Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 8 » Verse 8

Numbers 8:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 Then let them take H3947 a young H1121 H1241 bullock H6499 with his meat offering, H4503 even fine flour H5560 mingled H1101 with oil, H8081 and another H8145 young H1121 H1241 bullock H6499 shalt thou take H3947 for a sin offering. H2403

Cross Reference

Leviticus 2:1 STRONG

And when any H5315 will offer H7126 a meat H4503 offering H7133 unto the LORD, H3068 his offering H7133 shall be of fine flour; H5560 and he shall pour H3332 oil H8081 upon it, and put H5414 frankincense H3828 thereon:

Exodus 29:1 STRONG

And this is the thing H1697 that thou shalt do H6213 unto them to hallow H6942 them, to minister unto me in the priest's office: H3547 Take H3947 one H259 young H1121 H1241 bullock, H6499 and two H8147 rams H352 without blemish, H8549

Exodus 29:3 STRONG

And thou shalt put H5414 them into one H259 basket, H5536 and bring H7126 them in the basket, H5536 with the bullock H6499 and the two H8147 rams. H352

Leviticus 1:3 STRONG

If his offering H7133 be a burnt sacrifice H5930 of the herd, H1241 let him offer H7126 a male H2145 without blemish: H8549 he shall offer H7126 it of his own voluntary will H7522 at the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 before H6440 the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 4:3 STRONG

If the priest H3548 that is anointed H4899 do sin H2398 according to the sin H819 of the people; H5971 then let him bring H7126 for his sin, H2403 which he hath sinned, H2398 a young H1241 H1121 bullock H6499 without blemish H8549 unto the LORD H3068 for a sin offering. H2403

Leviticus 4:14 STRONG

When the sin, H2403 which they have sinned H2398 against it, is known, H3045 then the congregation H6951 shall offer H7126 a young H1241 H1121 bullock H6499 for the sin, H2403 and bring H935 him before H6440 the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150

Leviticus 8:2 STRONG

Take H3947 Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 with him, and the garments, H899 and the anointing H4888 oil, H8081 and a bullock H6499 for the sin offering, H2403 and two H8147 rams, H352 and a basket H5536 of unleavened bread; H4682

Leviticus 16:3 STRONG

Thus H2063 shall Aaron H175 come H935 into the holy H6944 place: with a young H1121 H1241 bullock H6499 for a sin offering, H2403 and a ram H352 for a burnt offering. H5930

Numbers 15:8-10 STRONG

And when thou preparest H6213 a bullock H1121 H1241 for a burnt offering, H5930 or for a sacrifice H2077 in performing H6381 a vow, H5088 or peace offerings H8002 unto the LORD: H3068 Then shall he bring H7126 with a bullock H1241 H1121 a meat offering H4503 of three H7969 tenth deals H6241 of flour H5560 mingled H1101 with half H2677 an hin H1969 of oil. H8081 And thou shalt bring H7126 for a drink offering H5262 half H2677 an hin H1969 of wine, H3196 for an offering made by fire, H801 of a sweet H5207 savour H7381 unto the LORD. H3068

Isaiah 53:10 STRONG

Yet it pleased H2654 the LORD H3068 to bruise H1792 him; he hath put him to grief: H2470 when thou shalt make H7760 his soul H5315 an offering for sin, H817 he shall see H7200 his seed, H2233 he shall prolong H748 his days, H3117 and the pleasure H2656 of the LORD H3068 shall prosper H6743 in his hand. H3027

Romans 8:3 STRONG

For G1063 what the law G3551 could not do, G102 in G1722 that G3739 it was weak G770 through G1223 the flesh, G4561 God G2316 sending G3992 his own G1438 Son G5207 in G1722 the likeness G3667 of sinful G266 flesh, G4561 and G2532 for G4012 sin, G266 condemned G2632 sin G266 in G1722 the flesh: G4561

2 Corinthians 5:21 STRONG

For G1063 he hath made G4160 him to be sin G266 for G5228 us, G2257 who G3588 knew G1097 no G3361 sin; G266 that G2443 we G2249 might be made G1096 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 in G1722 him. G846

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Numbers 8

Commentary on Numbers 8 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-4

Consecration of the Levites. - The command of God to consecrate the Levites for their service, is introduced in Numbers 8:1-4 by directions issued to Aaron with regard to the lighting of the candlestick in the dwelling of the tabernacle. Aaron was to place the seven lamps upon the candlestick in such a manner that they would shine פּניו אל־מוּל . These directions are not a mere repetition, but also a more precise definition, of the general instructions given in Exodus 25:37, when the candlestick was made, to place the seven lamps upon the candlestick in such a manner that each should give light over against its front, i.e., should throw its light upon the side opposite to the front of the candlestick. In itself, therefore, there is nothing at all striking in the renewal and explanation of those directions, which committed the task of lighting the lamps to Aaron; for this had not been done before, as Exodus 27:21 merely assigns the daily preparation of the candlestick to Aaron and his sons; and their being placed in the connection in which we find them may be explained from the signification of the seven lamps in relation to the dwelling of God, viz., as indicating that Israel was thereby to be represented perpetually before the Lord as a people causing its light to shine in the darkness of this world. And when Aaron is commanded to attend to the lighting of the candlestick, so that it may light up the dwelling, in these special instructions the entire fulfilment of his service in the dwelling is enforced upon him as a duty. In this respect the instructions themselves, coupled with the statement of the fact that Aaron had fulfilled them, stand quite appropriately between the account of what the tribe-princes had done for the consecration of the altar service as representatives of the congregation, and the account of the solemn inauguration of the Levites in their service in the sanctuary. The repetition on this occasion (Exodus 27:4) of an allusion to the artistic character of the candlestick, which had been made according to the pattern seen by Moses in the mount (Exodus 25:31.), is quite in keeping with the antiquated style of narrative adopted in these books.

Verses 5-7

Consecration of the Levites for their service in the sanctuary. - The choice of the Levites for service in the sanctuary, in the place of the first-born of the people generally, has been already noticed in Numbers 3:5., and the duties binding upon them in Numbers 4:4. But before entering upon their duties they were to be consecrated to the work, and then formally handed over to the priests. This consecration is commanded in Numbers 8:7., and is not called קדּשׁ , like the consecration of the priests (Exodus 29:1; Leviticus 8:11), but טהר to cleanse . It consisted in sprinkling them with sin-water, shaving off the whole of the hair from their bodies, and washing their clothes, accompanied by a sacrificial ceremony, by which they were presented symbolically to the Lord as a sacrifice for His service. The first part of this ceremony had reference to outward purification, and represented cleansing from the defilement of sin; hence the performance of it is called התחטּא (to cleanse from sin) in Numbers 8:21. “ Sprinkle sin-water upon them .” The words are addressed to Moses, who had to officiate at the inauguration of the Levites, as he had already done at that of the priests. “ Water of sin ” is water having reference to sin, designed to remove it, just as the sacrifice offered for the expiation of sin is called חטּאת (sin) in Leviticus 4:14, etc.; whilst the “water of uncleanness” in Numbers 19:9, Numbers 19:13, signifies water by which uncleanness was removed or wiped away. The nature of this purifying water is not explained, and cannot be determined with any certainty. We find directions for preparing sprinkling water in a peculiar manner, for the purpose of cleansing persons who were cured of leprosy, in Leviticus 14:5., 50ff.; and also for cleansing both persons and houses that had been defiled by a corpse, in Numbers 19:9. Neither of these, however, was applicable to the cleansing of the Levites, as they were both of them composed of significant ingredients, which stood in the closest relation to the special cleansing to be effected by them, and had evidently no adaptation to the purification of the Levites. At the same time, the expression “sin-water” precludes our understanding it to mean simply clean water. So that nothing remains but to regard it as referring to the water in the laver of the sanctuary, which was provided for the purpose of cleansing the priests for the performance of their duties ( Exodus 30:18.), and might therefore be regarded by virtue of this as cleansing from sin, and be called “sin-water” in consequence. “ And they shall cause the razor to pass over their whole body, ” i.e., shave off all the hair upon their body, “ and wash their clothes, and so cleanse themselves .” תּער העביר is to be distinguished from גּלּח . The latter signifies to make balk or shave the hair entirely off, which was required of the leper when he was cleansed (Leviticus 14:8-9); the former signifies merely cutting the hair, which was part of the regular mode of adorning the body. The Levites also were not required to bathe their bodies, as lepers were (Leviticus 13:8-9), and also the priests at their consecration (Leviticus 8:6), because they were not affected with any special uncleanness, and their duties did not require them to touch the most holy instruments of worship. The washing of the clothes, on the other hand, was a thing generally required as a preparation for acts of worship ( Genesis 35:2; Exodus 19:10), and was omitted in the case of the consecration of the priests, simply because they received a holy official dress. הטּהרוּ for הטּהרוּ , as in 2 Chronicles 30:18.

Verse 8

After this purification the Levites were to bring two young bullocks, one with the corresponding meat-offering for a burnt-sacrifice, the other for a sin-offering.

Verse 9

Moses was then to cause them to draw near before the tabernacle, i.e., to enter the court, and to gather together the whole congregation of Israel, viz., in the persons of their heads and representatives.

Verse 10

After this the Levites were to come before Jehovah, i.e., in front of the altar; and the children of Israel, i.e., the tribe-princes in the name of the Israelites, were to lay their hands upon them, not merely “as a sign that they released them from the possession of the nation, and assigned them and handed them over to Jehovah” ( Knobel ), but in order that by this symbolical act they might transfer to the Levites the obligation resting upon the whole nation to serve the Lord in the persons of its first-born sons, and might present them to the Lord as representatives of the first-born of Israel, to serve Him as living sacrifices.

Verse 11

This transfer was to be completed by Aaron's waving the Levites as a wave-offering before Jehovah on behalf of the children of Israel, i.e., by his offering them symbolically to the Lord as a sacrifice presented on the part of the Israelites. The ceremony of waving consisted no doubt in his conducting the Levites solemnly up to the altar, and then back again. On the signification of the verb, see at Leviticus 7:30. The design of the waving is given in Numbers 8:11, viz., “ that they might be to perform the service of Jehovah ” (Numbers 8:24-26 compared with Num 4:4-33).

Verses 12-19

The Levites were then to close this transfer of themselves to the Lord with a sin-offering and burnt-offering, in which they laid their hands upon the sacrificial animals. By this imposition of hands they made the sacrificial animals their representatives, in which they presented their own bodies to the Lord as a living sacrifice well-pleasing to Him. The signification of the dedication of the Levites, as here enjoined, is still further explained in Numbers 8:13-19. The meaning of Numbers 8:13. is this: According to the command already given (in Numbers 8:6-12), thou shalt place the Levites before Aaron and his sons, and wave them as a wave-offering before the Lord, and so separate them from the midst of the children of Israel, that they may be Mine. They shall then come to serve the tabernacle. So shalt thou cleanse them and wave them. The same reason is assigned for this in Numbers 8:16, Numbers 8:17, as in Numbers 3:11-13 ( כּל בּכור for כּל־בּכור , cf. Numbers 3:13); and in Numbers 8:18 and Numbers 8:19, what was commanded in Numbers 3:6-9 is described as having been carried out. On Numbers 8:19 see Numbers 1:53.

Verses 20-22

Numbers 8:20-22 contain an account of the execution of the divine command.

Verses 23-26

The Levitical period of service is fixed here at twenty-five years of age and upwards to the fiftieth year. “ This is what concerns the Levites, ” i.e., what follows applies to the Levites. “ From the age of twenty-five years shall he (the Levite) come to do service at the work of the tabernacle; and at fifty years of age shall he return from the service of the work, and not work any further, but only serve his brethren at the tabernacle in keeping charge, ” i.e., help them to look after the furniture of the tabernacle. “Charge” ( mishmereth ), as distinguished from “work,” signified the oversight of all the furniture of the tabernacle (see Numbers 3:8); “work” (service) applied to laborious service, e.g., the taking down and setting up of the tabernacle and cleaning it, carrying wood and water for the sacrificial worship, slaying the animals for the daily and festal sacrifices of the congregation, etc.

Numbers 8:26

“So shalt thou do to the Levites (i.e., proceed with them) in their services .” משׁמרת from משׁמרת , attendance upon an official post. Both the heading and final clause, by which this law relating to the Levites' period of service is bounded, and its position immediately after the induction of the Levites into their office, show unmistakeably that this law was binding for all time, and was intended to apply to the standing service of the Levites at the sanctuary; and consequently that it was not at variance with the instructions in ch. 4, to muster the Levites between thirty and fifty years of age, and organize them for the transport of the tabernacle on the journey through the wilderness (Num 4:3-49). The transport of the tabernacle required the strength of a full-grown man, and therefore the more advanced age of thirty years; whereas the duties connected with the tabernacle when standing were of a lighter description, and could easily be performed from the twenty-fifth year (see Hengstenberg's Dissertations , vol. ii. pp. 321ff.). At a later period, when the sanctuary was permanently established on Mount Zion, David employed the Levites from their twentieth year (1 Chronicles 23:24-25), and expressly stated that he did so because the Levites had no longer to carry the dwelling and its furniture; and this regulation continued in force from that time forward (cf. 2 Chronicles 31:17; Ezra 3:8). But if the supposed discrepancy between the verses before us and Numbers 4:3, Numbers 4:47, is removed by this distinction, which is gathered in the most simple manner from the context, there is no ground whatever for critics to deny that the regulation before us could have proceeded from the pen of the Elohist.