Worthy.Bible » YLT » Psalms » Chapter 108 » Verse 12

Psalms 108:12 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

12 Give to us help from adversity, And vain is the salvation of man.

Cross Reference

Psalms 20:1-9 YLT

To the Overseer. -- A Psalm of David. Jehovah doth answer thee, In a day of adversity, The name of the God of Jacob doth set thee on high, He doth send thy help from the sanctuary, And from Zion doth support thee, He doth remember all thy presents, And thy burnt-offering doth reduce to ashes. Selah. He doth give to thee according to thy heart, And all thy counsel doth fulfil. We sing of thy salvation, And in the name of our God set up a banner. Jehovah doth fulfil all thy requests. Now I have known That Jehovah hath saved His anointed, He answereth him from His holy heavens, With the saving might of His right hand. Some of chariots, and some of horses, And we of the name of Jehovah our God Make mention. They -- they have bowed and have fallen, And we have risen and station ourselves upright. O Jehovah, save the king, He doth answer us in the day we call!

Isaiah 2:22 YLT

Cease for you from man, Whose breath `is' in his nostrils, For -- in what is he esteemed?

Isaiah 30:3-5 YLT

And the strength of Pharaoh Hath been to you for shame, And the trust in the shadow of Egypt confusion, For in Zoan were his princes, And his messengers reach Hanes. All he made ashamed of a people that profit not, Neither for help, not for profit, But for shame, and also for reproach!

Isaiah 31:3 YLT

And the Egyptians `are men', and not God, And their horses `are' flesh, and not spirit, And Jehovah stretcheth out His hand, And stumbled hath the helper, And fallen hath the helped one, And together all of them are consumed.

Jeremiah 17:5-8 YLT

Thus said Jehovah: Cursed `is' the man who doth trust in man, And hath made flesh his arm, And from Jehovah whose heart turneth. And he hath been as a naked thing in a desert, And doth not see when good cometh, And hath inhabited parched places in a wilderness, A salt land, and not inhabited. Blessed `is' the man who trusteth in Jehovah, And whose confidence hath been Jehovah. And hath been as a tree planted by waters, And by a rivulet he sendeth forth his roots, And he doth not see when heat cometh, And his leaf hath been green, And in a year of dearth he is not sorrowful, Nor doth he cease from making fruit.

Lamentations 4:17 YLT

While we exist -- consumed are our eyes for our vain help, In our watch-tower we have watched for a nation `that' saveth not.

Job 9:13 YLT

God doth not turn back His anger, Under Him bowed have proud helpers.

Job 16:2 YLT

I have heard many such things, Miserable comforters `are' ye all.

Psalms 146:3-5 YLT

Trust not in princes -- in a son of man, For he hath no deliverance. His spirit goeth forth, he returneth to his earth, In that day have his thoughts perished. O the happiness of him Who hath the God of Jacob for his help, His hope `is' on Jehovah his God,

Commentary on Psalms 108 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 108:1-13. This Psalm is composed of Ps 108:1-5 of Ps 57:7-11; and Ps 108:6-12 of Ps 60:5-12. The varieties are verbal and trivial, except that in Ps 108:9, "over Philistia will I triumph," differs from Ps 60:8, the interpretation of which it confirms. Its altogether triumphant tone may intimate that it was prepared by David, omitting the plaintive portions of the other Psalms, as commemorative of God's favor in the victories of His people.