that to them; and may signify, that in like manner the Jews should not be able to go out of Jerusalem when besieged by the Chaldeans.

Verse 26

And I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth,

that thou shall be dumb,.... Which is to be understood not literally, as if he was really struck dumb, as Zechariah was; see Ezekiel 4:9; but that such silence should be charged upon him by the Lord, that he should be as if his tongue cleaved to the roof of his mouth, as Kimchi interprets it, and as if he was a dumb man: and so the Septuagint version renders it, "I will bind thy tongue"; lay an embargo upon it, that is, it shall be silent; and this sense is confirmed by what follows:

and shall not be to them a reprover; which was in judgment to them, and a giving them up to their own hearts' lusts; for, though reproofs were disagreeable to them, and they chose to be without them, yet they were necessary for them, and might have been useful to them; but they provoking the Lord, he takes away his word from them, and commands his prophet to be silent, and let them alone, to go on in their sins without control; which was a sore judgment upon them:

for they are a rebellious house; See Gill on Ezekiel 2:5.

Verse 27

But when I speak with thee,.... Either when I have made an end of speaking to thee, when I have told thee all my mind, and have given thee all the instructions and prophecies thou art to deliver out; or when I shall speak to thee again, and give thee orders to speak:

I will open thy mouth; loose thy tongue, cause thee to break silence, and thou shall speak freely and fully all that I command thee; fulness of matter, and freedom of speech, are both from the Lord; liberty and opportunity of speaking are at his pleasure; and when he speaks his servants must prophesy, Amos 3:8;

and thou shalt say unto them, thus saith the Lord God; so and so, whatsoever he is pleased to order to be spoken; not that the following words are what were to be said to the people; but they are said to the prophet for his own use, that he might not be uneasy at the unfruitfulness and failure of his ministry:

he that heareth, let him hear; if any will hearken to what is sent to them, as few of them will, it is very well:

and he that forbeareth, let him forbear; or, "he that ceaseth, let him cease"F25והחדל יחדל "et qui cessat cesset", Pagninus, Tigurine version, Starckius; "qui desistere volet desistat", Piscator; "qui desistit audire, desistet". So some in Vatablus. ; he that ceaseth from hearing, let him do so, do not mind it, or be discouraged at it:

for they are a rebellious house; See Gill on Ezekiel 2:5. The Targum is,

"he that receiveth, let him receive instruction; and he that ceaseth, let him cease from sinning, for it is a rebellious people.'