Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Isaiah » Chapter 33 » Verse 13

Isaiah 33:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 Hear, H8085 ye that are far off, H7350 what I have done; H6213 and, ye that are near, H7138 acknowledge H3045 my might. H1369

Cross Reference

Isaiah 49:1 STRONG

Listen, H8085 O isles, H339 unto me; and hearken, H7181 ye people, H3816 from far; H7350 The LORD H3068 hath called H7121 me from the womb; H990 from the bowels H4578 of my mother H517 hath he made mention H2142 of my name. H8034

Psalms 48:10 STRONG

According to thy name, H8034 O God, H430 so is thy praise H8416 unto the ends H7099 of the earth: H776 thy right hand H3225 is full H4390 of righteousness. H6664

Ephesians 2:11-18 STRONG

Wherefore G1352 remember, G3421 that G3754 ye G5210 being in time past G4218 Gentiles G1484 in G1722 the flesh, G4561 who G3588 are called G3004 Uncircumcision G203 by G5259 that which G3588 is called G3004 the Circumcision G4061 in G1722 the flesh G4561 made by hands; G5499 That G3754 at G1722 that G1565 time G2540 ye were G2258 without G5565 Christ, G5547 being aliens G526 from the commonwealth G4174 of Israel, G2474 and G2532 strangers G3581 from the covenants G1242 of promise, G1860 having G2192 no G3361 hope, G1680 and G2532 without God G112 in G1722 the world: G2889 But G1161 now G3570 in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 ye G5210 who G3588 sometimes G4218 were G5607 far off G3112 are made G1096 nigh G1451 by G1722 the blood G129 of Christ. G5547 For G1063 he G846 is G2076 our G2257 peace, G1515 who G3588 hath made G4160 both G297 one, G1520 and G2532 hath broken down G3089 the middle wall G3320 of partition G5418 between us; Having abolished G2673 in G1722 his G846 flesh G4561 the enmity, G2189 even the law G3551 of commandments G1785 contained in G1722 ordinances; G1378 for to G2443 make G2936 in G1722 himself G1438 of twain G1417 one G1519 G1520 new G2537 man, G444 so making G4160 peace; G1515 And G2532 that he might reconcile G604 both G297 unto God G2316 in G1722 one G1520 body G4983 by G1223 the cross, G4716 having slain G615 the enmity G2189 thereby: G1722 G846 And G2532 came G2064 and preached G2097 peace G1515 to you G5213 which G3588 were afar off, G3112 and G2532 to them that were nigh. G1451 For G3754 through G1223 him G846 we G2192 both G297 have G2192 access G4318 by G1722 one G1520 Spirit G4151 unto G4314 the Father. G3962

Psalms 148:14 STRONG

He also exalteth H7311 the horn H7161 of his people, H5971 the praise H8416 of all his saints; H2623 even of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 a people H5971 near H7138 unto him. Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050

Acts 2:5-11 STRONG

And G1161 there were G2258 dwelling G2730 at G1722 Jerusalem G2419 Jews, G2453 devout G2126 men, G435 out of G575 every G3956 nation G1484 under G5259 heaven. G3772 Now G1161 when this G5026 was G1096 noised abroad, G5456 the multitude G4128 came together, G4905 and G2532 were confounded, G4797 because G3754 that every G1538 man G1520 heard G191 them G846 speak G2980 in his own G2398 language. G1258 And G1161 they were G1839 all G3956 amazed G1839 and G2532 marvelled, G2296 saying G3004 one to another, G4314 G240 Behold, G2400 are G1526 not G3756 all G3956 these G3778 which G3588 speak G2980 Galilaeans? G1057 And G2532 how G4459 hear G191 we G2249 every G1538 man in our G2257 own G2398 tongue, G1258 wherein G1722 G3739 we were born? G1080 Parthians, G3934 and G2532 Medes, G3370 and G2532 Elamites, G1639 and G2532 the dwellers G2730 in Mesopotamia, G3318 and G5037 in Judaea, G2449 and G2532 Cappadocia, G2587 in Pontus, G4195 and G2532 Asia, G773 G5037 Phrygia, G5435 and G5037 G2532 Pamphylia, G3828 in Egypt, G125 and G2532 in the parts G3313 of Libya G3033 about G2596 Cyrene, G2957 and G2532 strangers G1927 of Rome, G4514 G5037 Jews G2453 and G5037 G2532 proselytes, G4339 Cretes G2912 and G2532 Arabians, G690 we do hear G191 them G846 speak G2980 in our G2251 tongues G1100 the wonderful works G3167 of God. G2316

Daniel 6:25-27 STRONG

Then H116 king H4430 Darius H1868 wrote H3790 unto all H3606 people, H5972 nations, H524 and languages, H3961 that dwell H1753 in all H3606 the earth; H772 Peace H8001 be multiplied H7680 unto you. I H4481 H6925 make H7761 a decree, H2942 That in every H3606 dominion H7985 of my kingdom H4437 men tremble H1934 H2112 and fear H1763 before H4481 H6925 the God H426 of Daniel: H1841 for he is the living H2417 God, H426 and stedfast H7011 for ever, H5957 and his kingdom H4437 that which shall not H3809 be destroyed, H2255 and his dominion H7985 shall be even unto H5705 the end. H5491 He delivereth H7804 and rescueth, H5338 and he worketh H5648 signs H852 and wonders H8540 in heaven H8065 and in earth, H772 who hath delivered H7804 Daniel H1841 from H4481 the power H3028 of the lions. H744

Isaiah 57:19 STRONG

I create H1254 the fruit H5108 of the lips; H8193 Peace, H7965 peace H7965 to him that is far off, H7350 and to him that is near, H7138 saith H559 the LORD; H3068 and I will heal H7495 him.

Isaiah 37:20 STRONG

Now therefore, O LORD H3068 our God, H430 save H3467 us from his hand, H3027 that all the kingdoms H4467 of the earth H776 may know H3045 that thou art the LORD, H3068 even thou only.

Isaiah 18:3 STRONG

All ye inhabitants H3427 of the world, H8398 and dwellers H7931 on the earth, H776 see H7200 ye, when he lifteth up H5375 an ensign H5251 on the mountains; H2022 and when he bloweth H8628 a trumpet, H7782 hear H8085 ye.

Exodus 15:14 STRONG

The people H5971 shall hear, H8085 and be afraid: H7264 sorrow H2427 shall take hold H270 on the inhabitants H3427 of Palestina. H6429

Psalms 147:12-14 STRONG

Praise H7623 the LORD, H3068 O Jerusalem; H3389 praise H1984 thy God, H430 O Zion. H6726 For he hath strengthened H2388 the bars H1280 of thy gates; H8179 he hath blessed H1288 thy children H1121 within H7130 thee. He maketh H7760 peace H7965 in thy borders, H1366 and filleth H7646 thee with the finest H2459 of the wheat. H2406

Psalms 99:2-3 STRONG

The LORD H3068 is great H1419 in Zion; H6726 and he is high H7311 above all the people. H5971 Let them praise H3034 thy great H1419 and terrible H3372 name; H8034 for it is holy. H6918

Psalms 98:1-2 STRONG

[[A Psalm.]] H4210 O sing H7891 unto the LORD H3068 a new H2319 song; H7892 for he hath done H6213 marvellous things: H6381 his right hand, H3225 and his holy H6944 arm, H2220 hath gotten him the victory. H3467 The LORD H3068 hath made known H3045 his salvation: H3444 his righteousness H6666 hath he openly shewed H1540 in the sight H5869 of the heathen. H1471

Psalms 97:8 STRONG

Zion H6726 heard, H8085 and was glad; H8055 and the daughters H1323 of Judah H3063 rejoiced H1523 because of thy judgments, H4941 O LORD. H3068

Psalms 46:6-11 STRONG

The heathen H1471 raged, H1993 the kingdoms H4467 were moved: H4131 he uttered H5414 his voice, H6963 the earth H776 melted. H4127 The LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is with us; the God H430 of Jacob H3290 is our refuge. H4869 Selah. H5542 Come, H3212 behold H2372 the works H4659 of the LORD, H3068 what desolations H8047 he hath made H7760 in the earth. H776 He maketh wars H4421 to cease H7673 unto the end H7097 of the earth; H776 he breaketh H7665 the bow, H7198 and cutteth H7112 the spear H2595 in sunder; H7112 he burneth H8313 the chariot H5699 in the fire. H784 Be still, H7503 and know H3045 that I am God: H430 I will be exalted H7311 among the heathen, H1471 I will be exalted H7311 in the earth. H776 The LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is with us; the God H430 of Jacob H3290 is our refuge. H4869 Selah. H5542

1 Samuel 17:46 STRONG

This day H3117 will the LORD H3068 deliver H5462 thee into mine hand; H3027 and I will smite H5221 thee, and take H5493 thine head H7218 from thee; and I will give H5414 the carcases H6297 of the host H4264 of the Philistines H6430 this day H3117 unto the fowls H5775 of the air, H8064 and to the wild beasts H2416 of the earth; H776 that all the earth H776 may know H3045 that there is H3426 a God H430 in Israel. H3478

Joshua 9:9-10 STRONG

And they said H559 unto him, From a very H3966 far H7350 country H776 thy servants H5650 are come H935 because of the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 thy God: H430 for we have heard H8085 the fame H8089 of him, and all that he did H6213 in Egypt, H4714 And all that he did H6213 to the two H8147 kings H4428 of the Amorites, H567 that were beyond H5676 Jordan, H3383 to Sihon H5511 king H4428 of Heshbon, H2809 and to Og H5747 king H4428 of Bashan, H1316 which was at Ashtaroth. H6252

Joshua 2:9-11 STRONG

And she said H559 unto the men, H582 I know H3045 that the LORD H3068 hath given H5414 you the land, H776 and that your terror H367 is fallen H5307 upon us, and that all the inhabitants H3427 of the land H776 faint H4127 because H6440 of you. For we have heard H8085 how the LORD H3068 dried up H3001 the water H4325 of the Red H5488 sea H3220 for you, H6440 when ye came out H3318 of Egypt; H4714 and what ye did H6213 unto the two H8147 kings H4428 of the Amorites, H567 that were on the other side H5676 Jordan, H3383 Sihon H5511 and Og, H5747 whom ye utterly destroyed. H2763 And as soon as we had heard H8085 these things, our hearts H3824 did melt, H4549 neither did there remain H6965 any more courage H7307 in any man, H376 because H6440 of you: for the LORD H3068 your God, H430 he is God H430 in heaven H8064 above, H4605 and in earth H776 beneath.

Commentary on Isaiah 33 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 33:1-24. The Last of Isaiah's Prophecies as to Sennacherib's Overthrow.

Isa 33:1, 8, 9, describe the Assyrian spoiler; strong as he is, he shall fall before Jehovah who is stronger (Isa 33:2-6, 10-12). The time is the autumn of 713 B.C.

1. and thou—that is, though thou wast not spoiled—though thou wast not dealt treacherously with (see on Isa 24:16), thy spoiling and treachery are therefore without excuse, being unprovoked.

cease—When God has let thee do thy worst, in execution of His plans, thine own turn shall come (compare Isa 10:12; 14:2; Hab 2:8; Re 13:10).

2. us; we … their … our—He speaks interceding for His people, separating himself in thought for a moment from them, and immediately returns to his natural identification with them in the word "our."

every morning—each day as it dawns, especially during our danger, as the parallel "time of trouble" shows.

3. the tumult—the approach of Jehovah is likened to an advancing thunderstorm (Isa 29:6; 30:27), which is His voice (Re 1:15), causing the people to "flee."

nation—the Assyrian levies.

4. The invaders' "spoil" shall be left behind by them in their flight, and the Jews shall gather it.

caterpillar—rather, "the wingless locust"; as it gathers; the Hebrew word for "gathers" is properly used of the gathering of the fruits of harvest (Isa 32:10).

running to and fro—namely, in gathering harvest fruits.

he—rather, "they."

them—rather, "it," that is, the prey.

6. wisdom—sacred; that is, piety.

thy—Hezekiah's; or rather, "Judea's." "His" refers to the same; such changes from the pronoun possessive of the second person to that of the third are common in Hebrew poetry.

treasure—Not so much material wealth as piety shall constitute the riches of the nation (Pr 10:22; 15:16).

7-9. From the vision of future glory Isaiah returns to the disastrous present; the grief of "the valiant ones" (parallel to, and identical with, "the ambassadors of peace"), men of rank, sent with presents to sue for peace, but standing "without" the enemy's camp, their suit being rejected (2Ki 18:14, 18, 37). The highways deserted through fear, the cities insulted, the lands devastated.

cry—(Isa 15:4).

8. broken … covenant—When Sennacherib invaded Judea, Hezekiah paid him a large sum to leave the land; Sennacherib received the money and yet sent his army against Jerusalem (2Ki 18:14, 17).

despised—make slight of as unable to resist him (Isa 10:9; 36:19); easily captures them.

9. (Isa 24:4).

Lebanon—personified; the allusion may be to the Assyrian cutting down its choice trees (Isa 14:8; 37:24).

Sharon—south of Carmel, along the Mediterranean, proverbial for fertility (Isa 35:2).

Bashan—afterwards called Batanea (Isa 2:13).

fruits—rather, understand "leaves"; they lie as desolate as in winter.

10. The sight of His people's misery arouses Jehovah; He has let the enemy go far enough.

I—emphatic; God Himself will do what man could not.

11. Ye—the enemy.

conceive chaff—(Isa 26:18; 59:4).

your breath—rather, your own spirit of anger and ambition [Maurer], (Isa 30:28).

12. (Isa 9:19; Am 2:1). Perhaps alluding to their being about to be burnt on the funeral pyre (Isa 30:33).

thorns—the wicked (2Sa 23:6, 7).

13. far off—distant nations.

near—the Jews and adjoining peoples (Isa 49:1).

14. sinners in Zion—false professors of religion among the elect people (Mt 22:12).

hypocrites—rather, "the profane"; "the abandoned" [Horsley].

who, &c.—If Jehovah's wrath could thus consume such a host in one night, who could abide it, if continued for ever (Mr 9:46-48)? Fire is a common image for the divine judgments (Isa 29:6; 30:30).

among us—If such awful judgments have fallen on those who knew not the true God, how infinitely worse shall fall on us who, amid religious privileges and profession, sin against God, (Lu 12:47, 48; Jas 4:17)?

15. In contrast to the trembling "sinners in Zion" (Isa 33:14), the righteous shall be secure amid all judgments; they are described according to the Old Testament standpoint of righteousness (Ps 15:2; 24:4).

stoppeth … ears … eyes—"Rejoiceth not in iniquity" (1Co 13:6; contrast Isa 29:20; Ps 10:3; Ro 1:32). The senses are avenues for the entrance of sin (Ps 119:37).

16. on high—heights inaccessible to the foe (Isa 26:1).

bread … waters—image from the expected siege by Sennacherib; however besieged by trials without, the godly shall have literal and spiritual food, as God sees good for them (Isa 41:17; Ps 37:25; 34:10; 132:15).

17. Thine—the saints'.

king in … beauty—not as now, Hezekiah in sackcloth, oppressed by the enemy, but King Messiah (Isa 32:1) "in His beauty" (So 5:10, 16; Re 4:3).

land … very far off—rather, "the land in its remotest extent" (no longer pent up as Hezekiah was with the siege); see Margin. For Jerusalem is made the scene of the king's glory (Isa 33:20, &c.), and it could not be said to be "very far off," unless the far-off land be heaven, the Jerusalem above, which is to follow the earthly reign of Messiah at literal Jerusalem (Isa 65:17-19; Jer 3:17; Re 21:1, 2, 10).

18. meditate—on the "terror" caused by the enemy, but now past.

where, &c.—the language of the Jews exulting over their escape from danger.

scribe—who enrolled the army [Maurer]; or, who prescribed the tribute to be paid [Rosenmuller]; or, who kept an account of the spoil. "The principal scribe of the host" (2Ki 25:19; Jer 52:25). The Assyrian records are free from the exaggerations of Egyptian records. Two scribes are seen in every Assyrian bas-relief, writing down the various objects brought to them, the heads of the slain, prisoners, cattle, sheep, &c.

receiver—"weigher," Margin. Layard mentions, among the Assyrian inscriptions, "a pair a scales for weighing the spoils."

counted … towers—he whose duty it was to reconnoitre and report the strength of the city to be besieged.

19. fierce people—The Assyrians shall not be allowed to enter Jerusalem (2Ki 19:32). Or, thou shalt not any longer see fierce enemies threatening thee as previously; such as the Assyrians, Romans, and the last Antichristian host that is yet to assail Jerusalem (De 28:49, 50; Jer 5:15; Zec 14:2).

stammering—barbarous; so "deeper," &c., that is, unintelligible. The Assyrian tongue differed only in dialect from the Hebrew, but in the Assyrian levies were many of non-Semitic race and language, as the Medes, Elamites, &c. (see on Isa 28:11).

20. solemnities—solemn assemblies at the great feasts (see on Isa 30:29; Ps 42:4; Ps 48:12).

not … taken down … removed—image from captives "removed" from their land (Isa 36:17). There shall be no more "taking away" to an enemy's land. Or else, from nomads living in shifting tents. The saints, who sojourned once in tabernacles as pilgrims, shall have a "building of God—eternal in the heavens" (2Co 5:1; Heb 11:9, 10; compare Isa 54:2).

stakes—driven into the ground; to these the "cords" were fastened. Christ's Church shall never fall (Mt 16:18). So individual believers (Re 3:12).

21. there—namely, in Jerusalem.

will be … rivers—Jehovah will be as a broad river surrounding our city (compare Isa 19:6; Na 3:8), and this, too, a river of such a kind as no ship of war can pass (compare Isa 26:1). Jerusalem had not the advantage of a river; Jehovah will be as one to it, affording all the advantages, without any of the disadvantages of one.

galley with oars—war vessels of a long shape, and propelled by oars; merchant vessels were broader and carried sail.

gallant—same Hebrew word as for "glorious," previously; "mighty" will suit both places; a ship of war is meant. No "mighty vessel" will dare to pass where the "mighty Lord" stands as our defense.

22. Lord—thrice repeated, as often: the Trinity (Nu 6:24-26).

judge … lawgiver … king—perfect ideal of the theocracy, to be realized under Messiah alone; the judicial, legislative, and administrative functions as king to be exercised by Him in person (Isa 11:4; 32:1; Jas 4:12).

23. tacklings—Continuing the allegory in Isa 33:21, he compares the enemies' host to a war galley which is deprived of the tacklings or cords by which the mast is sustained and the sail is spread; and which therefore is sure to be wrecked on "the broad river" (Isa 33:21), and become the prey of Israel.

they—the tacklings, "hold not firm the base of the mast."

then—when the Assyrian host shall have been discomfited. Hezekiah had given Sennacherib three hundred talents of silver, and thirty of gold (2Ki 18:14-16), and had stripped the temple of its gold to give it to him; this treasure was probably part of the prey found in the foe's camp. After the invasion, Hezekiah had so much wealth that he made an improper display of it (2Ki 20:13-15); this wealth, probably, was in part got from the Assyrian.

the lame—Even the most feeble shall spoil the Assyrian camp (compare Isa 35:6; 2Sa 5:6).

24. sick—Smith thinks the allusion is to the beginning of the pestilence by which the Assyrians were destroyed, and which, while sparing the righteous, affected some within the city ("sinners in Zion"); it may have been the sickness that visited Hezekiah (Isa 38:1-22). In the Jerusalem to come there shall be no "sickness," because there will be no "iniquity," it being forgiven (Ps 103:3). The latter clause of the verse contains the cause of the former (Mr 2:5-9).