Luke 8:5 - A sower went out G1831 to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.
Luke 8:27 - And when he went forth G1831 to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs.
Luke 8:29 - (For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come G1831 out of the man. For oftentimes it had caught him: and he was kept bound with chains and in fetters; and he brake the bands, and was driven of the devil into the wilderness.)
Luke 8:33 - Then went G1831 the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked.
Luke 8:35 - Then they went out G1831 to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, G1831 sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.
Luke 8:38 - Now the man out of whom the devils were departed G1831 besought him that he might be with him: but Jesus sent him away, saying,
Luke 8:46 - And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone G1831 out of me.
Luke 9:4 - And whatsoever house ye enter into, there abide, and thence depart. G1831
Luke 9:5 - And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go G1831 out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.
Luke 9:6 - And they departed, G1831 and went through the towns, preaching the gospel, and healing every where.
Luke 10:10 - But into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you not, go your ways out G1831 into the streets of the same, and say,
Luke 10:35 - And on the morrow when he departed, G1831 he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
Luke 11:14 - And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, G1831 the dumb spake; and the people wondered.
Luke 11:24 - When the unclean spirit is gone G1831 out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out. G1831
Luke 12:59 - I tell thee, thou shalt G1831 not depart G1831 thence, till thou hast paid the very last mite.
Luke 13:31 - The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, G1831 and depart hence: for Herod will kill thee.
Luke 14:18 - And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go G1831 and see it: I pray thee have me excused.
Luke 14:21 - So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out G1831 quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.
Luke 14:23 - And the lord said unto the servant, Go out G1831 into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
Luke 15:28 - And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came G1831 his father out, G1831 and intreated him.
Luke 17:29 - But the same day that Lot went G1831 out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
Luke 21:37 - And in the day time he was teaching in the temple; and at night he went out, G1831 and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives.
Luke 22:39 - And he came out, G1831 and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his disciples also followed him.
Luke 22:52 - Then Jesus said unto the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders, which were come to him, Be ye come out, G1831 as against a thief, with swords and staves?
Luke 22:62 - And Peter went G1831 out, and wept bitterly.
John 1:43 - The day following Jesus would go forth G1831 into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me.
John 4:30 - Then they went G1831 out of the city, and came unto him.
John 8:9 - And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out G1831 one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
John 8:42 - Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth G1831 and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
John 8:59 - Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went G1831 out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.
John 10:9 - I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, G1831 and find pasture.
John 10:39 - Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped G1831 out of their hand,
John 11:31 - The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out, G1831 followed her, saying, She goeth unto the grave to weep there.
John 11:44 - And he that was dead came forth, G1831 bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.
John 12:13 - Took branches of palm trees, and went forth G1831 to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.
John 13:3 - Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come G1831 from God, and went to God;
John 13:30 - He then having received the sop went G1831 immediately out: G1831 and it was night.
John 13:31 - Therefore, when he was gone out, G1831 Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him.
John 16:27 - For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out G1831 from God.
John 16:28 - I came forth G1831 from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.
John 16:30 - Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth G1831 from God.
John 17:8 - For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out G1831 from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.
John 18:1 - When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth G1831 with his disciples over the brook Cedron, where was a garden, into the which he entered, and his disciples.
John 18:4 - Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, G1831 and said unto them, Whom seek ye?
John 18:16 - But Peter stood at the door without. Then went out G1831 that other disciple, which was known unto the high priest, and spake unto her that kept the door, and brought in Peter.
John 18:29 - Pilate then went out G1831 unto them, and said, What accusation bring ye against this man?
John 18:38 - Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out G1831 again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.
John 19:4 - Pilate therefore went G1831 forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him.
John 19:5 - Then came G1831 Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man!
John 19:17 - And he bearing his cross went forth G1831 into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: