Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 101 » Verse 7

Psalms 101:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 He that worketh H6213 deceit H7423 shall not dwell H3427 within H7130 my house: H1004 he that telleth H1696 lies H8267 shall not tarry H3559 in my sight. H5869

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 4:10-12 STRONG

When one told H5046 me, saying, H559 Behold, Saul H7586 is dead, H4191 thinking to have brought H5869 good tidings, H1319 I took hold H270 of him, and slew H2026 him in Ziklag, H6860 who thought that I would have given H5414 him a reward for his tidings: H1309 How much more, when wicked H7563 men H582 have slain H2026 a righteous H6662 person H376 in his own house H1004 upon his bed? H4904 shall I not therefore now require H1245 his blood H1818 of your hand, H3027 and take you away H1197 from the earth? H776 And David H1732 commanded H6680 his young men, H5288 and they slew H2026 them, and cut off H7112 their hands H3027 and their feet, H7272 and hanged them up H8518 over the pool H1295 in Hebron. H2275 But they took H3947 the head H7218 of Ishbosheth, H378 and buried H6912 it in the sepulchre H6913 of Abner H74 in Hebron. H2275

2 Kings 5:26-27 STRONG

And he said H559 unto him, Went H1980 not mine heart H3820 with thee, when the man H376 turned H2015 again from his chariot H4818 to meet H7125 thee? Is it a time H6256 to receive H3947 money, H3701 and to receive H3947 garments, H899 and oliveyards, H2132 and vineyards, H3754 and sheep, H6629 and oxen, H1241 and menservants, H5650 and maidservants? H8198 The leprosy H6883 therefore of Naaman H5283 shall cleave H1692 unto thee, and unto thy seed H2233 for ever. H5769 And he went out H3318 from his presence H6440 a leper H6879 as white as snow. H7950

Acts 1:16-20 STRONG

Men G435 and brethren, G80 this G5026 scripture G1124 must G1163 needs have been fulfilled, G4137 which G3739 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 by G1223 the mouth G4750 of David G1138 spake before G4277 concerning G4012 Judas, G2455 which G3588 was G1096 guide G3595 to them that took G4815 Jesus. G2424 For G3754 he was G2258 numbered G2674 with G4862 us, G2254 and G2532 had obtained G2975 part G2819 of this G5026 ministry. G1248 Now G3303 G3767 this man G3778 purchased G2932 a field G5564 with G1537 the reward G3408 of iniquity; G93 and G2532 falling G1096 headlong, G4248 he burst asunder G2997 in the midst, G3319 and G2532 all G3956 his G846 bowels G4698 gushed out. G1632 And G2532 it was G1096 known G1110 unto all G3956 the dwellers G2730 at Jerusalem; G2419 insomuch as G5620 that G1565 field G5564 is called G2564 in their G846 proper G2398 tongue, G1258 Aceldama, G184 that is to say, G5123 The field G5564 of blood. G129 For G1063 it is written G1125 in G1722 the book G976 of Psalms, G5568 Let G1096 his G846 habitation G1886 be G1096 desolate, G2048 and G2532 let G2077 no man G3361 dwell G2730 therein: G1722 G846 and G2532 his G846 bishoprick G1984 let G2983 another G2087 take. G2983

Acts 5:1-10 STRONG

But G1161 a certain G5100 man G435 named G3686 Ananias, G367 with G4862 Sapphira G4551 his G846 wife, G1135 sold G4453 a possession, G2933 And G2532 kept back G3557 part of G575 the price, G5092 his G846 wife G1135 also G2532 being privy G4894 to it, and G2532 brought G5342 a certain G5100 part, G3313 and laid G5087 it at G3844 the apostles' G652 feet. G4228 But G1161 Peter G4074 said, G2036 Ananias, G367 why G1302 hath Satan G4567 filled G4137 thine G4675 heart G2588 G4571 to lie G5574 to the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 and G2532 to keep back G3557 part of G575 the price G5092 of the land? G5564 Whiles it remained, G3306 was it not G3780 thine own? G4671 G3306 and G2532 after it was sold, G4097 was it not G5225 in G1722 thine own G4674 power? G1849 why G5101 G3754 hast thou conceived G5087 this G5124 thing G4229 in G1722 thine G4675 heart? G2588 thou hast G5574 not G3756 lied G5574 unto men, G444 but G235 unto God. G2316 And G1161 Ananias G367 hearing G191 these G5128 words G3056 fell down, G4098 and gave up the ghost: G1634 and G2532 great G3173 fear G5401 came G1096 on G1909 all G3956 them that heard G191 these things. G5023 And G1161 the young men G3501 arose, G450 wound G4958 him G846 up, G4958 and G2532 carried him out, G1627 and buried G2290 him. And G1161 it was G1096 about G5613 the space G1292 of three G5140 hours G5610 after, G1292 when G2532 his G846 wife, G1135 not G3361 knowing G1492 what was done, G1096 came in. G1525 And G1161 Peter G4074 answered G611 unto her, G846 Tell G2036 me G3427 whether G1487 ye sold G591 the land G5564 for so much? G5118 And G1161 she said, G2036 Yea, G3483 for so much. G5118 Then G1161 Peter G4074 said G2036 unto G4314 her, G846 How G5101 is it that G3754 ye G5213 have agreed together G4856 to tempt G3985 the Spirit G4151 of the Lord? G2962 behold, G2400 the feet G4228 of them which have buried G2290 thy G4675 husband G435 are at G1909 the door, G2374 and G2532 shall carry G1627 thee G4571 out. G1627 Then G1161 fell she down G4098 straightway G3916 at G3844 his G846 feet, G4228 and G2532 yielded up the ghost: G1634 and G1161 the young men G3495 came in, G1525 and found G2147 her G846 dead, G3498 and, G2532 carrying her forth, G1627 buried G2290 her by G4314 her G846 husband. G435

Commentary on Psalms 101 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



A Psalm of David. The title of this psalm, in the Syriac version, is,

"for Asaph, an exhortation of David, concerning those things which are required in the ministry of the house of the Lord; and a prophecy of the praise of the conqueror, and of the perfect man in God.'

Theodoret thinks it was written by David concerning good Josiah, whom he foresaw, by a spirit of prophecy, would rise up a great reformer of the people, and whom he proposes as a pattern of perfection to others; but it was, no doubt, written by him of himself; very likely, after he was delivered out of his troubles by the death of Saul, and was come to the kingdom, since he resolves to "sing of mercy and judgment": though by the interrogation, "when wilt thou come unto me?" it looks as if he had not arrived to the height of his honour: wherefore, perhaps, this psalm was penned between his being made king over Judah, and his being made king over all the tribes; but, be it as it may, the design of it is to show his resolutions, how he would behave as a king in his court, and as a master in his family; so that it is very instructive to kings and civil magistrates, and to parents and masters of families: and as David was a type of Christ, he seems, throughout the whole, to represent him; and, indeed, there are some things in it which agree with none so well as with him; such as behaving wisely, in a perfect way, and walking in his house with a perfect heart; not suffering any evil thing to cleave unto him, and knowing none, and the like.

Verse 1

I will sing of mercy and judgment,.... Either of mercy and justice, exercised by him towards his people, which he resolved to do, and did, 2 Samuel 8:15 which are two very principal points in government, are the glory of a reign, the support of the throne, and the happiness of a people, Proverbs 20:28, or rather of the mercy of God to himself, in delivering him from his enemies, and raising him to the throne; and of the judgment of God in maintaining his cause, and avenging him on those that hated him: every good man has reason to sing of the "mercy" of God; not only of his providential mercy, but of his special mercy, prepared in council and covenant for him, displayed in regeneration, in the pardon of sin, and in his everlasting salvation: or of "grace" and goodness, as the wordF6חסד "gratiam", Gejerus, Michaelis. signifies; of the grace and goodness of God laid up in Christ, shown forth through him, and to which the whole of salvation is owing; singing of this shows a sense of it, thankfulness for it, and a cheerful disposition of soul, in a view of interest in it: and he may also sing of "judgment": of righteous punishment inflicted upon his enemies, and the enemies of God, and Christ, and true religion; not as taking delight in the misery of fellow creatures, but as rejoicing in the glory of divine justice displayed therein, and in a deliverance from them; as Israel did at the Red sea; and as the church will, when Babylon is destroyed: moreover, a good man may sing of mercy and judgment together, with respect to himself; there being, in the course of his life, a mixture of prosperity and adversity, of merciful and afflictive dispensations, which work together for his good; and he has reason to be thankful for the one as for the other, as Job was, Job 1:21, so the Targum,

"if thou renderest mercy to me; if thou exercisest judgment on me; for all I will praise thee:'

judgment sometimes signifies chastisement, Jeremiah 10:24, it may be understood of Christ, who sung of the mercy of God, as shown in the mission of him into the world to save men, and which was glorified in their redemption by him; and of the justice of God exercised on him, as their surety, on whom judgment came unto condemnation for their sins; and when the sword of justice was awaked against him, the hand of mercy was turned on the little ones, Zechariah 13:7,

unto thee, O Lord, will I sing; on the above subjects.

Verse 2

I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way, So David did before he came to the throne, which made Saul fear him, and the people love him, 1 Samuel 18:14 and so he resolved to do, and did afterwards; and thus it becomes all good men, in every station of life, to do: and then do they behave wisely, when they walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time; when they make the perfect law of liberty, the word of God, the rule of their faith; take Christ for their pattern and example, and the Spirit for their guide; when they walk as becomes the Gospel of Christ; seek the glory of God, and the good of others; behave inoffensively to all, and live as pilgrims and strangers here; attending closely to their duty, walking in all the commandments of the Lord blameless: and yet it is certain that no man lives without sin, or does or can behave himself wisely in so "perfect a way" and manner as to have no fault in him; wherefore this seems most applicable to Christ, who, as it was prophesied he should, so he did "deal prudently", or behave wisely, Isaiah 52:13, where the same word is used as here; and this is true of Christ throughout the whole of his life; in his infancy, when but twelve years of age; in his public ministry, in his conduct towards all men; in his answers to the ensnaring questions of his enemies; in his behaviour at his apprehension, arraignment, condemnation and crucifixion; and this to perfection, so as that the least fault could not be found in him:

O when wilt thou come unto me? and perform thy promise in bringing me to rule over all the tribes of Israel: or it may be read without an interrogation, "when thou wilt come unto me"F7So V. L. Musculus, Cocceius, Gejerus, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Tigurine version. ; that is, when thou wilt grant me thy gracious presence, and divine assistance, then I will behave myself wisely, in a perfect way; or "in the way of perfect"F8בדרך תמים "in via integri"; so some in Michaelis. and upright men, and will walk with them, and do as they do; without the grace of God, and strength of Christ, and the assistance of the Spirit, nothing is to be done that is wise and good: if it is applied to Christ, it respects the time of his sufferings and death, when he was without the divine Presence and help:

I will walk within my house with a perfect heart; or "in the integrity of my heart"F9ב־תאם לבבי "in integritate cordis mei", Tigurine version, Piscator, Cocceius, Gejerus. ; in a sincere and upright manner, ruling my own house well, and setting a good example to all in the family; and so should all good men do, performing all duties of religion in the family; be a pattern of good works, bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and neglect nothing that may contribute to their real good and the glory of God: the house of Christ is his church and people: here he walks and manifests himself, giving proofs of his sincere love and affection to them: the Targum paraphrases it,

"the house of my doctrine;'

such is the church of Christ, Isaiah 2:3.

Verse 3

I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes, Either the eyes of the body, which are the inlets of lust and are easily caught with objects that inflame the heart, and should be turned aside from beholding vanity; or the eyes of the mind; so the Targum,

"I will not propose to my heart;'

or, as Kimchi,

"in my thought',

that is, I will not set up an evil thing in my imagination, to dwell upon in my thoughts, and take delight and pleasure in meditating upon it; or set it before me, to imitate as a pattern, to work by, and copy after: Christ did not so; he set the Lord always before him, Psalm 16:8, not anything of BelialF11דבר בליעל "verbum Belijahal", Montanus; so Cocceius, Gejerus, Ainsworth. or Satan, as the phrase here may be rendered; no, he always bid Satan, or anything of his, be gone, and get behind him, Matthew 4:10.

I hate the work of them that turn aside; from God, and from his law; from the paths of religion, truth, and virtue; and from the Gospel, and a profession of it; such are not fit for the kingdom of God, and in these God and Christ have no pleasure, Hebrews 10:38,

it shall not cleave to me; neither the wicked thing, or thing of Belial, nor the work of apostasy; that is, he would have no familiarity nor fellowship with it; not come near it, nor connive at it, but hate and abhor it: the Jews said, an evil disease, or a thing of Belial, "cleaveth fast unto him", Psalm 41:8, but they were mistaken.

Verse 4

A froward heart shall depart from me,.... A man of a froward heart, that devises frowardness in his heart, and speaks it out with his mouth; that which is perverse, and contrary to the law of God and Gospel of Christ, to the light of nature and the word of God; contrary to the sentiments of all good men, and repugnant to truth and good manners: such sort of persons are disagreeable companions, and good men would not choose to have anything to do with them; they are hateful to Christ, and shall be bid to depart from him; see Proverbs 8:13.

I will not know a wicked person: so as to be familiar with him, or show him any respect; have any affection for him, or take any notice of him; such Christ will not know at the great day, Matthew 7:23, or "I will not know wickedness"F12רע "malum hominem sive opus", Gejerus, Michaelis. , or any wicked work and action, approve of it, love it, delight in it, and do it: the Targum interprets it of the evil concupiscence, corruption of nature, or indwelling sin, which is hated by the believer, Romans 7:15 and is utterly unknown to Christ; he was not conscious of it; he knew no sin, 2 Corinthians 5:21 original or actual; he had no sin in him, nor was any done by him, or, it may be, mention is made of the morning, because that was the usual time of hearing and judging causes, Jeremiah 21:12, or this may have respect to the spiritual reign of Christ, whose coming will be as the morning; when the Heathens shall perish out of his land, when sinners shall be consumed out of the earth, and the wicked shall be no more, and he will destroy them that destroy the earth, Psalm 10:16. The Targum agrees with this,

"in the world to come, which is like to the light of the morning, I will destroy all the wicked of the earth:'

that I may cut off all wicked doers from the city of the Lord; from the city of Jerusalem, as the Targum and Kimchi interpret it; and it may be understood of the church of God, in the spiritual reign of Christ, into which shall enter no more the uncircumcised and the unclean; and all that offend and do iniquity shall be gathered out of it, Isaiah 52:1 or of the New Jerusalem church state, in the personal reign of Christ, into which no wicked doers will be admitted, but will remain for ever without, Revelation 21:27.

Verse 5

Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off,.... That raises and spreads a false report of him; that insinuates evil things of him; that brings false charges and accusations against him, in a private manner, when he has no opportunity to defend himself: such an one David threatens to cut off from his presence, as Kimchi interprets it; from all communion and conversation with him; and yet he listened to the slanders of Ziba against Mephibosheth: but Christ, who knows the hearts and the secret actions of men, will reject and cut off all persons of such a character: the Targum is,

"he that speaketh with a triple tongue against his neighbour, him will I destroy, and he shall be smitten with the leprosy:'

a slandering tongue is called a triple tongue with the JewsF13T. Bab. Erahin, fol. 15. 2. Vide Targum Jon. in Deut. 27. 4. , because, as they say, it kills three persons; him that carries the slander, him that receives it, and him of whom it is related; see the Apocrypha:

"Whoso hearkeneth unto it shall never find rest, and never dwell quietly.' (Sirach 28:16)

him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I suffer; or, "I cannot"F14לא אוכל "non potero", Pagninus, Montanus, Gejerus; "ferre", Musculus, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Cocceius, Michaelis. ; that is, cannot bear him in my presence and company; cannot look upon him with any pleasure and delight: the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and the Oriental versions, render it, "with him I will not eat": have no familiarity or acquaintance with him; see 1 Corinthians 5:11, such who looked above others, and with contempt upon them, whose hearts were large, as the wordF15רחב לבב "vastum corde", Montanus; "latum corde", Vatablus, Cocceius, Gejerus, Michaelis. signifies, were ambitious and insatiable, and never had enough of riches and honour; such were very contrary to David's character, and could never be agreeable to him, Psalm 121:1, as the proud and haughty Pharisees were not to Christ, Luke 18:9, and the man of sin that exalts himself above all that is called God, that little horn, whose look is more stout than his fellows, 2 Thessalonians 2:4.

Verse 6

Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land,.... To look them out, bring them to court, and promote them to places of honour and trust; such an one was David himself, and such there were in the land of Israel, though but few, and of which he complains, Psalm 12:1. Christ's eyes are upon faithful persons, on faithful ministers of the word, who preach the Gospel faithfully, administer the ordinances truly, are faithful to the souls of men in watching over them, reproving and exhorting them; his eyes are upon them to keep and preserve them, and to honour and reward them with a crown of life that fadeth not away; and his eyes are also on faithful members of churches, such who truly believe in him, who hold fast the faithful word, and keep close to his worship and ordinances; his eyes are upon them, to show favour to them, to bestow blessings upon them, and to protect and defend them, and preserve them from perishing:

that they may dwell with me; or, "sit with me"F16לשבת "ad sedendum", Montanus; "ut sedeant", V. L. Gejerus. ; at his table, or at the council board, or in judgment, and assist him in the affairs of government: so such as are faithful shall dwell with Christ both here and hereafter; they dwell in him and with him by faith, and have communion with him; they dwell in his house below, and shall dwell with him above for evermore:

he that walketh in a perfect way; in God's way, in the way he has prescribed and directed, to what is perfect; in a way agreeable to his word, in all his commandments and ordinances, in Christ, the way, the truth, and the life:

and in the way of perfect menF17בדרך תמים "in via integra vel integri", Michaelis. , as it may be rendered; in the way that such walk; and though he does not walk perfectly, or without sin, yet sincerely and uprightly:

he shall serve me; be taken into my service, be employed by me, as a prime minister, a counsellor, a secretary of state, or in other lesser places under David. But, as it refers to Christ, it signifies that such an one shall be a servant of his, which is no small honour; for, where he is, there shall his servant be, John 12:26. The Targum is,

"he shall stand with my servants;'

in his house here, and at his right hand hereafter.

Verse 7

He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house,.... Flatterers, sycophants, tricking and fraudulent persons, who seek to supplant others, and get into their places; these should lose the favour they had, when detected. So hypocritical persons, that have only a form of godliness, a mask of religion, and false teachers that lie in wait to deceive; and antichrist, whose coming was with all deceivableness of unrighteousness; who has seduced men by his miracles, doctrines, and sorceries; these shall have no place, neither in Christ's house below nor above. The Targum is,

"he that works deceit shall not dwell in the midst of the house of my sanctuary:'

he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight; or, "he shall not be established" before mine eyesF18לא נכון "nequaquam firmabitur", Pagninus, Montanus; "non stabilietur", Vatablus, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Cocceius, Gejerus, Michaelis. ; he shall not continue in his post and place, in his office and station; he shall soon be dismissed from it; lying is very abominable to God, very prejudicial to men, and hated by Christ, who is truth itself. All sorts of lies, and liars are so, religious and doctrinal ones; such who speak lies in hypocrisy, as the emissaries of Rome; all that make an abomination, or a lie, will have no place with Christ in the New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:27.

Verse 8

I will early destroy all the wicked of the land, Of the land of Israel, signifying that he would make a general reformation throughout the kingdom; that as soon as wicked men were discovered in any part of the land, he would cut them off, would take the first opportunity of punishing them as the law directs: or he would do it "in morning"F19לבקרים "in matutinis", Montanus, Vatablus, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Cocceius; so Ainsworth. , as in the Hebrew text; that is, every morning, constantly and continually;