Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 15 » Verse 33

Numbers 15:33 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

33 And they that found H4672 him gathering H7197 sticks H6086 brought H7126 him unto Moses H4872 and Aaron, H175 and unto all the congregation. H5712

Cross Reference

John 8:3-20 STRONG

And G1161 the scribes G1122 and G2532 Pharisees G5330 brought G71 unto G4314 him G846 a woman G1135 taken G2638 in G1722 adultery; G3430 and G2532 when they had set G2476 her G846 in G1722 the midst, G3319 They say G3004 unto him, G846 Master, G1320 this G3778 woman G1135 was taken G2638 in adultery, G3431 in the very act. G1888 Now G1161 Moses G3475 in G1722 the law G3551 commanded G1781 us, G2254 that such G5108 should be stoned: G3036 but G3767 what G5101 sayest G3004 thou? G4771 G1161 This G5124 they said, G3004 tempting G3985 him, G846 that G2443 they might have G2192 to accuse G2723 him. G846 But G1161 Jesus G2424 stooped G2955 down, G2736 and with his finger G1147 wrote G1125 on G1519 the ground, G1093 as though he heard G4364 them not. G3361 So G1161 when G5613 they continued G1961 asking G2065 him, G846 he lifted up himself, G352 and said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 He that is without sin G361 among you, G5216 let him G906 first G4413 cast G906 a stone G3037 at G1909 her. G846 And G2532 again G3825 he stooped G2955 down, G2736 and wrote G1125 on G1519 the ground. G1093 And G1161 they which heard G191 it, G2532 being convicted G1651 by G5259 their own conscience, G4893 went out G1831 one by one, G1527 beginning G756 at G575 the eldest, G4245 even unto G2193 the last: G2078 and G2532 Jesus G2424 was left G2641 alone, G3441 and G2532 the woman G1135 standing G2476 in G1722 the midst. G3319 When G1161 Jesus G2424 had lifted up himself, G352 and G2532 saw G2300 none G3367 but G4133 the woman, G1135 he said G2036 unto her, G846 Woman, G1135 where G4226 are G1526 those G1565 thine G4675 accusers? G2725 hath G2632 no man G3762 condemned G2632 thee? G4571 G1161 She said, G2036 No man, G3762 Lord. G2962 And G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto her, G846 Neither G3761 do G2632 I G1473 condemn G2632 thee: G4571 go, G4198 and G2532 sin G264 no more. G3371 Then G3767 spake G2980 Jesus G2424 again G3825 unto them, G846 saying, G3004 I G1473 am G1510 the light G5457 of the world: G2889 he that followeth G190 me G1698 shall G4043 not G3364 walk G4043 in G1722 darkness, G4653 but G235 shall have G2192 the light G5457 of life. G2222 The Pharisees G5330 therefore G3767 said G2036 unto him, G846 Thou G4771 bearest record G3140 of G4012 thyself; G4572 thy G4675 record G3141 is G2076 not G3756 true. G227 Jesus G2424 answered G611 and G2532 said G2036 unto them, G846 Though G2579 I G1473 bear record G3140 of G4012 myself, G1683 yet my G3450 record G3141 is G2076 true: G227 for G3754 I know G1492 whence G4159 I came, G2064 and G2532 whither G4226 I go; G5217 but G1161 ye G5210 cannot G3756 tell G1492 whence G4159 I come, G2064 and G2532 whither G4226 I go. G5217 Ye G5210 judge G2919 after G2596 the flesh; G4561 I G1473 judge G2919 no G3756 man. G3762 And G1161 yet G2532 if G1437 I G1473 judge, G2919 my G1699 judgment G2920 is G2076 true: G227 for G3754 I am G1510 not G3756 alone, G3441 but G235 I G1473 and G2532 the Father G3962 that sent G3992 me. G3165 G2532 It is G1125 also G1161 written G1125 in G1722 your G5212 law, G3551 that G3754 the testimony G3141 of two G1417 men G444 is G2076 true. G227 I G1473 am G1510 one that bear witness G3140 of G4012 myself, G1683 and G2532 the Father G3962 that sent G3992 me G3165 beareth witness G3140 of G4012 me. G1700 Then G3767 said they G3004 unto him, G846 Where G4226 is G2076 thy G4675 Father? G3962 Jesus G2424 answered, G611 Ye G1492 neither G3777 know G1492 me, G1691 nor G3777 my G3450 Father: G3962 if G1487 ye had known G1492 me, G1691 G2532 ye should have known G1492 my G3450 Father G3962 also. G302 These G5023 words G4487 spake G2980 Jesus G2424 in G1722 the treasury, G1049 as he taught G1321 in G1722 the temple: G2411 and G2532 no man G3762 laid hands G4084 on him; G846 for G3754 his G846 hour G5610 was G2064 not yet G3768 come. G2064

Commentary on Numbers 15 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 15:1-41. The Law of Sundry Offerings.

1, 2. The Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel—Some infer from Nu 15:23 that the date of this communication must be fixed towards the close of the wanderings in the wilderness; and, also, that all the sacrifices prescribed in the law were to be offered only after the settlement in Canaan.

3. make an offering by fire unto the Lord, a burnt offering—It is evident that a peace offering is referred to because this term is frequently used in such a sense (Ex 18:12; Le 17:5).

4. tenth deal—that is, an omer, the tenth part of an ephah (Ex 16:36).

fourth part of an hin of oil—This element shows it to have been different from such meat offerings as were made by themselves, and not merely accompaniments of other sacrifices.

6-12. two tenth deals—The quantity of flour was increased because the sacrifice was of superior value to the former. The accessory sacrifices were always increased in proportion to the greater worth and magnitude of its principal.

13-16. a stranger—one who had become a proselyte. There were scarcely any of the national privileges of the Israelites, in which the Gentile stranger might not, on conforming to certain conditions, fully participate.

19. when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye shall offer up an heave offering—The offering prescribed was to precede the act of eating.

unto the Lord—that is, the priests of the Lord (Eze 44:30).

20. heave offering of the threshing-floor—meaning the corn on the threshing-floor; that is, after harvest.

so shall ye heave it—to the priests accompanying the ceremony with the same rites.

22. if ye have erred, and not observed all these commandments, &c.—respecting the performance of divine worship, and the rites and ceremonies that constitute the holy service. The law relates only to any omission and consequently is quite different from that laid down in Le 4:13, which implies a transgression or positive neglect of some observances required. This law relates to private parties or individual tribes; that to the whole congregation of Israel.

24-26. if aught be committed by ignorance—The Mosaic ritual was complicated, and the ceremonies to be gone through in the various instances of purification which are specified, would expose a worshipper, through ignorance, to the risk of omitting or neglecting some of them. This law includes the stranger in the number of those for whom the sacrifice was offered for the sin of general ignorance.

27-29. if any soul sin through ignorance—not only in common with the general body of the people, but his personal sins were to be expiated in the same manner.

30. the soul that doeth aught presumptuously—Hebrew, "with an high" or "uplifted hand"—that is, knowingly, wilfully, obstinately. In this sense the phraseology occurs (Ex 14:8; Le 26:21; Ps 19:13).

the same reproacheth the Lord—sets Him at open defiance and dishonors His majesty.

31. his iniquity shall be upon him—The punishment of his sins shall fall on himself individually; no guilt shall be incurred by the nation, unless there be a criminal carelessness in overlooking the offense.

32-34. a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day—This incident is evidently narrated as an instance of presumptuous sin. The mere gathering of sticks was not a sinful act and might be necessary for fuel to warm him or to make ready his food. But its being done on the Sabbath altered the entire character of the action. The law of the Sabbath being a plain and positive commandment, this transgression of it was a known and wilful sin, and it was marked by several aggravations. For the deed was done with unblushing boldness in broad daylight, in open defiance of the divine authority—in flagrant inconsistency with His religious connection with Israel, as the covenant-people of God; and it was an application to improper purposes of time, which God had consecrated to Himself and the solemn duties of religion. The offender was brought before the rulers, who, on hearing the painful report, were at a loss to determine what ought to be done. That they should have felt any embarrassment in such a case may seem surprising, in the face of the sabbath law (Ex 31:14). Their difficulty probably arose from this being the first public offense of the kind which had occurred; and the appeal might be made to remove all ground of complaint—to produce a more striking effect, so that the fate of this criminal might be a beacon to warn all Israelites in the future.

35, 36. The Lord said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death—The Lord was King, as well as God of Israel, and the offense being a violation of the law of the realm, the Sovereign Judge gave orders that this man should be put to death; and, moreover, He required the whole congregation unite in executing the fatal sentence.

38. bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments—These were narrow strips, in a wing-like form, wrapped over the shoulders and on various parts of the attire. "Fringe," however, is the English rendering of two distinct Hebrew words—the one meaning a narrow lappet or edging, called the "hem" or "border" (Mt 23:5; Lu 8:44), which, in order to make it more attractive to the eye and consequently more serviceable to the purpose described, was covered with a riband of blue or rather purple color; the other term signifies strings with tassels at the end, fastened to the corners of the garment. Both of these are seen on the Egyptian and Assyrian frocks; and as the Jewish people were commanded by express and repeated ordinances to have them, the fashion was rendered subservient, in their case, to awaken high and religious associations—to keep them in habitual remembrance of the divine commandments.

41. I am the Lord your God—The import of this solemn conclusion is, that though He was displeased with them for their frequent rebellions, for which they would be doomed to forty years' wanderings, He would not abandon them but continue His divine protection and care of them till they were brought into the land of promise.